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Some of the info was incorrect like double shadow of death and the arcane circle which I do plan on fixing in my lv 90 rotation video. ATM it’s best to weave your second shadow of death with your off gcd abilities like gluttony/bloodstalk/enshroud and for arcane circle to use in normal rotation as well which I meant to put in the video. Sorry for the confusion I hope to remedy this when I release my updated guide thanks for understanding
Utility 0:39
Positionals 2:35
Gauge 3:28
Soulsow 5:07
lv 70 single target rotation 5:35
lv 70 AOE rotation 6:17
lv 90 single target rotation (non enshroud) 6:39
lv 90 single target rotation (enshroud) 7:23
lv 90 AOE rotation (non enshroud) 7:44
lv 90 AOE rotation (enshroud) 8:29
Closing thoughts 8:51
Music by Rchetype:
Sam guide pls!
Thank you!
Dude you are awesome. I like reaper but the question I have is why do I feel squishy, especially with two or more mobs. Is is because I am still leveling? One on one your guide helped me. As far as other videos….post what you know. I like the way you explain things.
.. lol I have a bad memory and rely on muscle memory.. soo I can't do these exact combos XD as I'm used to my current hotbars setup.
Great video tho, and informative sure it would be preffered if I had perfect combos.. but I'm having a blast with reaper and am not too worried.
Nice guide, was clean and understandble.. didn't know about the double shadow of death use in the beginning thank you
More class guides if you have the other classes up i love your style man <3
Nice excellent video😎
Really solid guide. I needed this.
Great guide, would love a Summoner version too.
I've been a Red Mage this whole time and switched to Reaper. It feels so clean and good and kinda reminds me of rdm a bit cuz you have you jump in and out and focus on build/spend
god damn it your video has spoilers fuckin hell my guy
ooo what outfit are you wearing and how to get it o:
Thanks very helpful!
Thank you so much for this! 👍
I just started playing, this is the most informative video I've seen. Could you make a Samurai video? Thanks man! Great content.
This is excellent. Thank you for covering level 70 intro rotation. Most guides only cover end game level 90 rotations.
Why do you apply debuff twice?
Plz just do not double dot the boss at the start, 1 is enough
Tyvm. Took around an hour to adjust keybinds and get familiar with the rotation. Can't wait to actually start playing the job tomorrow lol 🙂
Good straight forward explanations man love it
I didn't see it mentioned here, but it's helpful to note that for Unveiled Gibbet and Unveiled Gallows, there are no positional bonuses for them as there is for the regular versions of these abilities. Similarly, Void Reaping and Cross Reaping also lack positional bonuses.
how do u get that red glowy scythe? looks dope af
That awkward moment when you search level 80 sage guide and click on this instead. What's wrong with me. LOL
You build the red bar to use the red ability so that you can use the blue abilities to build the blue bar to get access to the blue balls which allow you to use the purple abilities which give you purple balls.
Did someone say builder spender x1000?
A lot of these information abour reaper rotation are kind of wrong. I'd recommand documenting a bit more for the following video to avoid spreading misinformation
way too much bass on your mic holy hell.
If this job has down time imma lose my shit….
NekoMabel.. its you? '-'
Machinist guide please can't find one anywhere for lvm 90
This is fucking perfect well done!