7 More Unexplained Game Mechanics [Final Fantasy 14]

Final Fantasy XIV does not do a great job at explaining many of its features, even very crucial ones. In this continuation of our “Unexplained Mechanics” series, I look at another 6.5 (we’ll call it 7, ahem) entries that you might’ve missed while questing through Eorzea!

0:00 Intro
0:06 Number 1
0:21 Number 2
1:07 Number 3
1:24 Number 4
1:41 Number 5
2:43 Number 6
3:58 Number 7
5:12 Outro

Akh Morning link: https://www.akhmorning.com/allagan-studies/limit-break/gauge-generation/#active-generation


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23 thoughts on “7 More Unexplained Game Mechanics [Final Fantasy 14]”

  1. Hey, I don't expect you to change your whole style just because of the opinion of one person, but I'm putting it out there in case I'm not alone here: I think the character "lip syncing" with your talking looks terrible and it's really offputting. The content of the video is useful but I just can't get past that part of the visuals and I think the videos would be better without it.

  2. now the only problem i have with legacy is that you control the camera with both left and right click while standard only uses right click. You also can't do precise gap closers with legacy than you can vs standard! Still use legacy tho, just recently made that switch and ive enjoyed it, just misuse my drg backflip or rpr dashes quite a bit..

  3. Great video! For number 6 ya should've shown how you can strafe keep uptime with ur while turned around during Snake 2 would've been a good example and super relevant!

  4. I’ve played off and on since PS3 beta, just learned about the /echo command to leave personal notes in the chat log that only show up for you last week.

    Anyway, I’m gonna try that legacy movement trick.

  5. Lb generation from a ton of damage only works for content before Shadow bringers. They reworked lb generation in Shadow bringers but keep it as is for previous content because that content would not be doable otherwise.

  6. On the topic of "Things that really ought to be macroed," ground-targeted abilities! Awhile back, a new command was added to the game called gtoff, which stands for ground targeting off. Adding this to the end of a call to cast a ground-targeted command will cause it to skip the targeting phase and automatically cast the ability at your cursor's location (or the current center of the screen for controller players). This is really important, because as anyone who's played a job with gt abilities will tell you, they're  very difficult to weave between GCD casts. This is because you can only really buffer entering the targeting phase. There's a character option that lets you recast the ability to confirm it to allow button mashing for faster casting, but this is still not a perfect solution. Enter: the rare combat macro.
    /ac "Sacred Soil" gtoff
    /ac "Sacred Soil" gtoff
    /ac "Sacred Soil" gtoff (repeating)
    /micon "Sacred Soil"
    Because you can only really buffer the startup of these two-part abilities, there's no point in worrying about throwing them in the combat buffer period. Compressing it down to a single action ability and mashing it around where your weave window is makes it much more responsive and easier to keep GCD rolling uninterrupted. An even better extra step you can take is to start using your GCD roller to keep track of where your slidecast, oGCD buffer, and GCD buffer windows are. There's no universal answer to when these phases of your attack cycle occur because they change slightly depending on your connection delay to the server (ping). A general rule of thumb, though, is that oGCDs can be buffered around 5/8ths through the GCD roller, slide casting typically starts around 6/8ths, and at 7/8ths oGCDs can be freely casted and GCDs can be buffered (the GCD buffer is actually a hard-set 500ms before action lock, but this is a good way to visually judge it). Back to the topic at hand, if you want to save your fingers some wear and tear, you'll notice that if you press our gtoff macro during the freecast time for oGCDs, it goes off after only one or two presses of the key. Because we're no longer relying on the multiple repeated /ac lines to get the ability out ASAP, we just waited for when the ability would be castable anyway. This concept applies to all your other buttons as well. Making a big, see-through hotbar with any GCD ability on it will help you adjust to tracking your GCD, and if you track it accurately, you only need to input attacks once or twice for them to go off instead of perpetually mashing every input.

  7. Great Video! Here is some additional info I would like to add about Number 2:

    While stacking mitigation suffers from diminishing returns, stacking damage buffs has the opposite effect, as it also applies multiplicatively.
    Meaning if you have 5 buffs each giving you a 10% damage boost you get 1.1*1.1*1.1*1.1*1.1 = ‭1.61051‬. So about 61.05% instead of only 50%.
    This is also why you synchronize your raid buffs every 2 minutes and want to pot during burst phases.

  8. I have yet to use it, as i am not comfortible in tanking at all, but I had help in making a macro for gunbreaker's superboilide, where it also says in chat that hey I am going to die soon, heal me.

  9. Spacing mits out is great! However, sometimes shit really hits the fan and you gotta use all cooldowns and pray. For example, it's standard practice in some extreme fights for tanks to invuln both tank busters, however that's not always possible as a paladin. So it can be easier to just use way too many cooldowns for the second tank buster than find your co-tank (ie barbarricia).


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