A Beginner's Quickstart Guide to Black Mage PvP | FFXIV: Endwalker 6.11

A Quick Intro to Black Mage’s PvP kit in patch 6.11.

How I would briefly describe its role: a backline team suppression specialist with a choice between gradual melting via a DoT (Fire) or kill setup/confirm via a hard crowd control (Ice).

Links to things:
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24 thoughts on “A Beginner's Quickstart Guide to Black Mage PvP | FFXIV: Endwalker 6.11”

  1. Black Mage is my favorite class to go in on both CC and Frontline. I love the constant pressure they can generate but I DO HATE being the immediate target for Megaflares from enemy Summoners.

  2. I try BLM sometimes here and there but I never can bring my head around to what element to use, it's a tricky job that seems quite hard to master.
    I've mostly learn by playing to focus them tho, since a happy go lucky BLM playtime is bad. and I'm a bad girl that like to mess with everyone's fun, so I go poke them >:3

  3. I had to watch this twice, because the first time I was so distracted by enjoying the music that I missed half of what you said. XD
    Thank you for an other guide to help understand us understand one of the jobs! 😀

  4. Love the intro like always and the vid just really makes me wish they just took IX's music over then use the remake songs. Feels so weird for a remix song in XIV not to wow me.

  5. I like BLM's kit, but I just wish we have immediate offensive or defensive kit. Sure there's the "Burst" spell for the defensive barrier but you need "Aetherial Manipulation" for it to be instant cast or die trying to hard cast! Also, you need to wait 4secs for the sleep to take effect! Half-sleep doesn't do anything but give time for the target to run away!

  6. Whenever I go into CC as a Black Mage and notice that there is a ninja on the enemy team, i know i am going to have to watch my ass since they love to just go for squishy targets.

  7. A little bit more tips from a BLM main.

    Fire is weak and have huge opportunity cost. It has its use, but you have to know when to use it and how to use it. Burn can force NIN out of stealth which denies their combo, highly recommended. Burn can also force a tank to back off faster or die if your teammates do focus on them. Good option when your team needs supplement damage, or you need to dish out a bit more dmg when you have number and damage disadvantage but good sustain/stalling. Still, it is weak, so its up to your discretion.

    Other than that, Ice is the safest option for almost every team fight and situation. Dont expect a kill, you are there to set up kills and being disruptive as much as possible for your teammates. If your teammates want to focus on someone, prepare to ice that target. Dont forget to use foul after three Freeze and Superflare, thats sudden 35k of dmg + hard CC, a very lethal combination. You can also use AM to chase and Burst when in advantegous situations to help killing an escaping target, be careful though and be ready to zip out.

    Next tips may come off as weird or bad considering that this is a team game, but you shouldn't join your team on the Crystal unless it is on checkpoints or safe, even during Overtime. Get in there only when it is absolutely necessary. A BLM having to stand on the Crystal during team fight or contest is a really really bad omen. The reason being, you have to use your range advantage to the maximum to avoid getting attention as you are one jump away from hating your life choices. If you got jumped on, move closer to your team and pray, dont go directly to the frontline. Don't ever try to solo someone, you will waste a lot of time and resource.

    BLM is a very set up and team dependent job indeed. You don't have the power to suddenly turn a losing situation like some other jobs. If your team play the objective for you and protect you from harm, you can swing most of team fights to your team's favor. If your team is the opposite of the former, you would die alot and barely contribute.

    Pray for decent teammates, and stay safe from the lava map….


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