15 Things You NEED to Know About in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker! (Don't Ruin Your Character)

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Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn an MMORPG with a storied history! New Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Gameplay as the best MMORPG FFXIV is explained! Final Fantasy XIV Gameplay is simply stunning from the Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn PvP to Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn PvE, all the Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Classes or Jobs are phenomenal and the whole Final Fantasy XIV Game 2021 is just the best MMORPG experience I’ve had in a while and now Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn brand new Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn class FFXIV 2021 Expansion FFXIV Endwalkers!

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21 thoughts on “15 Things You NEED to Know About in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker! (Don't Ruin Your Character)”

  1. Things not mentioned that anyone playing should do.

    1. When you log in use /busy this turns off peoples ability to send you tells
    2. Turn off All Chats, create a tab that has a chat that stays empty so no one can shout or yell spoilers
    3. Turn of all title names, and minon names.

  2. Damn this video could be helpful if it was released before the servers shutdown.
    Could have pointed that if you wanna get Sage/Reaper to Bozja you’d need to level it to 71 first so you can enter Bozja, and a good method is completing Wondrous Tails for the week and turning it in with the new jobs for that half level exp. Another thing to add up is getting your challenge log almost complete so you can finish it with the new jobs, it should be enough to get to 71 and start the Bozja grind

  3. As some have mentioned – this video was released late, it was made earlier in the week! Still, a lot of the information is suitable for EW release/day 1, and there's people not playing Early Access to consider, so hopefully it still helps some


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