Zepla reacts to Asmongold uncovering False Flag FFXIV Andy

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34 thoughts on “Zepla reacts to Asmongold uncovering False Flag FFXIV Andy”

  1. Hey I'm an FFXIV player and I'd criticize the combat! Not like that, mind you… and I still love the game, but the combat feels unresponsive to me. Not slow or boring (unless you roulette into Sastasha of course), but a bit… detached and floaty.

  2. Totally not a cult, and if it was, which it isn’t, what do other people think the way of joining this cult is? Just so I can laugh about it you know. PM me info

  3. I know that people take this with humor, but on the other hand is infuriating that there are people like these trying to stain the FF14 community and make us appear like we are toxic or something.

    I know there are bad apples here and there, but fortunately is just a minority that not every person encounters, and that must mean something.

    The 1400 voices singing Close in the distance was yet another proof that our community is great and they can do stuff with lots of meaning and love

  4. It's people from the world of warcraft general threads aka /wowg/ from the video game generals /vg/ board. They act as ff players and get try to get Asmongold pissed off. Why? They hate he plays FF and not WoW. They want him to suffer mental breakdowns and they even make memes of him killing his own mother.

  5. Let's all close our eyes, bow our head in reverence, and say our creed:

    "Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime. In the name of Yoshida, Soken, and Ishikawa, amen."

  6. The sad thing is the “community” took the wind out of his sails on playing the game. The complaining and drama in chat demotivates him from booting the game. Sure there might just be trolls, but we all know there are true 14 Andy’s in his chat passing him off.

  7. After the first few seconds I was like what the heck, that is some B.S, trying to get Asmon off FFXIV, Slow combat, but one part partially is true, Zepla, "IS A LEADER" but not a cult leader. 😉

    But I can vouch for the Final Fantasy XIV community, it is not bad, in fact unless you are a WoW andy the FF community is amazing, sure we have a few bad apples but 80% to 90% of the community is awesome!!


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