You’re a FFXIV player who just watched the 7.1 Trailer and know nothing about the upcoming Echos of Vana’diel raid.
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KaiyokoStar is the official Youtube channel for the VTuber KaiyokoStar on Twitch. The channel has highlights, clips, and VoDs from Kaiyoko’s playthroughs of MMORPGS like Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), Action RPGs by FromSoft Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, & Sekiro, and also JRPGs like the Persona series. Kaiyoko also enjoys reacting to anime, vtuber, FFXIV, and other video game content. Kaiyoko is known for his FFXIV content, Fashion Report, and VTuber activities.
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Lots of the FF11 music tugs at all the emotions. Such a fantastic MMO with so many memories. So many good friends I still talk to today.
I am one of those players who know nothing about FFXI!
I played FFXI actively for eight years.
Kai has pink hair
I really like when you go back to the past yapping about final fantasy world in your streams, I really enjoy Kayapper hahah xD
Love the video, I didn't know much besides what I read on the internet so this video was very useful, I even sent it to the members of my FC who, for the most part, don't know much about the FF's world overall.
Obviously there's a variety of videos on youtube with FF lore, but hits different when is someone talking with passion, so I hope you maybe found a niche you can explore more! 💙
Urgh i remember watching my friend play it on back in 2005-2006 and even a random monster that you would encounter on the field could just whoop your ass, so every small battle felt like a damn boss fight and i never liked FF11, but i joined FF14 with the ASMON invasion and have been playing FF14 for about 3 years now 😀
FF 11 was my very first MMO as well and I loved every second of it
I played FFXI for almost 10 yrs and I loved it, I was totally addicted Eureka is based on FFXI.
I never played XI so thanks for this!
Oooof talk about nostalgia!!
played it for 8 years i miss it
Mhm…. "Dynamis" Lord…
Cool! Thanks for making this! When I heard the Vana'diel March in the trailer, it was like some time warp took me back to XI! But alas, I never reached endgame back then. So I'm looking forward to this now!
The vana diel match is so iconic. It brings all thr emotions to the surface just listening to it.
FFXI the goat
I didn't play much FF past being stuck in the starter zones and not really getting into the system. But I did really get interested in certain things ever since Eureka was introduced. Back when people were freaking out AV was a boss in Baldesion I was like "Why are people going nuts about it?" XI has so many real world instances between people doing crazy stuff for things that it makes hearing stories about it feel like some grand epic.
I'm really hoping they eventually bring in things from Abyssea. Getting to hear Melodies Errant in a boss fight in XIV, is gonna give me the same rush that hearing Onslaught in BA felt to me.
so ff11 is a confirmed shard?
Thanks a lot for this. Although I played XI for years up to ToA, I never got into the endgame. I don't regret it with all the fun I had leveling and gearing (to level lol).
I look forward to running this alliance raid multiple times a day for all the orchestral rolls.
This is so cool and glad the OG FFXI community get to go visit their original home 😊
Definitely looking forward to it
FFXI was my first mmo, went to the gamestop to buy WoW 3 times and it was not available so on the 3rd time i just picked FFXI, never regretted that decision.
4:15 the sheer drama that was generated from MPK via Spike Flail was endless.
Great video review. ❤
Now's a good time to get into modern FF11 if you want to experience the story, especially since there's not much happening in 14. Just avoid Asura. It's mostly bots and gilsellers. go for the second or third most populated server.
After I cleared Savage, I went back for the first time since 2015, and there's been a ton of QoL improvements to traveling and getting the main story quests done.
The Rhapsodies of Vanadiel story also ties into the Iroha crossover event in 14, so you can better appreciate that when they inevitably bring it back in the next year or two.
I was drawn to the HNM part almost like magnetism, and my god, we really lived like this. That was awful, and one of the biggest reasons why WoW took so many players like me. You could level solo, and top-end gear was between your party and the boss, not the party and every hostile party trying to MPK you. We had endgame communities like nuclear powers trying not to take the MPK genie out of the box, because once it started, it wasn't going back in.
I played XI as my very fist MMO when CoP was released, and left before Abyssea, then came back before Endwalker came out, then quit again.
Just when Rhapsodies wowed players with awesome moments, Voracious Resurgence came delving deep into base lore all the way back millennials. The reveal of Shadow Lord connections with latest story actually came quite late though, but it is a major story element. There's also one particular annoyances this time, which is the requirement for grinding new relic which is prime weapon, in order to access finale part of TVR, & surprisingly post story also ask requirements for completing the old level 50 SMN AF quests, which turns out actually provides insights of one of TVR baddies.
btw, if any, especially seasoned FF11 players haven't realized, SE has been quite kind enough to provide these return home campaigns, aka free logins, which usually around 10 days durations per 3-4 months, which is how myself able to catch up with stories & content Just a bit warning that latest TVR finale are no pushover & even hard to clear with seasoned active players. If possible, get help obtaining nyame gearsets from oddysey & focus on capping main job mastery, since even with those felt like bare minimum for the fights, with capped ambuscade sword usually being common get-to-go easiest powerful weapon to get. TVR imo is awesome & highly recommend to experience for its deep lore. 😉
I came back too (and I'm still playing) ffxi 2 years ago and it's still far funner than 14. I just started dawntrail today so I could beat it for these raids
I can not wait for the new orchestrion rolls 🙂
Never played FFXI but I have experienced that Niddhog/Fafnir style of world boss in an other mmo. Same deal, best loot table at the time and the boss would spawn once a week on tuesdays at 3 am. Hardcore guilds would spawn camp (first one to right click on the boss as he spawned, not too different from winning an house in XIV before the new lottery system lol) and get the rewards every week while the entirety of the others players could not even dream about fighting the boss. The devs changed that because of a quickly growing dissatisfaction among the playerbase.
I love the theme of San d'Oria, I used to stay there for hours listening to it and watching people passing by
I'm definitely interested in XI. I'm still working through the free trial in XIV. But when I get the chance, I want to play XI too.
I know that PlayOnline is terrible and that I couldn't even get the game to download and update in 2024
Finally someone that is pointing out more references than just Jueno! I can’t wait for this 24 man raid, my nostalgia is already peaking
You have the Joe Locke's voice. This is so crazy. Seriously crazy.
This sure bring back memories😀
thanks for sharing. Your excitement has made me excited for the raid launch too! (here's hoping its more challenging than Myths of the Realm and does 11 Justice)
The game is still up and running, albeit only on PC, and you have to download the launcher from the official website, but it's still a good game and fully-complete. I'd recommend people give it a try, though they may not like the idea of paying a separate sub on top of their FFXIV, but it isn't much, which is good.
But the game is definitely fun, and if you're into challenges, it's perfect, because even by today's standards, it gives you a taste of how tough MMO's were back then. FFXIV spoiled me and practically held my hand the whole time, whereas FFXI was hardcore and you had to actually figure things out XD
Thank goodness they have a website with wiki's on it, and full guides.
Still, there's no other game like it, and I'd recommend it, and it has a unique and interesting story.
Played it, still play it. ML20 PUP, and Just mastered THF. Enjoyed the hell out of it.
Personally skeptical of this release… I don't want it to be butchered I guess. Hopefully they treat the game with respect.
I played XI for 12 years from NA release. Being a single barracks dweller overseas in the military, I had ridiculous amounts of time to pour into it. As time went on though, I gained rank and responsibility, meaning less time to play. Then I started a family, so even less time.
The unbelievably stingy nature of the RNG, mixed with the "F your personal life" amounts of grind, led me to finally putting it down after Raisenjima. I had already dipped a toe into FFXIV, but leaving XI pushed me to dive fully into it. The far less grindy nature pulled me in.
I have and always will love FFXI. It was my first online gaming experience of any kind. The story was great, and the lore was heavy and robust. As much as I hated the dev team's idea of "balance" and their utter outright disrespect for the player's time, I still absolutely adored my time playing.
I have always hoped and wished for CBU3/CS3 to add more of XI into XIV. There was alot of it in the early days (direct rips of armor and enemy models), but it lessened as more of the game was released and XIV became more of its own thing.
I loved the Myths of the Realm alliance raid series in EW. I hope this series will evoke the same for me even though I haven't played 11; I wish it won't just be nostalgia-fuel for the players who played 11.
Thank you for this! I'm a big FFXI fan ever since the days when it launched in North America, and have only just recently started out with XIV. Always great to see love for the incredible game that started it all.
Great video! Thanks for sharing!!!
I have mixed feelings. I did in fact play 11, but for a VERY short time. The game was absurdly, absurdly, absurdly grindy and punishing (at least back at launch, when I played.) I lasted until level 45 or so, so while there are bits and pieces I recognize…. most I don't.
For the record, while the game was absurdly painful to die in, took forever to level in, was outrageously expensive (if you bought it) or poopsock-y (if you found it) to get gear in, and very slow and tough to get groups in…. I will say I still have some very fond memories. In particular, the fact that it was so punishing and merciless made exploring certain areas legitimately scary, because the monsters in them could absolutely take you out and it would HURT if they did. I will never forget deciding to do my racial gear quest, and it genuinely feeling like an adventure as I went all over and delved deep into undead-filled abandoned mines looking for treasure chests. Praying all the while my stealth wouldn't give out at just the wrong moment, and being super grateful when a handful of high-level adventurers took pity on me and pointed me in the right direction.
That was some true emergent storytelling right there.
while I never played 11 myself, seeing this break down really makes me appreciate the amount of references and attention to detail. I would probably cry if we ever had a dedicated FF8 or FF10 based raid so I'm super happy for 11 players for this nostalgia trip
XI is still around and still amazing. I'm glad XIV is giving it some attention.
Not me! I played FF11 for years
I wanted to try out FF11 just before DT launched but I couldn't beat the first boss.
(Making an account to play the game)