Check yourself before you get REKT in raid. And check your major cooldowns. And check your minor cooldowns. And check your job gauges… OH SCREW IT JUST CHECK EVERYTHING!

Third party addons not necessary here!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 My User Interface
0:31 I don’t use mods or addons
2:04 Step 1 – Component Location
4:17 Step 2 – Job Gauges
7:11 Other job examples
8:02 Step 4 – Other cooldowns

Yesterday I spoke about the summoner and why I love it and a lot of people took note of my user interface, bringing up how distinct it looked and how clean it represented information. Of course this goes across all of the jobs like my Scholar user interface, white mage, Ast, Bard and so on.

I actually don’t use any third party addons and for Endwalker a huge priority of mine was getting my user interface as clean and informative as possible. I had always noticed I had a problem with keeping track of information with as little eye movement as possible– often my eyes would dart way down below my character or far to the side.

Such as in this screenshot I’d ask where is the silence? And by this point I’m overly familiar with head graze icon so it’d be down here or there. Or previously I might have put it on a bar slightly below my character’s screen.

But beyond that, I didn’t have immediate information consistently present without major eye movements and the like access to the information I wanted at all moments in time. Hence the rework.

Now let’s go over the design of why I chose what I did.

So first up is the party frames are to the left of my screen so I wanted to base the component I made off of this fact. Especially since I’m taking healers through raid content I cannot afford to simply let my eyes float to the right of my screen to get basic information. But even for the summoner themselves it lets them figure out who to cast rekindle on quickly, main tanks and off tanks swap for sometimes extended periods of time. Lets you know if your HP is low so a barrier can be needed. And raiding, even when it’s on farm and especially if you party finder it may need you to pop an emergency virus cast to numb the incoming damage and save squishy DPS from inattentive healers. Obviously this same set of principles applies to all jobs like especially red mage keeping an eye on revives and tanks.

Point is, the less eye movements I need to do the better and this minimizes it across the incredible majority of jobs.

Next up is I keep the gauges as the central focus because that is such critical information that the thought of going without it is kinda wild.

I’m going to continue to focus on the summoner example from here but obviously for Scholar and Sage and so on these are very critical. For the summoner I have many pieces of information buried in the gauges such as is bahamut the next big 60 second cycle summon I bring out or is it phoenix?

Then from there I can see how many charges of ifrit, titan and garuda abilities I have left. This is extremely important because I don’t want to have to lower my eyes to check elsewhere. It’s all packaged into this component. Obviously bahamut duration is up there too.

Aetherflow gauge is much simpler, but no less important. Every 60 seconds I restock aetherflow and I need to ensure I get both casts of the high damage fester ability off under raid buffs and this I use to warn me hey you still have a cast to get off.

Step 3 is related completely to cooldowns and keeping track of them. We’ll start off basic in that I want to keep track of bahamut or phoenix summons at all time. These are important to use off cooldown even if you’re doing a spell speed build at around a 2.2 second global cooldown timer also known as GCD.

Letting these drift is really bad so what I have done here is I have a big bahamut icon to the right and left of the component. I enlarged it intentionally to ensure I can also have better information on how long until it’s back up since minor timings like 5 seconds until it’s up are more clear.

Now why I have it repeated to the left is frankly my eyes go further left often. What might seem like obvious redundant information is me fine tuning the component to my personal eyesight.

Another example here is on Sage I have enlarged phlegma ability since it has 2 charges and is just in my personal viewpoint such a powerful ability for not only damage so you want to land it in those 2 minute raid buff windows


14 thoughts on “Amazing FFXIV UI Setup! NO THIRD PARTY TOOLS!”

  1. I'm so mad I was like what the heck is this octopus boss from. Then I realized it's the new dungeon. Then I realized I've just been raiding and doing PVP to cap on tomes 😂😂 now I suddenly want to run the new dungeon again cause heck that's a beautiful boss.

  2. For me I don't like it because it covers too much of the ground lol. But I still appreciate you helping people out that prefer this 🙂 Also wanted to comment for the algorithm :3

  3. That was a fun video. I'll see about shifting around my ui a bit… I tend to. Keep most of the information in the center so I can keep avoiding aoes while doing other things. The CD bar is a good idea, I often miss CDs in the heat of battle

  4. how funny, last night i began by tweaking some of my keybinds on my razer tartarus in rewasd, and it ended with me messing w/ my in-game ui until 4a.m. 💀 then this video comes out!
    basically my same layout, which looked clean, but used a lot more hotbars (i had one big hotbar @140% lined up next to my mp just for limit break and tank invulns for instance).
    i found enabling the wxhb (for controller) was my perfect solution. never thought i needed it until i realized how much space i could save for cd tracking (and actually have a dedicated hb for countdowns, signs, etc.). i just use one side of the wxhb, and keep my lb and big cd’s on there 🙂 gives plenty of room to tweak to personal preference!

  5. I saw that one max size button you have in one of your previous videos and it inspired me to make a really helpful layout for Bard in PvP! Basically I put it to the top left of my hotbars, where my eyes naturally drift, and placed the PvE backwards jump skill there. The reason is because the max range you can use it is 15y, unlike the PvP variant which is 12y. Since powerful shot has the best potency at 15y or farther, I can clearly tell whether I’m getting the full potency from my current range by whether or not that giant PvE skill has a red outline or not, the red outline for “out of range” being a good thing in this case. I have an incredibly melee mindset and playstyle so the distance is difficult for me to judge accurately, and it helps to be able to glance at it to confirm whether I should be backing up if possible. I also have a giant focus target HUD element around that same area. I always focus target a healer or ninja on my team at the start of the match so I can see if they’re getting cc’d hard and can quickly give them paeon with the keybind I set to switch to focus target. Focus targeting an important ally is something I’ve been doing ever since I mained dancer in PvE, and it feels unnatural not to do it now haha.

  6. Amazing is subjective. You have dead icons. Some abilities take up space on your screen 2 or 3 times. And the lack of consistent spacing + overlapping UI elements is painful to me personally.

    Also I'm not sure it's useful having Summon Bahamut as a big icon. It's literally the button you press after the 3rd primal phase. The only situation I can think of looking at the cooldown of it is if the summoner died and their rotation has gone out the window.


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