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I actually got a bit sad during the Omega quests, and the upcoming love triangle is going to be hilarious.
I hate that I wouldn't have known what that meme was referencing until yesterday.
Hippos aren't slow, they are the most homicidal animal in nature and will chase down people in cars because they have decided to end their existence.
Hippos can't swim either, they are too heavy, if you see a hippos moving through water it is literally launching itself off the bottom up to the surface, and they only do this because they are chasing something they have decided to kill.
Hippos are evidence Satan exist.
That crystal conflict happened 8 times on ranked
Dressing her up?
You mean the opposite surely
Ask Colombia their thoughts on hippos. Thanks for that one, Pablo Escobar.
Tripple triad isn't too hard. Just start with Mother Miounne. There's like different rules with different NPCs but if you get good cards you can beat the weaker ones pretty easy.
"hippos dont seem like they are very fast" …… so about hippos…. those chunky beasts of satan can run up to, i believe, 40-50km/h. not only that they are EVIL AS ALL HELL and are exceedingly territorial, and cause more human deaths than the vast majority of the animal kingdom per year. dont underestimate the fckers.
TierZoo on Hippos really gets across the terrifying nature of just how OP Hippos are.
I like fan service but I dont really care if you can dress up one of the npcs. If I could dress up Yshtola and have her follow me around like an oblivion companion/fall out companion I would be all over that. I dont know why more games dont steal that system, that was like the best part of fallout 4.
I like Sylphs, Moogle, Namazu, and Pixie tribal quests for their mounts
FFXIV gave the game a MILF. It was going to happen one way or another 🤣
happy for the players that can return to do hildi. Personally I didn't find it humorous or entertaining and found it a drag to get through.
2b tights are going on and im not sorry about it.
play me in triple triad, zepla! i will teach you how to play
Gentlemen…..we all know why we are here 😎🙏
hippos are actually pretty fast on land too, iirc they can run faster than humas
Your thumbnaaaillll lmaooo 😭😭
The issue of the Crystal going the wrong way despite your team being in control of it was such a huge issue >:C legitimately, one of the most frustrating things in CC
"it can take a while. You may be investing a few hours."
We're MMO players. Hours mean nothing. This is our second life!
Your laugh is so contagious lol
Ameliance supposedly flirts with the Wol in the custom Delivery story
Imagine explaining to Alisaie that you're helping her mom dress up…
Ameliance keeps looking at the Warrior of Light suggestively.
Believe it or not Omega was to me the star of the patch
I'm still waiting for M'Naago dress up 🙁
looks like a hippo rickshaw
The big bad ultimate raider can't figure out a simple card game. lol
I will dress up Ameliance as Zepla. Zepliance.
Phhhh… Should let us choose. I wanna dress up Fourchenault…. no reason…. >_>
Ohh. coeurl bikini or 2 b bottoms??? Alphie will suffer!!!
What highlight extension are you using?
You know people are going to put her in the 2B booty shorts.
Zepla did you hear Asmongold cleaned his room today
I guess we aren't getting more MSQ until 6.2 huh? I'll wait. Divinity Original Sin 2 will hold me over until then. the replayability of that game is insane
If this is what it takes to spread FemElezen appreciation. Ameliance taking one for the team.
Hippos are fast, their run speed is 48 km/h
Heh, I did all jobs to 90 almost entirely off pixies and Bozja over the couple of months before Endwalker. Was pretty cruisy.
Such a GREAT thumbnail lol