Check out the consolegameswiki page for a good overview: A big thanks to all …
Check out the consolegameswiki page for a good overview: A big thanks to all …
Thank you for the video!
This is my first expansion and im lost on what gear to get for Crafters and gatherers at lvl100, i thought script gear but someone said scripts gear at level cap is bad; so can you make a video for crafter and gatherers gearing methods too?
Right now is just the chill before the storm 😂
It should also be mentioned that the first crafter scrip set is always class-locked, meaning you'd need one set for each different disciple of the hand
So yeah, the crafted set is defiitely the way to go
No spoiler warning or did I miss it
Maybe you can explain why I can't put that 690 job gear in my glamor chest
Thank you!
In my world the shop at 0:43 is empty. What am i missing?
Been waiting for this!