A Good Tanking Day in Mentor Roulette | FFXIV

Another venture into Mentor Roulette, this time as a tank, doing 17 Mentor Roulettes in a 6 hour timeframe in a single day!

Other videos referenced in this video:
A Good Day in Mentor Roulette: https://youtu.be/MWG8dFTQ1tk
Soloing The Burn: https://youtube.com/live/7KqZrw0b2tQ
Soloing Qitana Ravel: https://youtube.com/live/s5GDJAY24WE
Attempting to solo Amaurot: https://youtube.com/live/T0_bLws9GWs

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaetsuChaijiCh

Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Intro
01:33 Duty 1: The Praetorium
02:08 Duty 2: The Burn
02:42 Duty 3: The Aitiascope
03:26 Duty 4: Annoy the Void (Guildhest)
03:48 Duty 5: The Qitana Ravel
04:33 Duty 6: Ghimlyt Dark
05:00 Duty 7: Malikah’s Well
05:34 Duty 8: Aurum Vale
06:07 Duty 9: Holminster Switch
07:34 Duty 10: Sastasha Normal
07:48 Duty 11: Labyrinth of the Ancients
08:58 Duty 12: Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum (Hard)
09:47 Duty 13: Copperbell Mines (Hard)
10:14 Duty 14: Amaurot
11:07 Duty 15: Thordan Extreme?
11:34 Duty 16: Garuda Normal
11:55 Duty 17: Zurvan Extreme
12:41 The Final Attempt on Zurvan Extreme
16:06 Outro
16:59 Fun Fact


28 thoughts on “A Good Tanking Day in Mentor Roulette | FFXIV”

  1. Thordan EX was one of only 2 Mentor Roulettes I've ever failed to clear out of 524 so far. That includes several Ramuh EX and Leviathan EX clears. The other fail was just Rathalos EX after someone got salty on the first wipe and everyone else followed them out.

    It's pretty painful really. You'll want to hope you have as few sprouts in the group as possible if you want any hope of actually clearing the Thordan. I was MT, but our OT was a sprout that just couldn't learn and execute the mechanics right and constantly ended up dead when they needed to be holding the other add in the first add phase. We were getting nowhere and people just agreed to disband after like 30 minutes of never clearing that first add phase.

  2. NA Data Center mentor here – I'm running 500 mentor roulettes on each Data Center to get a good amount of data on how different each DC is. I haven't completed collecting all the data (1,500 runs so far). What I can say with confidence is that Dynamis is mostly MSQ/ARR dungeons with over 100 of the 500 runs being MSQ roulette duties. Aether was a mixed bag of everything with a lot of guild hests. Primal has been the highest amount of Extremes/Alliance raids. Crystal is my last one but based on the 40 or so runsI've done it looks like it might be more like Aether with "a little bit of everything". I've found that the BEST job to run mentor is Summoner, the damage and raise capability at low level can carry any party. Good luck on your mentor journey! I liked the final clip 🙂

  3. yoshida please. after 2000 mentor make mentor extreme. i'm running out of things to do.

    1500/2000 here on elemental. 70 to 80 extreme, never seen one except rathalos. Mentors are so good sometimes we just carry extremes and usually there are 4 mentors. LV50 ex are mostly clearable. LV60, it's sephirot, nidhogg most of the time not cleared. Zurvan, I don't get much but I do remember clearing once, probably because skipping lots of the tower phase. I've done most ex sync, so I just need to focus on max dps. That's why I only go as dps. Kill it fast before anything serious comes up. I skipped lv80 ex the dye job gear glam, because didn't want the rewards lol. missed the fun.

  4. I quite enjoyed this video's format and I look forward to more. The only criticism that comes to mind feels, rather ironically, pretty nitpicky, which is that it felt nitpicky to bring up the Scholar in Copperbell Hard using Ruin rather than Art of War and auto-attacks. While I enjoy minding such details and appreciate the players who do, I can't categorize not doing so as an error.

  5. I like these two Videos. It's also a way to bring up some common mistakes (in a helpful way) and point to interesting other stuff/Videos. I don't think there is any particular ordering needed unless it would make sense for elaborating a point or avoid having the same, negative issue back to back. But since you're usually always comment very respectful I don't think the later could be an issue and you'd then skip over it.

    I guess, you plan to do at least a 3rd one as DPS? There, at least on Light, you'd probably get the much talked amount of guildheists. Although sometimes I get none and just Dungeons back to back.

    My Roulettes are going fine, at around 1.300 now. Seeing examples for good ways to give feedback in your Videos is helpful for me, thanks
    Recently had two days In a row were I got tsukuyomi EX. I didn't expect it to be clearable with how long it took me with a group of other first timers to learn it. But we did it both times thanks to good and helpful Mentors and sprouts. I'm close to getting the rathalos mount by mostly mentor roulettes.
    It's sad when it's ARR Extremes and it's like 6 Mentors 2 Sprouts and instead of actually doing any mechanics it's just damaging through it, maybe with the sprouts dead or them not seeing anything difficult happen as simply the Mentors handle it fine (Garuda, Ultima Weapon).

    But also many times there are sprouts that actually are prepared and it's fun to help them figure stuff out and get through it. Good to see it happend for you as well.

    Gratz on the first synced Zurvan clear figuring out a good way to handle the tethers and explaining it is hard! Or showing people how helpful some slight prepositioning can be as communication.

  6. (EU light 1330/2000) My update for this week of mentor roulete is that I finally changed "the latest seriously tried ex", it went from Shiryu ex(which we somehow cleared but it was alpha legend and 7 mentors, lol) to Tsuki ex. Sadly we run out of time and only got to second stone dropping phase, I think we would get clear in like two or three more tries

  7. I'm on primal with about 700 mentor roulettes done. I seem to get more guildhests when I queue as dps. I think this is because a lot of players farming commendations for pve mentor repeatedly queue guildhests as tank or healer, which ends up leaving a lot of open dps guildhest slots.

  8. my mentor roulette sure is going some way. last night, i only got ex trials, most of which we actually cleared! i've also been getting a lot of rathalos ex with the same two people who are apparently farming it through df. at least they know their stuff, though! i usually queue on dps, so i'm sure if i queued tank or healer i'd be getting very different things thrown my way. 1271/2000 🦾

  9. I'm actually rather curious if there are any mentor results that you would personally leave the instance. Additionally if you are looking for feedback, maybe advising people on best practices for helping in Extremes from the roulette. I resolved to making simplified instruction macros for common extremes and would ping them in chat after every wipe. Granted my data center is Crystal and people there are not known to be good at this sort of content in general.

  10. I also tend to forget to give Dragon's Eye to someone else, but mainly because trying to double weave and quickly target a party member on controller is… difficult.

    I've seen some people have success with using a focus target macro, but then you risk the timing being off by 0.1 seconds or being unable to use the skill at all if your designated partner is KO'd

  11. mentor roulette is filled with guildhests AS DPS. I've done around 200 as healer, 600 as tank and another 300 as dps and around 200 of those as dps were guildhests and another roughly 20 guildhests on the other roles. they're nice if you're just after achievement progress i guess but i prefer other content tbh.
    edit: another few things: the actual rarest type of content were Alliance Raids. i think i got around 5 of them in total and ALWAYS 0 minutes in progress. i didn't keep track of exact numbers so they might be a little off. i'm on chaos too

  12. Granted, I’m still a sprout, but I have over 1500+ hrs in this game and I JUST realized you could search for the orchestrion roll that the faded copies are tied to, to see if you have them. Mind blown.


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