Yoshi P's Final Words on Third Party Tools/Mods | FFXIV

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Description: yoshi p against mods, ffxiv mods tos, ffxiv mods bannable, ffxiv mods guide, ffxiv mods allowed, yoshi p’s final words on third party tools/mods,

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20 thoughts on “Yoshi P's Final Words on Third Party Tools/Mods | FFXIV”

  1. I still don't understand why people keep asking him and how it is just simple. Don't talk about it. I'm sure he's frustrated saying the same thing over and over. If it's quality of life bits, keep it to yourself. Just don't bug others. Kind of a slap in the face when constantly asked publicly. Good on Yoshi P for just stepping back like leaving it alone.

    Also, love your vids and still getting used to your setups for controllers! Much nicer and pleasing to the OCD eyes and free buttons

  2. The rules haven't changed so why do they keep asking him? It's not like his answers will change if people keep asking smh just dont promote any third party software and dont stream with it and you'll be fine.

  3. Of Course handling Mods like the Fight Club (No one's talk about the Fight Club) is infact the best way to dont even Start a debate about Mods BUUUUUUUUTT i think staying silent is infact the wrong way. There are Tons of Mods that should acknowledged by the Devs so the Devs could find a way to implement these Mods into the Game as a Feature. I dont talk about Stuff like DPS Meters, Mechanic helper and what not. I'm talking about QoL Features. Chatbubbles for example. It hurts absolute no one if you implement Chatbubbles into the Game….some NPCs even have Chatbubbles for their Dialogue so why is it hard to implement them into the Game?

    Same goes for Bufftimers for Party Members. Why do i have the Buff Icon in the Partylist but not the exact Timer? It would be so Comfy as a Healer to know when a Mitigation Buff from a Tank goes off so i know when he gets more dmg.

    This are 2 Examples which not hurt anyone or can used to harass people.

    We know that the Dev have a Close Eye on the Mod Development because the centered Cooldown Timer instead the cornered one which came with 6.2 was originally a Mod.

    So i think the Community should talk about some QoL Mods with the Dev Team.

  4. I'm here for it. This follows the typical 'don't ask, don't tell and people can still use them and just not say anything. I do wish that mods used for acsessability would actually become unnessicary because those things are implemented in the game, and I kind of suspect that mod creators who make them for those reasons also would much prefer this. The only reason they exist is because those parts of the game aren't acsessable.

  5. I feel bad for the folks who need accessibilty mods, ableism is a huge problem in gaming. RP and visual engancement mods aren't too bad either, but I got zero sympathy if you get banned for those — they're unnecessary.

    But everybody else? WoW is right there if you want a game that's shitty math problems and DPS dick-waving. Mods are banned, period, and thank goodness.

  6. I wish people would think about the main reason why Yoshi-P doesnt want mods. Its about keeping toxicity out of gaming. I personally believe that mods aren't inherently bad or toxic. It's about how you use them. Don't use them to put down others feel small and use them to get better IF you decide to use them with people you trust.

  7. I remembered getting harassed a few days back by a party member while doing P7S, saying me a mage dealt even lower damage than a tank and useless. My gear was the minimum requirement for that raid and that tank has full gear mixed 620 + 630 ilvl, what you expect? I straight away reported him for using 3rd party tool and never felt more satisfied.

  8. I am So glad they Don't support mods. those elites in wow can't play any better than I can but they know how to use mods that makes need 1 or 2 buttons. the mods play the game For them

  9. I'm fine with the way they handle the use of mods as of right now. FF logs and ACT are great tools for improving sure, but they are also great tools for toxicity. And there is so many mods that allow you to just straight up cheat that is not even funny.

  10. people that still nudging yoship about this, looks like petulant child at this point. its actually really simple, if stream the game, dont use it. if you not streaming it, you can use it but STFU and indulge it in your circle only. how hard can it be?

  11. How many times does Yoshi P have to say "Do not use mods & or advertise them on social media! They are still banning accounts that use mods! Just report it in game & let them do their job! Just don't use mods! If you use them & get caught, it is on you & it is only your fault! You do the crime, you do the time, PERIOD!

  12. still, there is no excuse anymore, not giving console players their own personal dps parser (only showing their dps)
    parsers are so widely & openly used, it's discrimination towards cosole players, who can't afford a pc for gaming

  13. I am a huge fan of mods that do not give player advantage: ACT, glamour mods, visual mods. They are ways to help players have a better experience, even though I have been on the toxic end of the meter before, I used it as a chance to better learn my job or seek a better fit. Just because someone is toxic to you doesn't mean you reciprocate, try to be objective and see if they are right or if they are just dumb and laugh at them

  14. As someone who used mods for years since HW but only involving Glamour and Visual Enhancements.

    Anything 3rd party tools that involves cheating the system; such as getting world first or destroying the economy of the game, should be penalized tremendously.

    If mods one days gets completed banned and becomes a full blown Witch Hunt, I wouldn't care. Reached a point in the game where I'm very satisfied with my current vanilla glamours not really missing much glam mods


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