Zepla can't get Tickets to FFXIV NA Fanfest 2023

Link to NA Fanfest site: https://fanfest2.finalfantasyxiv.com/2023-24/na/news/news-tickets

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41 thoughts on “Zepla can't get Tickets to FFXIV NA Fanfest 2023”

  1. To be honest I think $200 feels a bit to much for getting tickets for a 2 day event where probably not going to be there all day. Me and my partner are still going to Vegas regardless ticket or not. Its a great opportunity to meet up with our fc members and make amazing memories . Pretty sure a good handful of my fc that don't go to fan fest are still meeting up and were most likely to do group activities as a fc together. Feel like that's pretty much $200 well spent instead! ❤

  2. The thing about it being "hot at night", is that the heat from the day takes all night to reach the lowest point of the next day.
    "Temperatures hit their lowest points an hour to an hour and a half after sunrise." If i'm remembering right.

  3. I used to go to Vegas once every few years before the pandemic and during July in the summer the temps peek at triple digits mid-day like around 110 but it doesn't stay at that and starts to drop back down slowly. However it really does FEEL like it's in the triple digits even if thermostats don't read it at that exact moment but the party is gonna be in a AC convention hall so you're safe to go outside for like 15 minutes before you need to retreat back inside.

  4. Create a lot of extra content to post while you're there, I'd say just general things about the game, mounts, how amazing some view are & point out your favorites, stuff people just hearing about the game would want to see, that being what it looks like.

  5. Zepla can you address the mass shooting and bomb threats that have been made against fanfest? There's substantial evidence that this person is intending to follow through with it, the fbi have been tipped off, but a lot of people myself included are too concerned to buy tickets at the moment. Square Enix needs to address this and you have a platform to make that happen

  6. I find this so stupid and discriminating. I went to the comic con, it has the same lottery system and it never was an issue that I am from Europe. I went to blizzcon and it was not an issue either….
    Now, I do have friends and we discussed that I will be someones plus one. But some people told me " just go to EU fanfest" – MY DUDE! I lived in NA, my family is in NA, majority of my friends are in NA…. I dont even have a character in the EU servers… why the flipitty floppity fuck would I go to the EU fanfest?
    I don't mind the lottery system, as other conventions have the same, I find it quite good to not sit at the computer clicking a button…. but to me this limitation is so dumb that I need an NA account…

  7. As a Vegas local of 20 years, yes it gets that hot, it stays hot because we dont have a lot of plant life to help absorb it, instead we just have a lot of blacktop here which radiates heat until 4 am. Its even worse on the Strip since there is so many people and all the lights and car exhaust etc. The convention Center is MASSIVE though, CES and Sema show are there every year. its honestly so big you will never be able to hit every booth during those events, especially Sema.

  8. Honestly I find the pushback against the lottery system kinda weird. It's a way of levelling the playing field between people who want to buy tickets, and it removes the advantage scalpers usually have, where they'd rush in with bots etc when the sales first open and buy all the tickets; it happened last time, it would happen again.

    "What about if a whole FC wants to go?" …You would have literally the same problem with first-come-first-served. Some of you could get tickets, some might not. Some of you might not be able to get online at the right time and the tickets all sell out before you even know they're on sale. Maybe none of you get tickets because scalpers all got there first. With a lottery system you all have a chance at least, no? If demand is so high tickets will sell out, then this means that there will always be someone who got unlucky and didn't get a ticket. At least this way, everyone gets an equal opportunity.

    At least they're being transparent about the problem and how they're addressing it.

  9. I would even guess the streamers like zepla, mrhappy etc, would even get free tickets/invitation. Don't even need to be VIP stuff.
    They give free promotion to the game… every… single… day. 100 free invites would not hurt their profits one bit. C'mon Yoshi.

  10. Who cares she was to slow. That is life content creators don't get a pass cause they make content. The game is way more massive then it use to be, that is just the just of things.

  11. I will correct this message once I finish the video if my question is answered, but about half way in, I am wonder if there are E-tickets available for streaming the event and watching from home.


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