3.0 MSQ: Gifts for the Outcasts🌱 WoW to FFXIV: HW (Day 47)

This is my journey from WoW to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, leading on through Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker and finally into the brand new expansion, Dawntrail.

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Videos within this stream:
Hear, Feel, Think (Trailer) 🌱 Redzy’s Journey of an Eorzean Lifetime 🌱 WoW to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn https://youtu.be/–mTPvsVukk?si=NTS2mE_RwLeFfRgX

Titles, because something something SEO.
#ff14 #ffxiv #gaming #dawntrail
Can a Classic WoW player join Final Fantasy XIV in time for Dawntrail?
Classic WoW Player begins their Final Fantasy XIV journey
Classic WoW Player Researches Dawntrail & Starts their FFXIV journey
Dawntrail Research & Creating my first character in FFXIV | 🌱 The ARR Journey Begins (Day 1)
Titan Hard MINE, 2.1 MSQ & Good King Moggle Mog XII🌱 WoW to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn (Day 13 Part 2)
Defeating Ultima’s Bane MINE Blind & 2.1 MSQ Ending🌱 WoW to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn (Day 14)
Unlocking the Lancer & My first Ocean Fishing 🌱 WoW to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn (Day 16) 🌱


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