So I have enjoyed playing ffxiv for some time now and it is only recently that I have realized that I had the game all wrong, I was caught in others opinions that I didn’t realize that I could potentially be looking at the game incorrectly.
0:00 Realizing My Faults
0:30 Reading Into It
2:53 Combating Boredom
4:56 Trial And Error
7:31 Building Up
10:00 My Worst Mistake
12:28 What I Need To Tell You
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I see several comments along these lines but I wanna add my 2 cents. ARR is not bad. It is not slow. It is great.
the issue is HW/StB/ShB/EW are better and faster paced
Perhaps because I started in 1.0, but I've never considered ARR to be slow and boring. Something I think a lot of people fail to into consideration is that the Final Fantasy games aren't linked. In each one, you're in a new world. FFXIV is no different. The game has to take those early levels for world building. (Look at what they did for 1.0, it was so bad they blew up the game world and then incorporated that event into the world lore)
The game used to have more character specialization. Cross class actions used to be a thing. However, it could lead to disaster. For example, warrior did not naturally gain provoke. You got provoke from gladiator/paladin. I remember distinctly trying to raid with a warrior who refused to level paladin and as a result did not have provoke. Another example is that black mages used to be required to get the archer/bard skill, quelling strikes. I was personally kicked from a party for not using that skill while leveling blm. That said, SE has reworked the class/job system a few times bringing us to our current configuration.
ayooo new dad video dropped! nice
ok so theres another youtube channel I enjoy (Grinding Gear) where one of the hosts thought it was a "stupid weeb game" too. 2 years down the line and all I can tell you is that you're not alone in looking at other jrpgs after FF – the guy who said it's a weeb game started watching anime again after playing FF 😂
I always get a good chuckle at people whose number one complant about XIV is the lack of customization. When we all know that these people who complain are the first ones to google Icyveins to find out the best META build for that class to begin with.
the thing is, we call ARR slow because in the patch content and onward events happen much faster. ARR has become slow purely by comparison as each expac only covers 10 more levels +patch content whereas ARR covers 1-50. I always tell new players to take it at their own pace, get distracted, do whatever. cause there's so much in just ARR to experience aside from MSQ.
wow and gw2 are MMORPG's. FFXIV is an RPGMMO. thats the distinction i find easiest to make when explaining the game to people
ARR isn't boring, as much as it relies on too many typical MMORPG tropes it has stopped relying on in the later expansions. Things like go collect 5 bear asses and a bunch of fetch quests. The story is still good, it just takes longer than it should and they have done a lot to cut out the long bits.
When I started FF14, I was a WoW refugee and it took time to realize, this is a RPG with MMO elements, the story is first and foremost. After so much WoW, i was surprised how much i like being the main character, i like that this is like being the main character in my episodic TV show. I like that i learn to care about the Scions, they are going on the journey with me, not just the important quest giver who calls me "adventurer". Jesse Cox has a great video explaining the differences and why FF14 works so well.
Stormblood suffers from some of the same logic that ARR suffers from. It's that FFXIV have been absolutely blessed with at this point 3 Absolute Home Runs of Expansions in the community's opinion that the standards have been raised so high, that just being good is seen as subpar. In my opinion, having been playing this game for like 2 1/2 years now, there really aren't too many points in FFXIV that I consider outright bad. A lot of it is just management of expectations and standards. It's why Idk how much you've heard of Dawntrail, but the devs were like "Yeah we just finished a 10 year massive story arc. This next expansion is gonna feel a little more laid back" and some people lost their minds in disappointment. lol
I will say I started playing ARR around the time of late Shadowbringers. I enjoyed the story muself, getting wrapped up in the plot of ARR, I only started getting tired of it in the missions that were supposed to be patches before Heavensward came out. Let me be real, that is tedious. Except for the new characters that were introduced. But I was blasting through all of it, and when I got to the actual expansion content, I could feel the shift. From the first cutscene I was like "woah"
Nah, you only feel wrong because you're currently experiencing the multiple improvements to the game over the years and the "ARR is slow" opinion is outdated. IMO, FFXIV is the only subscription-based game that deserve the sub because you are literally seeing the money spent back to improving the game. Same goes with GW2, every money spent in the cash store you can see it spent to improve the game. I can't say the same to other MMOs that's why I don't play them anymore. So give your support to FFXIV by subbing.
There are certain builds that come in handy depending on what you're doing through using materia; for example, for savage or ultimate prog, a healer might have some more piety to help out with keeping everyone alive. you can change your materia loadouts for what you want— another example is warrior having a slightly different materia setup than other tanks because of its skillset. this doesn't really affect the main game very much though
having played other MMOs, when I went through ARR for the first time, it was not as bad as other ppl made it out to be! in fact, i was pretty pleasantly surprised becuz while It is pretty slow since it's the part of FFXIV that has a lot more of the filler quests than the other expacs, some other MMOs..the whole game is basically filler quests tbh LOL like right from the start, the story isn't really something that carries much, if any, weight and it's allll a much bigger overall grind and farm… so ARR was kinda refreshing for me to be really honest lol
I don't like the community bashing on ARR and SB, saying that they suck to the streamers, that's what they're gonna think too! Usually..
But I'm glad you got what Final Fantasy has always been about.. The juxtaposition between super serious and super silly moments makes for a bigger impact for the player, and that's one of the biggest reasons I love the series.
The only restrictions you have in trial is trading items and gils, marketboard, owning retainer for extra inventory, get into FC and also pvp… about trading it actually saving you from getting someone unintentionally giving you gils and items too. Sometimes someone did likely giving you a useless item you don't need and that's pretty annoying too. Until you finished Stormblood in trial, it's up to you whether or not you wanna buy games with subs. Keep it up👍
I don't know why this is, but Japanese media in general has a real flair for balancing the serious and the absurd in the same work. Western shows often just pick one and stick to it. And when they don't, a lot of the time they're specifically trying to emulate Japanese works (see Avatar). Exceptions exist to every rule but this is what it seems like.
ARR, isn't an expansion: it is the base game.
To note core game got reworked due to bloat so the experience is much much better.
if you wanna do builds and have creativity on your actions, you should try blue mage.
hello fellow ARR MSQ enjoyer
A week or so ago someone made a Warframe new player tips TIER LIST, so I want to pop in the idea of perhaps doing one in the future for XIV from the PoV of someone fairly new to the game :3
Lovely video ❤
I’m currently playing FF 14 on console. As as final fantasy vet, it’s criminal I didn’t pick this up sooner.
11:53 FFXIV the gateway drug of JRPGs. o7
My Criminal Misconception about this game and the motive of why I did'nt wanted to play it after a long time because it was an MMORPG, after a lifetime in WOW (since vanilla, abandon ship in Shadowlands, i'm 39 btw), and a truly veteran in FF games, I thought this game was going to be utterly trash, my surprise was to see that this game is just another FF with some elements of MMORPG and the Story was on pair with the greatest games out there ,Heavensword and Shadowbringers were really game changer for me making FFXIV my fourth favorite game from all time for me (FFVII from psx, Mass Effect 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 my three favourites in that order)
I wish FF14 pvp wasn't dogwater and the MSQ was more than "go here, talk to dude, go there, kill 3 dudes, go back to here and talk to dude"