Zepla reacts to Bellular experiencing Coils of Bahamut in FFXIV

Here’s a link to a full Bellular video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGqFjNOcdaA&ab_channel=BellularGaming

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26 thoughts on “Zepla reacts to Bellular experiencing Coils of Bahamut in FFXIV”

  1. With Asmon on hiatus, the Bun Queen rises into the reaction world.

    Also, in my headcannon Zepla's Yoshi-P interview ended early because he tried to tell her to play other MMOs and she tried to bite him.

  2. I just finished the Coil series on Sunday after starting it during ARR 4 years ago. My guess is that EW may have some more backstory on Louisoux and the Leveilleur family and that’s why Coil is considered important.

  3. 18:45 I’ve had the exact same thoughts, like with dragons being essentially aliens and the whole mystery of who exactly unleashed Omega on them. And I’m also really curious about the origins of the Garlean race, like why they can’t use aether like pretty much every other species on Hydaelyn, their connection to the Giruvegans, and auracite.

    Theorizing, I think the Garlean race is descended from aliens that may have had something to do with the ancient End of Days, kind of like the Genomes of Terra from FF IX

  4. As someone who's often at work when you're streaming I've just gotta say that this channel is a GODSEND! It was cool seeing the occasional short clip in compilations but it's not the same thing as a solid dose of Zepla like these videos have been.

  5. lol spoiler alert warning for wow players — clearly she is a bit out of touch with that community's feelings towards spoilers. There would be people looking up guides to raids that were still in PTR — no one cares about that shit in wow 😛


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