Zepla reacts to Preach's Analysis of 24-man Raids in FFXIV

To watch Preach’s video in full please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmkUIL9no-0&ab_channel=PreachGaming

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36 thoughts on “Zepla reacts to Preach's Analysis of 24-man Raids in FFXIV”

  1. man.. I like that preach loves the game, but damn does his analysis hit so wrong every time, it feels like he is just trying to be clever figuring stuff out, and not hitting the marks at all.

  2. I don't think Crystal Tower is actually mandatory. Maybe the story is, but as someone who only did MSQ until Shadowbringers I completely skipped CT until I went back doing every blue quest while I leveled other jobs

  3. I watched his video, and I don't necessarily agree with his title or thesis here.

    – Raiding in WoW vs FFXIV – story
    Wow is nearly mandatory for the story. Like you have to go through the raids to get some continuance of story. If you skip it and then move on to the next area, which you somehow can, then the story is just broken up. Case in point – I finally started raiding in Legion. Did all of Nightmare, some of Tomb. But yet, came back to being able to do Argus – without having completed Tomb.

    And case in point – for Wrath of Lich King – if you don't do the raid, you don't kill Arthas. But yet, come Cata, story-wise, it's assumed you did.

    But in FFXIV, the only 'story' driven raids/trials are the ones that are part of the MSQ. Extreme versions just offer additional stuff but its not necessary for the story – it can be missed in some cases, and may be referenced further in the story if you did miss it. The 8-man and 24-man are completely OPTIONAL within the confine of the story. Yes, they add some to it, but it's not necessary to complete at all for MSQ. (Though yes, you can say NOW you have to do Crystal Tower to relate to ShB stuff, and sure that it'll be the same for the Ivalice raids as well, maybe).

    – Raiding in WoW vs FFXIV – gearing
    Raiding is WoW is generally always tied to the best gear in the game, depending on difficulty. With M+ added in Legion, it was easier via M+ to get up to and past Normal and Heroic Raid gear, sometimes into M+ if you were that good. There are no alternatives, and very little 'catch-up' gear other than as the tier moves up, and depends on the content. Also in some cases, you can hit max level without finishing the story and can sometimes enter raids without finishing the story up. Because you hit max level (works well for alts).

    FFXIV – yes, same thing, though not mandatory. At launch, yes, BIS with harder raiding. You can get the base xpac gear by doing some raiding and the expert dungeons. Patches eventually add in crafted gear, which I feel is catch up gear – be it for those coming back or those just wanting higher ilvls. Not to mention as new parts of the raids come out, the tome gear moves down. And by launch of next xpac, the highest lvl gear is turned to tomes you get from everything. Which actually works out well for new players moving through expansions or players leveling jobs – you can hit 50/60/70 and have gear that last halfway thru and you're not holding back groups by not having up-to-date gear. BUT you can't get any of this without finishing the story.

    So again – he's slightly wrong. Raiding in FFXIV isn't as a necessary thing compared to WoW. It's entirely optional. You're not forced to do it other than if its part of the MSQ, which hmm…I don't remember being forced to any of the Nier raids or Eden's. Hell I haven't played since 5.5, and pretty sure I didn't have to do Bozjan (other than for pretty shiny weapon).

  4. Spoiler strategy alert!!!
    If you not there yet and you want to go in blind of those alliance raid don't press read more link!

    @Zepla back in the day when the Alliance raid came out for The weeping City of Mhach for the first time many ppl died and wiped on the second boss (Forgall) of that raid. Because he used a move that is called Omega death if someone that didn't stand on the green stuff you die instant. There was another one. That was Dun Scaith on the first boss Deathgaze hollow have a few things mostly got wiped on the first time. That is the pull in, The Square and the aero push back's yes there are 2 of them!

  5. Me and my FC mates, and almost everyone I know will wake up at like 2-5am in whatever time zone theyre in, as soon as the game becomes live with the alliance raid patch. It is so much fun doing these raids in general but doing it for the first time with everyone in ur data center is such a great experience. We all go to work exhausted but no regrets.

  6. 5:426:14
    I think he's specifically referring to Cerberus in World of Darkness. You know: A on Adds, B in Belly, C take Chains. But those team-specific encounters are very rare. Usually it's just "Everyone kill the thing" now, since HW. That's what made Thunder God Cid in Orbonne so good: because he brought that mechanic back

  7. Off-topic, but people need to be nicer to sprouts when WoD comes up in raid roulettes. The last time I was in there people were just spamming "A = Adds, B = Belly, C = Chains" over and over for Cerberus. Group B just so happened to be almost exclusively sprouts and had no idea how to get eaten, so people were in all caps chewing them out. I really shouldn't have had to explain how unhelpful that was. :/

  8. When my friend did the Crystal Tower quest, when the voice is talking to him from offscreen, he was like "oh this is probably the bad guy for the raid" Gra' Ha 100% creeps

  9. I just did Crystal Tower saturday. I loved it. I feel like the raids in FF are way more approachable than WoW. Every time I’ve tried raiding in WoW it’s been very intimidating and stressful. Crystal Tower was fun.

  10. Oh, you worked on Kingdoms of Amalur? I have a number of friends who worked on that directly at 38, a couple of them being QA.

    I still can't forgive Curt Schilling for how 38 Studios went down.

  11. Watching the guide for Dun Scathe made my brain melt. Now it seems a lot of the mechanics are no where near as scary with max ilvl gear avoiding many 1 shots. However the fact they removed a whole boss (succubus) which had insane number of mechanics and replaced it with a copy pasta of ultima weapon which you can sleep through I was really disappointed about, like there is no way anybody gets to play that boss unless you played first few months of it's release. The final boss is still absolutely crazy fun though.


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