All I Want for Christmas are Better Roulettes – The Mad Mentor #10

We’re back for more mentoring action in Final Fantasy XIV with a last minute Christmas upload that definitely wasn’t just delayed from Monday. So what horror await us as we approach the end of our first 100 mentor roulette runs? Let’s find out…

Mount Promo:


35 thoughts on “All I Want for Christmas are Better Roulettes – The Mad Mentor #10”

  1. 6:15 My philosophy is: every second you don't use that LB is a second the next one isn't charging. So as a caster main I'll LB on the first pull after it fills, meaning sometimes twice in a single dungeon. Bosses in 60+ content are usually long enough that you'll get an LB1 from an empty bar anyway.

  2. > I don't know if there's a speedrunning record of Gaius van Baelsar, but I'm feeling pretty optimistic about our time
    There is a speedrun record for Praetorium, and I'm the WR holder 🙂 That did look like a pretty quick Gaius, 43 energy when you kill the last phantom means that phase was only like 7 seconds behind the record. In the record we got Gaius down to 0.1% HP before the Phantoms even spawn, which causes him to drop dead instantly after doing his big attack lmao.

  3. Sir Spider, you mention auto-attacks at 50, but you're using Ruin 1 instead of Art of War. 😿
    "Riddle me this, Warrior of Rizz, for whom do you simp?"
    Edit: Okay, I was NOT ready for the Smile devastation… 💀

  4. I'm surprised how little Cider is getting DT trials/dungeon, I tend to get them like 60% of the time on EU. But then again we really have lack of tanks running those dungeon, so probably his luck playing Healer.

  5. I know I'm a few days late, but for Cutter's Cry you can actually run straight to the second boss immediately after the first boss. Just don't fight anything in between and go through the sand holes.

  6. I think I may have an OK way to solo XP as DPS from 60-70: Command Mission level 57: The Vault

    As Dancer assisting in combat with FC XP Bonus, pre-order Earring and food I can average about 440K XP per run at around 15-17 minutes per run (depends on how easily mobs group and if Curing Waltz and Shield Samba keep you alive) and with Well Rested bonus I’m over 500K exp per run, meaning you could max out around 1.8-2 million XP/hr with Dancer.

    I don’t know how that compares to any other leveling method but since it only costs seals and time it’s worth looking into.


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