Xeno watches the new Job Actions Trailer for Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker for the first time. Some of the new skills in 6.0 look amazing! Xeno Reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV: ENDWALKER – Job Actions.
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The Reaper yall didnt notice anything ? That's a Hrothgar he's wearing a hat on yall aint peep that, Hats confirmed.
I don't want to play the game after these changes. Im bored and waiting for new stuff. Current classes feels lame xD
Ninja got some cool stuff but, man i hate its weaponskill combo so much. It looks so insignificant and aeolian edge is not a ''ninja'' move. So lame
Fuck me man I can't play this and New World……….-_-
the best summoner class is in FF11. Genuinly the best summoners class out there.
If they do with infuriate what they do with monk meditation I think we have nothing to worry about.
i.e. "Infuriate out of combat doesn't consume a charge and grants 100 rage".
So you just pop it once in prepull and you just have your two charges to use when the fight starts.
I am the bone of my sword
Ninja: chidori
Sage: gundam
as a PLD and SMN main…I am so hyped.
Been on the fence about ff14 but reaper looks sick
Is it just me or does this guys beard look glued on?
"Now let's see confetiot 2………….."
Se: <throws a bunch at him>
"THREE?!?!?! FOUR?!?! FI—WHA–" <K.O>
18:20 love this part XD
Buncha flashy lights and dings, masks the bad combat
A warrior with a PUNSH Skills ??? what a disgrace !
I love your content and perspective but fuck Youtube. I couldn't even get through one job without an ad break. Twenty ad breaks is too many for a 19 min video.
NIN… More single target mudra yay
so they don't showcase actual rotations and how new things fit into them, they just click buttons and expect people to get hyped without context?
ok im gonna have to come back to this just to try out reaper for sure looks cool
God i mis ffxiv, wish it goes to xbox
I have got to get back into this game and play summoner
As a paladin main REJOICE BROTHERS
Kinda funny how summoner got a complete rework…and scholar got "power walking"… Even astro got a slight rework and is now a pure heal..no shield sect… Sage is kinda similar to geomencer…attacking the enemy heals the same amount the marked player hp. Whitemage gets a totem thing that mirrors your heals….so now scholar will lose a lot of playerbase.
Still no where near as fun as fast run WoW dungeons.. Look how boring this crap is LOL
I'm so glad I have an 80 PLD lol. Confiteor combo is sick! UNLIMITED BLADEWORKS
Clicking this video, seeing you all excited like a girl on her prom, my hand automatically hit "Subscribe" while saying "Here's my sub, you bald f**k".
Não conheço nem esse cara e nem FFXIV, mas estou impressionado de como a careca dele e a barba podem ser tão perfeitas! wtf
I wonder how much more hype some of these animations would be if the dmg numbers while playing were more apparent and built up instead of just 1 flat number for a hit
Paladin has me super excited. I really love those sword from the heaven type attacks in games ever since I first learned Ragnarok in Golden Sun on the GBA. That attack, with the sounds it made and how much damage it did was the first real taste of power you got in that game and wow did it stick in my mind lol
All the sheep in chat going PLD ResidentSleeper untill conf 4 drops. Instant simp mains.
More CC / Interrupts.
Better Guild Recruit System.
Better Low-Level for Experience MMORPG Players.
"Warrior is so bad ass they put it in another job trailer"

The paladin simp. That shit was funny bro LOL
I wish we could summon sephirot and shinryu
Shit… imma have too many mains now
Always fun to watch people's reactions to the classes.
People are overhyping FF so much, its a good game, but people treat it now like its gods gift to gaming. and everything they do is INSANE NEXT LEVEL… Jeez, good game worth playing and very good story and content. Just standards in general in gaming have dropped that we're happy with anything that isn't a cashgrab and content that lasts for 24 hours.
RIP scholar BUT there’s gonna be a huge number of scholars in end game from people playing the new summoner XD
im from the future, the jobs executions is good, but man do they mess up the math behind it
Arthars : Ninja finally gets a gap closer, a proper one.
Ninja gets four fucking charge of them and it's scuffed now..
Current day : Arthars in tears "Look what they done to my boy.."