"A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Ranged DPS" | Kip Reacts to JoCat

Fellow Legends, welcome! Today we dive into another excellent JoCat video, this time with the long range masters with the …


9 thoughts on “"A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Ranged DPS" | Kip Reacts to JoCat”

  1. 3mbps is actually pretty good for rural internet, my parents are still making due with 500kbps on a good day. US internet infrastructure is an embarrassment and is below the human rights mandated minimum Europe came out with.

  2. Comparing Limit Break damage output is a little unorthodox, because there's not any player-facing data on things like 'potency', like other actions. What we do know is that the damage range of a Limit Break is determined by the Average iLvl of everyone's weapons. Specifically the weapons, and not any other gear. The higher the Average iLvl, the higher the LB's damage. (This does take into account iLvl Sync)

    From there, the best data we have is how well the LBs compare to each other.
    If we use the Melee LB3 as the baseline (100%), then a Caster LB3 does ~60% of that damage to a single target, while the Ranged Physical LB3 does ~54% to one target. So strictly speaking, it does make a significant difference in the kind of tight DPS checks that can appear in endgame Savage and Ultimate 1-target fights (and some endgame Extremes), but for general content, outdated content, or content with multiple targets, the math gets a lot more fuzzy and matters less.

    So for Dungeon or Alliance Raid shenanigans, go ham, because it's not gonna matter xD


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