Xeno Reacts to NEW Job Actions in Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker

Xeno watches the new Job Actions Trailer for Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker for the first time. Some of the new skills in 6.0 look amazing! Xeno Reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV: ENDWALKER – Job Actions.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

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45 thoughts on “Xeno Reacts to NEW Job Actions in Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker”

  1. If they do with infuriate what they do with monk meditation I think we have nothing to worry about.
    i.e. "Infuriate out of combat doesn't consume a charge and grants 100 rage".
    So you just pop it once in prepull and you just have your two charges to use when the fight starts.

  2. Kinda funny how summoner got a complete rework…and scholar got "power walking"… Even astro got a slight rework and is now a pure heal..no shield sect… Sage is kinda similar to geomencer…attacking the enemy heals the same amount the marked player hp. Whitemage gets a totem thing that mirrors your heals….so now scholar will lose a lot of playerbase.

  3. Paladin has me super excited. I really love those sword from the heaven type attacks in games ever since I first learned Ragnarok in Golden Sun on the GBA. That attack, with the sounds it made and how much damage it did was the first real taste of power you got in that game and wow did it stick in my mind lol

  4. People are overhyping FF so much, its a good game, but people treat it now like its gods gift to gaming. and everything they do is INSANE NEXT LEVEL… Jeez, good game worth playing and very good story and content. Just standards in general in gaming have dropped that we're happy with anything that isn't a cashgrab and content that lasts for 24 hours.

  5. Arthars : Ninja finally gets a gap closer, a proper one.
    Ninja gets four fucking charge of them and it's scuffed now..
    Current day : Arthars in tears "Look what they done to my boy.." 🙁


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