Zepla amazed by Warrior soloing Pandemonium Raid (P1)

Link to the MAD lad’s post! https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/s9nvl8/pandaemonium_asphodelos_the_first_circle_warrior/

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42 thoughts on “Zepla amazed by Warrior soloing Pandemonium Raid (P1)”

  1. If foregoing a healer when you have a warrior in a pre-made is starting to be a thing as Zelpa describes (I haven't seen it, but I believe it), then I wonder how long it will take before 8 man warrior only comps become popular for every fight that doesn't have very strict enrage.

  2. They just need to buff all the rest, so that every job can solo run dungeons, but when people play solo it should take like 4 to 8 or even 16 times longer
    depending on the default size of party needed 😀

  3. People are like "it's normal who cares" "warriors could do this before who cares" "it's slow so who cares".
    Tanks being borderline invincible is bad because it takes gameplay away from healers and further contributes to the game's ongoing problem where all content outside extreme and savage is increasingly becoming a trivial chore that you only run for tomestones instead of you know, to have fun. If the content can't realistically kill you what are we even really doing? Might as well have the currency handed to us so we can play a more fun game with the time saved.

  4. WAR self sustains so a healer spends less time healing…. We don't do much damage in comparison to other tanks, our DPS buffs guarantees crits on 6 hits per min…that is it. Also we have less mitigation than other tanks. Don't have any Dots. Can't summon a simulacrum. Has worse magic defense. Trait shared stun. Default main combo self damage buff of 10%…AND THATS IT. We have to get hit in to face and we heal best afterward…but since healers are staples in all default content, being a self healer just frees up time for the WORST DPSers in the game to dps more…
    We heal ourselves and do shyty dps, so the shytiest dps in the game can do shyty dps..
    WARs need a nerf🙄…no…we need a buff.

  5. As someone that has been playing War since the beginning of HW, this just looks like a slightly longer version of old Inner Beast with a shield attached to it. This is what warrior used to do back when stance dancing was a thing.

  6. ok i read a lot of crazy stuff here… warrior right now is op, that a fact, say the inverse are desillusional. the fact that a warrior can solo one of the actual content even if he take a lot of effort and such is not normal… solo content of the previous expansion while soloing at max level is ok… but complet a content that are not even 2 month old solo…
    all in all the war substain is far too strong… they need to address it, because if you a warrior can substain to the point to reduce the need of healer or another tank, what it will lead? to a group of 1 tank, 1 healer and 6 dps? crazy.

  7. WAR is so overtuned that we no longer need a healer. And we don't want to nerf it but instead buff all the other jobs?
    Ok let's buff BLM so that we do not need a tank in our group because all our spells one shot 🙂
    Diablo 3 balance logic in my ears.

  8. ya my group died on a boss today in expert and my warrior still got the kill for them, was that face boss so nothing like this but ya they were chanting warr warr warr go lol

  9. I like how WAR gets all this attention and people think bloodwetting is broken. Someone In my FC was fully convinced the job couldn't die at all. PLD has been soloing all dungeon bosses and 24 man bosses, etc for years now. Bloodwetting is in a good spot especially in dungeons. I say bring the other job sustains up. If you notice this P1 fight is on normal and the player had to use invulns to line up certain heal rotations. That boss makes healers want to sleep.

  10. The whole "don't nerf" approach to game design is so ridiculous. Other classes should not be buffed to this state, warriors need a fix.
    Obviously people don't like nerfs but the current state of warriors makes healers irrelevant in so much different content. How is that fun? Making healers a detriment in a party.
    It's always been cool seeing how people solo current content across all mmos, it was really popular in WoW, but soloing raid bosses isn't the problem, the problem is how it effects all other content.

  11. They don't need a nerf, fights need to be buffed. Normal modes are stupid easy and probably need to look at them making them a tad more difficult. People who understand their job will always find ways to do stuff like this!

  12. They nerfed clemency by taking the potency down and gave Plds a flashy new move that is weaker than Confiteor. If Blades of Valor gets buffed along with the small damage boost Plds will receive, that will take care of the damage part. They need to make clemency the same potency as Shadowbringers along with the buff from requiescat.

  13. This might actually get a nerf, but I think that if it happens it won't be by much. As it stand it mostly puts war in a situation where it could be considered "too strong" and lead to exclusionary practices by the community, which will likely bring changes from dev team.

  14. Warrior isn't op, it just excels in survivability. The tanks have different strengths and weaknesses. Gunbreaker doesn't have much mitigation but it has great dps if played right. Warrior is basically impossible to kill but its damage is a bit on the lower side. Warrior is a tanky tank, gunbreaker is a blue dps. Dark knight feels like a good balance between the two with decent mitigation and decent damage without learning too far to either side, and I haven't played enough of Paladin to know what it's about. But all the tanks have their own strengths and weaknesses. Warrior's strength is its amazing survivability with less overall damage, while gunbreaker has a lot less mitigation but better dps. They're set up like so it doesnt feel like you're just playing the same class anytime you play a tank, or so the healer has to adjust how they play depending on the tank. The healer can be more focused on dps if they're paired with a warrior to make up for the warrior's lack of dps, while a healer paired with a gunbreaker will have to heal a bit more while the gunbreaker fills the dps gap. The reason it took this warrior an hour to kill the boss should show that it's not as overpowered as people are assuming. If a gunbreaker went in they could kill it in half the time, but they can't survive that long. They all have different strengths. Warriors just happen to be impossible to kill if played well.

  15. as a warrior I can solo every boss in all the 90 dungeons. I let my team know that they can just do what they want and if they die they die. I wont die.


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