Xeno's Honest Opinion About Pictomancer | FFXIV Dawntrail New Job

Xeno reacts to the new Final Fantasy 14 Job revealed at the Japan FFXIV Fan Fest. Pictomancer is a new caster job coming in the Dawntrail expansion who looks like a lot of fun, but Xeno is worried that it might not be good in raids.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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35 thoughts on “Xeno's Honest Opinion About Pictomancer | FFXIV Dawntrail New Job”

  1. wouldn't it just make sense depending on the comp that the picto does higher rdps while blm would have higher adps which would balance out their contributions in the raid?

    like I feel like it can find its place in certain comps where rdps contribution is more valuable than adps… where blm will still find comps that lack a selfish dps…

    like the big factors is the numbers and playability… other than the people who swear by the job, blm always required prior knowledge for fights to know down times and optimal positioning.

    Also I really don't like the idea that is propagated by the community over-inflating the value of a battle rez. As Xenos said, you're not gonna finish due to lack of damage, and "pushing" to just to see a glimpse of the next phase isn't even worth it a lot of times because people are dying and mechanics are not gonna cleanly/correctly proc… like stacks/markers can be placed on wrong members and mechanics not occurring as intended if all members were up… you're not gonna be able to parse whats happening when shit hits the fan unless they're super basic mechanics. That one rez or double can come in clutch… like 1% of the time (like for a LB3 Healer reset) but that LB3 Healer reset a lot of times also means you're not gonna have enough damage to pop the boss anyway because that LB3 was meant for a DPS. Like yeah, in those cases you were able to push through a phase… but you're ending at sub 10% boss hp everytime you use a Healer LB3.

    Battle rez "compensates" for early mistakes if anything… but mistakes shouldn't really be made early on… and later on in a given fight you find the problem of what I just mentioned above.

    I think having Picto in a place where they want to put it will also allow a shift in mentality that is needed so they can start pulling out battle rez from at least smn… I think rdm can keep a battle rez to keep it unique since double instant rez has become part of its identity… but smn doesn't get as much love for its rez… smn also can't rez and heal up a member the same way rdm can since psychic doesn't scale properly for the job. So its still puts a burden on the healers the moment someone gets rez. rdm can at least quick rez + quick heal if only 1 member is down.

    Anyway, I think Picto is a good entry and shift away from battle rez needed so that they can eventually remove battle rez from smn… Because battle rez is way too overrated… imo

  2. BLM is annoying to play, especially in savage. Just take BLM 4head doesn't work if nobody in group wants to play BLM. Open caster slot in your static? You will only see SMN and RDMs applying, BLMs are very rare. PIC has a place to fill the gap, no res – good enough damage to take it over SMN and RDM.

  3. I think if Pictomancer is given two different buffs that it can throw out in a similar way that dancer does, then I think Pictomancer lands very easily in a slot where it can buff the party in a reliable way that lets phys ranged be machinist and you have a Samurai. But that's also assuming a lot that just might not be true. So we'll have to see, but I think that's what they're trying to do, to let the caster be the buffer slot that does it better than summoner/red mage and let selfish dps exist on the phys ranged and be more aggressive with melee dps.

  4. It's a little early to doom on the job imo. Not having a rez isn't the end all be all. It could have really amazing damage support skills. Just hope they don't create a Augmentation Evoker situation like Blizzard did where it's so blatantly OP that it shuts other classes out completely.

  5. There is no way this is real, this has to be a troll. A fuming painter? This is a battle class? This has to be the dumbest shit I have seen in any mmo. That video of the show casing the class was quite posiably the most stupidest shit I have seen as a battle class. Fucking painter? My god

  6. I'm not feeling the cell shaded saturday cartoon spell effects. Even if rotatoin is way easier I would probably still bend over and take it in the rear to really master black mage.

  7. Could be a case of you take Pictomancer if you have a samurai.

    Or you take Blackmage if you have Ninja + Dragoon for example.

    We also don't know what kind of party utility it'll have instead. So its right to say we won't know until the media tour. These are all vaild concerns to have nonetheless

  8. Ehhh.

    I think there's room for a "simple" high DPS caster. If pictomancer brings no res, but still has a little less damage than BLM, that should be fine if it's much easier to prog on. Although we might like to pretend otherwise, ease of execution plays a significant role during prog. (ETA: I posted this before you brought up that point during the video. Whoops!)

    Pictomancer could also be fine if it's balanced as more of a utility mage with more defensive buffs. It wouldn't be optimal, but it'd bring a ton of safety in high damage environments (e.g. ultimates).

    I also think there's a decent chance that SMN res will be removed.

  9. Everything about Dawntrail has been underwhelming to the point of just boring. I truly think this expansion is not going to do well. Then they will look back and wonder where they got it wrong. Probably will blame players or state that its because its the first expansion in the arc and they are just getting started with it. Then the next expansion after Dawntrail will probably be way better. Essentially making it A New World Reborn.

  10. Pictomancer is supposed to have more instant skills so IMO Picto vs BLM will be based on mobility required and if raid will be very Mechanicus-heavy Picto might outdamage BLM on merit of BLM being unable to cast.

  11. I really hope this job is a more complex take on Ninja's mudras. You have the basic casts where you splash different colors on the enemy and the combination of colors used can be used on a ability that creates a summon of varying effects. Basically expanding the mudra system into a job of its own.

  12. Xeno: "I dont think that there will be an instance where you will block out a certain job"

    Meanwhile, BLMs trying to join a prog group but 8/10 listings ban blm

    Wonder if the non rez picto will get the same treatment. Probably not because it's the hot new job but guess we will find out

  13. My mind is racing with the ideas for what they could do to make this class unique and fun. Viper is still going to be my first pick though because I love Black Mage and Red Mage too much to overthrow them with the new kid on the block. I've been needing a new melee main though.
    Anyway, I've got a few interesting ideas they could implement.
    So what if the job gauge is a palette with four empty paint divets. Once you fill it up with four of them, you can assemble a masterpiece. dealing damage, and applying the effects contained within those paints.
    You have a bunch of paint colors that you cast to deal damage, and add it into the palette. So for example, you might have blue that does a bit of normal damage on a 1.5 second cast. Red could do more damage on a 2.5 second cast and a 15 second cooldown so that you can only get one of them in your palette. Green could add a DoT. White could apply a damage buff for the party, Black could do a haste buff. Yellow could guarantee a crit.
    I think this would be the best job to have a few AOE party buffs. As in you paint the ground with a big green circle, and any party members who stand in it gain a damage mitigation, or extra crit chance, or a heal over time. They could do the same thing explained above for that too. Add in a touch of orange to your masterpiece and it draws on the ground instead.

    I'm just hoping they don't only use instant cast abilities. Summoners get like four hard casts per minute. Half of the fun in playing a caster is needing to strategize around your movement opportunities. It's why I like Black Mage so much. if they just make Picto another pseudo-phys-ranged, I'm just going to be disappointed.

  14. Im overall disapponted with picto.
    I play casters almost exclusively and i dont see how this will be that much different from summoner or red mage.

    Ill play it anyway if only for the new max all casters title but my enthusiasm has been throttled. I was hoping for a dot caster.

    I miss old summoner and hope to god they give summoner somthing this expac to make it a little less brain dead.

  15. Regardless of what it can or can't do, I think people should take it anyway. Because why the hell not? In fact, take all jobs that aren't meta for your week one prog. It's a game at the end of the day and should be fun. Challenge yourself and break from the mold of the meta. Also, I feel like battle rezzing has become a huge crutch in this game.

  16. This is the geomancer everybody has been begging for all these years. It is just that they added somewhat a little extra "color" into it. It paints landscapes now. I'd say this does the job well. I'm going to main this in 7.0. Not the dual-wield Viper, now this is a boring job there.

    I also hope that they could use the sightseeing feature well for this class, at least it lets the players to better appreciate this extra mission in the game. ie. what landscape the picto gets depends on the sightseeing completion progress in its log.

  17. The whole “needing” a rez dps is why I never mained a caster. I would love if rez was removed from rdm and smn. If I’m playing dps my only focus should be dps, not pseudo healer. Now we have picto so I’ll finally be able to main caster and not have to play as a backup healer.


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