Anabaseios 6.4 Raid BLIND REACTION – "WE GOT DESTROYED!" – FFXIV Pandaemonium (P9 + P10)

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10 thoughts on “Anabaseios 6.4 Raid BLIND REACTION – "WE GOT DESTROYED!" – FFXIV Pandaemonium (P9 + P10)”

  1. Yo there guys! So having trouble with the channel uploads being demonetized from Youtube at the moment so unfortunately the views for content and more-so FFXIV will be on the low side. I'm mentioning this because I want people to know that it's not going to stop us releasing our planned 6.4 content whether it is able to be monetized or not! As a little added help from you all, sharing the videos with your friends and those you feel will like the content would be greatly appreciated 🤠


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