Xeno, the story skipper, reacts to AI-generated versions of characters from Final Fantasy 14. What are your thoughts on this rendition of characters? Do you find it enjoyable or is it a poor attempt at AI-generated content? (this description was generated by AI)
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjmkgMo52Us
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► Xeno’s fflogs: https://www.fflogs.com/character/id/27629
Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe to Xeno’s YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date with the best Xeno Highlights, Xeno Reacts, Xeno Guides and the funniest Xeno moments from Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and other games played on stream!
#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c
If you own the copyright of content showed in this video and would like it to be removed please contact:
► leocoman3@gmail.com
Looks shit
Imagine being at work and you get that picture with the text "Pray return…"
AI art BatChest
Where is Krile?
They left out Cid, Emet Selch and Gaius
5:02 FBI OPEN UP!!
Most are terrible xD
Make sense that she doesnt pay attention to hair
Good lord the Gaia one sheesh. I love how half the video is "who tf is this"
Everything is awful but Lyse? GOODGOD
Nightmare fuel
5/10 Lack of Raha
Thats the first time anyone has liked minfilia
Minfilia, Lyse, Ysaile, and specially Venat were the best.
Fppong pretends to not to know what the characters are BALDLY
Taru players raging there was no Nanamo.
Wow that was awful. Scrap that AI immediately.
Xenos causes me physical pain to watch.
Missed oportunity to use a suprised Xeno image made by ai for the thumbnail
Great story skipping my leige. Your double esc mashing is unmatched.
yeah so it was just a react to Xenos discovering who are FFXIV characters
that's the $130 Deluxe boy love Thancred. with even more kissable lips, dreamier eyes and floofier hair. pre order only.
XIV after people mod face sculpts
Yoshi P wonders why the game is sexualized lol GTFO you know what u doin Yoshi.
The only decent one was Venat.
Shame I did not see this live. I would have said. Xenos let me introduce you to Zenos.