Accolonn watches episode 1 of the Fall and Rise of Final Fantasy 14 by Speakers Network.
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I love these guys. So good. This series definitely got better.
This series should be a must for every MMO developer, I love it 😀
The noclip documentary came after this and used the speakers videos as reference, they also gave credit to speakers in the first of three episodes.
I know the sighs and whatnot in this part can get kind of annoying, but don't worry, the tone gets much more professional after the first few parts and is much better for it.
There are new main writers for FFXIV that they've had for a few expansions. They are Ishikawa Natsuko (Coils, Kugane side of SB (usually considered the better part of the story), the DRK job quests (again some of the best), ShB and EW) and Banri Oda.
The Black Shroud 1.0 was clearly based on the Lost Woods from the original Legend of Zelda…
Aaaahhhh! The FLOWERPOTS!!!!!
The big problem 1.0 had was that there was no communication nor coordination between the devs. They had the best of the best working on every aspect of the game and no one was talking to each other. What happened was that the different systems not only didn't work together, but often interfered with each other and the code was so bloated nothing could run it. Yeah. It was bad.
Glad you took my suggestion to look up Speakers.
lack of or unrealistic shadows has never bothered me, but i guess thats a benefit of being an older git who grew up with the snes-psx generations
By the by, noclip used this as a jump-pad for their documentary.