I could not have imagined this looking so good. Accolonn reacting to Final Fantasy 14 Online Ultimate weapons!
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Accolonn should get Nexus relic for black mage if you prefer "Black Mage" look.
my raid static is literally talking about going to the old ultimates just to do them for the satisfaction of clearing them, if its fun people will do them
Heavensward tops ARR. Shadowbringers tops Heavensward. Endwalker tops Shadowbringers. You haven't seen anything yet.
I loved ARR too.
Great, another dime a dozen youtuber simping over FFXIV. How about a few of you talk about the shitty 500 hour solo story that has you doing fetch quests and auto attacking bugs? I guess the cult fanbase is really a gold mine. Unsubbed, GL.
Im with you. Im in the Minority of players, as are you that likes ARR, but then I like politics in the story. Having said that, while I don't fawn and shout Heavensward's praises from the rooftops like most of the player base, it is a fantastic story as well
Accolonn: Heavensward needs to do a lot to top ARR
Yoshi-P: I got u bro
So just to give some context to the Ultimate fights: they have the highest difficulty and they are remixes, remakes of old fights. The Unending Coil of Bahamut is a remake of the Coil raids and it came out in Stormblood so it is lvl 70 content.
And about your opinion on ARR: if you enjoyed ARR then you will be floored as I was back then. I really enjoyed ARR when I started the game but this game is seriously just gets better every time.
Man I’m with you on ARR, as a classic MMO player I thought it was fun as hell. Now that being said I think you are in for a TREAT in HW. But yeah this game has some incredible content in general. I’m at the end of Stormblood and got sidetracked with the Alliance Raids there because … well you will see eventually. But as someone who started his MMO journey with Asheron’s Call, then went to WoW, and ESO etc along the way, ALL of FF14 has been incredible including ARR.
Accolon, you’re going to be blown away by Endwalker once you get to it. It’s freaking amazing!
If you can beat an Ultimate/Mythic, why do you need better gear?
Also, most of us loved ARR as well. We just realize that the game got a lot better in the expansions.
I just finished the main MSQ for Heavensward and now working on the patch content, I cant wait to see his review of heavensward
"HW is going to have to do a hell of a lot to one up ARR."
Sweet sweet child
Oh no, I'm not sure he will be able to handle Heavensward. Paramedics should stand by.
Instead of "strimmer doesn't know", chat should spam "you are NOT prepared", to make acco feel more welcome. :V
As far as any expansion goes, depending on your mindset (ARR vs Heavensward vs Stormblood vs Shadowbringer vs Endwalker) any single one of them is the ultimate FFXIV experience. However. Everyone can agree when the game gets better or worse in specific instances (at least in my experience, example: ARR is the worst that 2.0+ has ever been but it set up everything to come, building the foundations you don't even realize exist until you do the content that it was laid down for. I'm not kidding), it doesn't mean that HW is the best, it can be for some people, but it didn't make me cry, it moved me, but not cry, contrast that with the last 2, both made me cry, and due to that, I consider them better. Doesn't make them better, but if a video game can make me cry, even once, especially MMOs, they make my top games list.
I farm the heck out of old content in FFXIV for cosmetic pieces. Glamour is the true endgame.
I went to pure old extremes and raids i had neglect in the past all and all cause i saw cool cosmetics… especially works if you fantasia to other race
This man gona shit himself with HW story, its that good
HW beats ARR easy. so does ShB. HW is amazing and you'll love it.
everytime I hear any song remix or whatever of the song "answers" I get goosebumps 😀 anyway, if you love ARR you will just love everything else way more. It improved by so much!
ARR was awful wtf, this man is 100% hooked for life
Looks like he needs to go see the Relic weapons as each of those have stages and can be nothing more then Glam. I still use my Sharpened staff of the Khan as BLM glam
In terms of story: Endwalker > Shadowbringers > Heavensward > Stormblood > ARR imo.
ARR is cool, I like it but…the story gets a lot better in the expansions.
wait till he plays endwalker
First few people in chat you read are absolutely wrong. Ult weapons are bis when they are current. It's a very small increase over savage weapon, but it is an upgrade.
Unfortunate that there are no Ultimate Dreadwyrm weapons for Gunbreaker, Dancer, Sage and Reaper. Looks like they stopped at the jobs introduced in Stormblood. Then again, Gunbreaker and Dancer start at level 60 and Sage and Reaper start at level 70… well beyond ARR's level cap of 50.
I main a Gunbreaker and am always on the lookout for cool looking gunblades.
I also thought that ARR was quite good but HW blows it out of the water.