Zepla calls out FFXIV House Hoarders

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31 thoughts on “Zepla calls out FFXIV House Hoarders”

  1. Anything is content these days when you have to play a game to pay your rent. More power to you, Zepla, its rare to find a content creator now days that sets the bar so low and gloats about it. Bullying players for using a system in a game as intended is about as far down as you can go. Here is some friendly advice. Set a standard for your content and stick to it, since this is your only source of income I think adding some integrity to what you do will give you some job security.

  2. The real question
    Blizzard shit the bed for several years, lost several players who will never return to Blizzard for any future games.
    Will SQUARE ENIX be the next BLIZZARD?
    Time will tell..
    Either way the ball is in SQUARE ENIX's court.. What will you do next Square Enix? FFXIV Dev Team?
    They just don't want the attention knowing they are into shady territory in FFXIV and ruining the housing market.

  3. As a fairly new player, my opinion is that each account my only own 1 FC House and 1 Private House & make Private Houses account-wide. Just a new players 2-cents. And I already got a Small Private House.

  4. Wards belonging to one person is just a reflection of who they are as people: Not a thought for anyone but themselves. They're like children who never learned to share, so it kind of feels like their parents are to blame, too.

    It takes two to tango, so one fault goes with the people who buy all the houses because they can, and the other goes to the devs and their lack of action. Keeping this issue in the spotlight may be the only way to get a solution.

  5. Maybe the housing supply should be able to dynamically adjust based on demand. The cost of multiple subscriptions deter most people from doing this but it's a game and some people just have too much time on their hands.

  6. I run a solo FC and I own a HOUSE, this is intended and should be allowed, but having more than one house should not be allowed, I worked hard to get mine House, and I intend to get a Mansion at some point too.

  7. I know Zepla mostly agrees with this, but this is FULLY Square Enix's fault. We can sit here and meme on the people doing it, but SE has designed the game to not only allow, but to reward that behavior. I think that's the biggest issue. There should not be any incentive to owning a house in this game, AND if there is, housing should not be limited. Untie the two. There are other things as well like making housing account wide, but that won't stop people from making new accounts. Someone will always do this sort of thing and SE needs to fix it, not the community.

  8. I don't think anyone should feel unable to point out shitty practices when they're implemented. They know what they're doing, and the smug way they're flaunting it means they give up any right to play the victim.

  9. 13:20 — I guess I'm an innocent little girl, who doesnt understand the world, but yeah… agree there: its up to SE to change things here. And I dont care how they do it for as long as something is being done. Its neither fair nor their own intention for people having more than ONE private house and ONE FC house. People work with several accounts here but it should be easy enough to crack down on it – if they put in the effort.

    20:52 — I'm glad you pointed that out. Today everything is either kapitalism or socialism, with noone actually knowing what neither means, let alone the historical contest. Kapitalism isnt what enables you to manipulate the housing system in a video game (thats criminal intent and lazy devs – yes, I meant the "lazy" part, go sue me), and socialism isnt when you do a nicety for another person without expecting anything in return (thats human decency, and it isnt dead).

  10. @Zepla yea you got that right theres people and fcs who want to own every single plot in all the wards its making it impossible for other smaller fcs to buy a plot and there are those who have only 1 member in the fc and they own a mansion/large plot also theres an 1 single FC in loui thats buying all the plots on almost all the wards they even made a 2nd Fake FC under a Different name to buy even more plots some of my fc members have tried to do something about it for a week now but the devs just dont care we havent heard a peep from the devs we sent a lot of reports long ones too

  11. Unfortunately there's not a real way for sqenix to permanently stop this, multiple accounts can always be made. IP banning wouldn't stop that, vpns exist and there will always be hoarders like this that will spend bezos level money on this game to make it happen. Even making it against TOS, making it unavailable to fcs that dont have enough max level players, raising the amount of max level players needed to get an fc house, it won't stop these people from doing it. Not only that, but it benefits sqenix to have one whale spending $200,000 a month on subs for house hoarding for a "high score".

  12. I was a bit upset that I went through a lot of effort to find a house with zero bids to give myself a good chance, but at least I lost to a single person who also just wanted a home. I'd have been even more upset if this crap had happened to me. The housing system is just really painful overall, but this just makes it so much worse.

  13. The amount of people in these replies parroting irl talking points that boil down to "I got mine, I'll do what I want, F everyone else" is truly disgusting. Ya'll are literally the reason the world sucks these days.

  14. Lordy! This guy is something, but what really makes me laugh is how he says "have a magical day" cause at disneyland/disneyworld there a rumor that when saying that to in a certain tone they are really saying "F you" to those in the parks that are being a bit extra so i see this guy putting that at the end as an F you to us. I hope SE does something about it this.

  15. Simple solution, one house per account. Set a deadline, if you have more than one house once it hits you keep one house at random.
    It won't help against the multi account abusers but it'll at least break open a decent proportion of housing to the majority of players.

  16. At this point, as a solution, SE should evolve Island Sanctuary into instanced player housing. As part of that, they'd need to lower the entry requirement down to the point where the faction questlines converge and you can access airship travel. Will they? Almost certainly not.. SE haven't shown much good sense so far, so why would they now?

  17. It's funny that SE keeps adding more wards and changed to the lottery system to help with the housing crisis, but won't do anything to people directly adding to the crisis. One person taking up an entire ward is for sure adding to the issue and shouldn't be ignored by SE. It's like a never ending cycle of a kid putting an egg in his basket that has a hole in it.


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