Adventure Plate Gamble FFXIV 6.5 #ffxiv #ffxivendwalker #ff14 September 29, 2023 by Ohshizzle You know the saying in FFXIV, when in Balmung… #ffxivendwalker #finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #endwalker source
My confusion is that he's in an online strip club. Ofc the adventurer plates are gonna be risqué Reply
My brother in Hydaelyn that is the Balmung Quickysands and youre gambling on APs? 🤨 (This is a joke lol you do you) Reply
Def a 40 yr old man
can you send me the unedited video
Uhh game name?
Hello i would like to require the unedited video please 🧐
Where's the Femroes an male roes at?.
My confusion is that he's in an online strip club. Ofc the adventurer plates are gonna be risqué
😭what is blud doing on Balmung
My brother in Hydaelyn that is the Balmung Quickysands and youre gambling on APs? 🤨
(This is a joke lol you do you)