In this video Xeno plays the new PvP game mode added to Final Fantasy XIV in Patch 6.1: Crystalline Conflict. These are Xeno’s very first PvP matches. He should’ve retired with 100% win rate.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #Endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Background music by Sirius Beat
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The new PvP is pretty fun. Monk, Sam and DRK are really fun, im glad I finally enjoy this games PvP
Yaaaay! We did it!
The way they put people in teams doesn't sit good for me… You can be a REALLY GOOD PLAYER IN PVP and get thrown in teams with people who don't even know what their attack button is. Tome Donkey's making it painful. Hey it's PvP.
I really like the telegraph shit to avoid as part of the match.
no new pvp is bad, sorry many job is cheat… and bug
Its nice that even if you're getting bodied it ends in 5 mins
PVP was jank fun while it lasted. Maybe you can get away with it in casuals, but the higher you go, the more plugins and cheaters you're gonna run into. It's sad.
Idk how anyone can find FFXIV pvp to be fun. Like I have played better pvp systems on other mmorpgs. Like what is so fun about it? For me FFXIV pvp is trash.
Xeno before 6.1: PvP in FFXIV is shit
Xeno after 6.1 drops: hey, this is pretty fun.
Glad you're enjoying the new PVP mode, but you should have retired with that 100% win streak. 🤣
Me an expert fisher main playing warrior in pvp "well well well thats a nice smn in the back lane lets just cast my line."
It's addictive af! I love sniping people with MCH and get a clutch win! Got my Garo mount finally 😀
As a former wow PVPer the pvp for final fantasy is pretty soild now. Its less keyboard smashy and has some sembliance of CD managment and timing defensives and CC and target priority.
im suprised he didn't get them ERP avatar plates for CC
Volcano map best map !
This is a pretty fun thing to do casually when there's nothing else going on. The whole cheaters/bots thing will likely keep me away from ranked though. Overall the direction of this pvp is a huge improvement over the old system. Hopefully they clean it up before it becomes a cesspool of aim botters with perfect CC timing, but either way it was a good attempt.
New PvP been pretty fun. Wish you could queue in groups in casual at least. I get why you can’t in ranked. And I wish ranked had set comp 1 healer, 1 tank, 3 dps in it. Casual can be any. But other than that. Feels so good to play.
not only is it a Player vs Player its also a Fashion vs Fashion at the intro 😛
I am so hooked to the pvp in general. Frontlines is fun as fuck now and the new CC is a great mode for a break from Frontlines. This whole week I been doing a lot pvp and just that lol. O in CC dragoon for life
Honestly not sure how to feel about this , PvP in mmo,s is almost always bad & has negative repercussions in PvE. I suppose its still to early to tell. But the fact that a tank can practically 1 v 5 an entire team is a problem. At least it is all separate move sets & abilities, might be its only saving grace. But other than that it LOOKS fun , wither or not this mode will have staying power is yet to be determined.
Samurai's limit break induces a low level of salt but aside from some balance issues, the new mode is pretty good overall. A major improvement from the Feast. All we need now is the ability to queue up with pre-formed parties/friends and it would add more value to the PvP content
This dramatic music tho…
solid, but I wish you could queue with friends, and I wish you could actually use chat. And I would kill for the actions to be a little more responsive. It feels like trying to use purify into guard is just awkward.
i love how WAR is utterly unkillable in gang fight
That sad ass music in the background does not fit lmao
Its fun for awhile until you start seeing how unbalanced it is and then it can start getting frustrating.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking neat when you aren't getting fucking riverstomped in your asshole by two other teams or getting bad spawns for objectives.
He's pretty good for a newbie. He doesn't make the common newbie mistakes like over extending and not letting greed kill him.
I think they missed the mark on a few jobs when it comes to design mainly the tanks they don’t have any real kill potential or i have not seen it but especially warrior is way too hard to kill and and is an annoyance who slows down the game to a halt and they should rework the polymorph on whm if you are going to make a no counterplay cc there has to be a setup to it like an lb because you can just get killed instantly and not get the effects of your defensives because of server ticks
as a warrior main as well I have the totally opposite CC experience then you did, I play many games and get focused down by the other them every single time I spawn. Cant play it worth a shit
the funny part of CC for me was the first 2 games was at least one glamor plate of just Viera ass xD
not surprised you won that first match, bench press is a straight up stone cold killer
sprout necromancer that hasn't even done stormblood
It's real the New PvP is so Good it even saves Samurai from 6.1!
Some people dont know or forget, but dont forget to buy Garo gear full set for ur favourite pvp job and get the Garo title. Use the title with the job on ur CC fights and every win would be counted to the Garo mount achievement. I totally forgot to do this at the start.
u either run them over like they all go afk
they run u over like they have no cd on any of their gcd
he hasn’t seen toxic yet. one day he will get a three piece kill, god forbid a squad wipe, but then it will happen. he will use the “sweep emote” combined with the “good match!” macro. xeno you can’t escape this fate. the pvp is too addicting and eventually you will succumb to the toxic meta. ( im a reaper main )
We need a petition to make a regular sprint animation like that buffed one
New PVP as a warrior just makes me feel like a badass. Nothing like stunning a whole party by letting an AOE from the volcano wipe them all, or tethering the healer in an aoe or to your whole party. Between bloodwhetting and popping regen between bloodwhettings cooldown, your hp can stay consistently up or pop the shield for the few seconds you need when getting ganged up on for your bloodwhetting to be able to proc again and hit the whole group to regen. The glams are superior to last season too.
i wish i could play warrior without feeling like a piece of shit due to how often primal rend is ready lmao, so ive been palying paladin and my god is it fun
why tf is xenos listening to "anime death scene" music at the start?
It's kind of incredible how well made the new PVP is, especially given how shitty the old PVP was. SE really does understand game design when they put the effort into it.
What the hell is this music
The joke being Xeno calling anything and anyone toxic
I love using holmgang to draw in fools into the aoes
LB before turbulence. :Smile:
Yo is that some PvXeems?
5:51 that timing with the music!!
Grinding Crystalline Conflict with my warrior as much as I can before they fix them, the 15 second multi stun and chain pull is too good for this mode. Also limit break stops players being able to guard, its disgusting.
They need to add more maps and pvp top players need to be known accros Eorzea with a resume of the best top 10 final ending moves.