Xeno Rants About Final Fantasy 14 Patch 6.45

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.45 is almost here and it brings a new Variant / Criterion Dungeon, Blue Mage Updates and Relic Weapon Updates, however Xeno is not happy with the way Square Enix has been handling content in Endwalker. Here is another classic Xeno Rant about problems in FFXIV.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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50 thoughts on “Xeno Rants About Final Fantasy 14 Patch 6.45”

  1. Totally agree with why can't be have both Bozja brought the Large scale Savage with DRS i was hoping theyd expand upon that and give us essentially 3 Savage 24 mans this expansion as well as Criterion. Instead this expansion we had Island Sanctuary replace Bozja yawn and just an over focus on pvp

  2. EW has felt so underwhelming, only "hype" thing was the story and it seems that all that went into it. The content just feels lacking and no relic area too is wild to me. Im just going to continue taking a break until 7.0, HOPEFULLY we get gameplay changes that make rotations and playing the game more engaging.

  3. Idk I kinda liked this tier as tank but yeah it does feel like all the mechs aren't designed for PF, the constant body checks for big mechanics is arduous

  4. You're so spot on with raid design this tier: I hate having to do the same 10 minute fight over and over only for 1 person to fuck up at the wrong time and resetting everything. There's difficult, and then there's just annoying.

  5. Why they just don't cut battle content entirely? The thing that they making VISUAL update, but don't drop any word for trying fixing netcode – shows they priorities. Considering this is the ONLY MMO that have that BIG TECHNICAL problem and yet they blind to it.

    I think as long people login to just read a few lines of text and (E)RP in Limsa Lominsa – CBU3 is okay with current state of the game.

    Man, the promised "10 years of content" sure sound sad from that perspective

  6. after all these years Square slowly making the same mistakes they did with 1.0 all over again. It'll take a failed expansion for them to wake up unfortunately the current formula works and makes them oodles of money with little to no effort. Unless 7.0 sales blow ass and slap them with a wake up call yall gonna just get dripped the same shit over and over.

  7. So glad Xeno agrees that there's no reason why we can't have exploration content and Criterion Dungeons. EW is gonna be the one expansion that started out strong with the hype but there's nothing to keep players around besides raiding that will be irrelevant in half a year or less. This is coming from a guy that was willing to bet EW would beat SHB, but nope, SHB is still king of side content and story.

  8. I'd say that some of the issue with new content is also that people do stuff til it's dead. They take a few days off of work or somethin and just drown themselves in the new content and then complain when it only lasts them between a day and a week (for the slower players who aren't deliberately ignoring the new stuff to stretch it). Even the people who complain about lack of harder content will do it into the ground until it's not hard anymore, or if they wait a bit, they use 3rd Party Tools to complete it anyway and complain about it not being hard enough.
    When it comes to the Manderville weapons, I'm glad it's been just tomes so far, cuz I went back to try and do the ShB weapon for WAR and it took FOREVER because nobody's doing the content it was attached to. God forbid we have a relic set that people will still be able to do later on. :/

  9. A separate set of achievements for doing BLU Ultimates would be cool. Heck, make it a requirement to complete the Ultimate via normal means before attempting BLU Full Party. I think that'd be fair.

  10. I cleared P9S week one, and just didn't felt like I was enjoying it anymore by mid p10s, i think what xemo said makes sense… In retrospect I enjoyed so much my UWU prog, and it's a fight that you can fuck up and recover, you can flex and do a mech if the ranged dies, I personally enjoy that much more than boring body checks

  11. I'm so tired of every savage fight having body checks, I think there even were some threads in the forums about it. Like my liege said, you straight up explode and take everyone else with you (P10S revolutionized the scene, by reminding healers they could esuna) It's so annoying.
    And since my static only do 7 hours and half a week, having to waste 8 minutes because someone messed it up, takes a lot of our already limited time, so I can't imagine how people with even less time can manage.

  12. i cleared p9s and was too checked out to even prog the rest. every fight feels like a glorified training dummy, if one person messing up wipes the party, and having no real responsibilities as a tank killed it for me. i just look for MINE groups to run old content now

  13. I am thinking of quitting entirely. Have been playing FFXIV longer than I have been playing WoW before now and it just feels tedious once you cleared shit… it's not fun to reclear at all.

  14. You'll feel it year 5-6.

    Homie I've felt it year 2-3. It feels bad because I love the game. I really do and I too want it to succeed but i only make sure to log on and keep my sub to keep my damn large that I worked my butt off for.

    And I still question if it's worth it.

  15. i am ALREADY feeling this and i have only been playing this game for about 2 yrs myself. i came over with the wow exodus 2 yrs ago and stayed with the game. but since i have caught up and been doing raiding on release, im already being burnt out a bit. and ive done a bit here and there with boja, eureka, some gold saucer, and a few of my crafters…SE really needs to up their game and actually take some risks here. put back some kind of replayability and exploration. this whole " one and done" deal after the first week or 2 really makes this drought seem longer than it is…and its pretty fking lengthy. at this rate..i will be most likely taking a break til next expansion and hopefully then SE can put some life back into 14. but maybe im just on some copium at this point. one can hope tho.

  16. Because the game is more for people like me who has a job and can play like 1-3 hours a day and weekends. And even I cant play every day. I played for year and a half already and still didnt reach ShB, because I level other jobs, did relics and sometimes didnt play because I played other games. But yeah, they need to do more grind content, so people could complain again about it like they did with Eureca and Bozja.

  17. Eureka: Booooooo this is tooooooo lonnnnnng wahhhhhhhhhh
    A world without Eureka: I'm playing another MMO 5 days a week now 🙂

    I do miss adventure forays. Best damn non-raid, community content in this game. Raids badass too! The raids actually felt like old school raids. Just very cryptic and dangerous.

  18. The one thing I dont like atm is, that there is no grind for gear at all. you get the crafted raidgear and you can basically do everything you want (except ultimate, but when that releases you have BiS anyways). I loved grinding for gear in WoW and everyone loves getting rewarded with gear that upgrades their character. That is completely missing in this game. No horizontal progress.
    I know some ppl will say "Oh but it kills the savage boss faster and you may have some more damage downs etc.". Bro git gud, learn your rotation and play the mechanics correctly so noone dies or gets a damage down. Maybe there should be more content that requires higher gear than crafted gear? Then you have something you actually want to have more gear for.
    But maybe there are some other options for a nice grind that feels rewarding and makes me want to log in every day to get some shit done. Some players I know do this with achievements. When no content is currently rewarding enough, they hunt achievements like crazy and they love it because it is rewarding for them. But Im not an achievementhunter and a lot of other people arent as well.

  19. Every raidboss feels like somebody said take X amount of mechanics we have in any other dungeon/boss, slap some different vfx on it and make 1 hard unique ability at 8 minutes and call it a day and sure it's a great content blocker but having the hardest mechanic 8 minutes into the fight is just such a boring concept after so many tries and it's even worse when you have to do the reclears.

  20. I think it's obvious that the amount of content per patch or per expansion has beens steadily decreasing and the only reason is Squeenix minmaxing profits. They probably took XIV devs and put them to work on XVI. There is no reason besides minimizing costs that we don't get more/better longterm content.

  21. There's a lot to unpack when it comes to design philosophy. I also want to add that I am in agreement with a lot of the comments and the video's content. This is kind of just thinking out loud.

    Firstly, anyone's feelings on the game's direction is 100% correct as it pertains to that player. Everyone experiences the game differently. Some will say everything is completely fine, and they are correct; as it pertains to them. It's the weirdness of subjectivity where both sides can be correct. Decision making can be a little bit more open shut. I agree that the content sprinkles can be exhaustive, but let's continue to the more meaty aspects.

    I think it is safe to assume part of the decision making boils down to engagement metrics, which Square probably has to themselves, and the community can only speculate. Just because the content is being run regularly, does not mean the engagement is high. It also varies based on the type of content being designed, and the return on investment so to speak. Eureka was 4 Zones and a 54 Man Raid that needed to be designed. Bozja/Zadnor were 2 full zones with 2 Group Dungeons and a 48 Man Raid with a Savage Variant. The return on investment needs to be favourable for them to repeat that, and I'm willing to speculate that is wasn't good enough for them to warrant repeating. Now, SE has routinely set unrealistic expectations for things, so it may not have been lack of engagement, but lack of engagement to satisfy SE.

    Savage gets tricky, because we have to think about the hole SE has to thread the needle through. Anyone who has been playing High-end Content since early on, will have improved substantially present day. Which presents a problem that SE solved partially with Ultimate Raids. However, they are in a really difficult position when you factor in some variables.

    First: The Savage Tier needs to be accessible to Expansion Entry players. When looking at Savage Advice forums, everyone always says to start EX and move to the current tier. This immediately sets some constraints for the door boss. You could revamp the savage entry requirements to include the completion of all the EX Trials leading up to the tier, which would give the player a lot more practice in higher-end content. A problem would be some players may see that as too much work to engage in the content, or look at is as a form of gate keeping. I'd look at it as a skill prog. Similar to having to clear the Savage Tiers to unlock the Ultimates. The player's that want to engage in the content, will engage with it.

    Second: They have to come up with new mechanics based on their current design philosophies.
    I personally agree with Xeno on a lot of his points in other videos, which is why I added that little bit at the end. I do think they have cleverly reused some of their mechanics in competent ways, but if you reuse too much, fights become stagnant. I think removing positional buffs, and adding more responsibilities to tanks and healers, SE could expand fight mechanics.
    Here are some examples I've thought of:
    A Ring AoE that requires the boss to be positioned at one of the cardinals, and requires a healer to burn a rescue to save the tank
    MP Damaging Mechanics
    Debuffs that require a Magic Shield to prevent.
    Total Room Tankbuster where the party is required to stand behind the tank, else they get hit by it.
    Field Mechanics : Lets say an additional Mob will spawn outside the arena to do a mechanic, the Tank can aim the piercing tankbuster to kill the Mob, so the mechanic can be either solved, or simplified.
    Optional Mechanics: This are additional events that occur during a boss fight that will provide a benefit to the party in some way. Examples could be a Bonus Limit Break, A Vuln stack on the boss , lowering the DPS Check (Useful if a player dies, could save the run), Interrupting a mechanic, or simplifying a mechanic.

    Third: They have to deliver those mechanics in a satisfying way
    This is difficult, because of the subjectivity. They obviously hit the formula with DSR, but missed it with TOP. Difficulty itself should not be the deciding metric alone, but flow of the fight. As mentioned in the previous point, if you expanded on your boss fight design, you could design an encounter that does not just hinge on its difficulty to determine its quality, but one that is also fun to experience. Would be very helpful with dungeon bosses especially right now.

    Fourth: They have to have the metrics down to a percent or two so that the fight can be finished by pick-up groups.
    Wasn't it PS8 They had to nerf because according to Yoshi-P, the testers got to efficient and it messed up their numbers? If the numbers are too high, players will complain the fight is too hard. If the numbers are too low, players will complain the fights are too easy. Side Note: players are going to complain regardless.
    It puts the Vets in the most difficult position, as Savage Content Difficulty will Plateau, I can see it being frustrating encountering players who just may not be good enough for Savage Tier. With their design philosophy of big hit boxes and bosses glued to the center of the arena, I can see the cracks form. Especially with the Dungeons

    That's enough of Savage, if you have decided to keep reading… Well ok… I'm just thinking out loud at this point.

    SE has put themselves in an awkward position with the amount of different sub communities that exist within FF14, and they now have to try and develop content to some degree which satisfies everyone. That means resources need to be consumed for the specific areas.

    Housing, RPers, High-end Content Runners, Casual Content Runners, Gathering and Crafting, Blue-Mage Folks, Deep Dungeons, The Grinders, Achievement Hunters, just to name a few. Most of you are probably part of at least Two Communities. However, some player's will be very different than others in Skill and Mentality. FF14 has become a Theme Park MMO so to speak, with a lot of different content for different players. Whether that is a good decision or not, differs based on the perspective you take. For me, I like it because I don't burn out due to focusing on different things.

    I also am unaware of how the Revenue earned by FF14 is allocated by SE. Does FF14 get all of it? I definitely think more resources should be put into their key money maker, in order to produce more content.

    Thanks for reading. I'm just a random idiot so bare in mind if you want to eviscerate me for stupid or "wrong" points. <3

  22. if they would cater to both sides we still would've Kaiten but with direct hit instead of 50% or something.. speaking of which, that's the thing I am looking forwards to: The Job Action Trailer, if the Samurai there does Kaiten it's good, if not.. well.. 2 more years of spamming Shinten like a Bitch.. but seriously since 6.1 the Gameplay Part of FFXIV dipped really hard and the Good Stuff is either MSQ or Hildibrand.. yay.. huh..

  23. I ended up letting my sub run out. Like after playing through the story and and reaching endgame. My days just ended up being roulettes and crafting for gil. I just feel like 14 isn't offering me anything to keep me playing like I want a reason to play. Coming from wow I was used to having content that kept me playing like PvP or M+ where im constantly challenging myself with friends and pushing further and further. In 14 you kinda reach your goals fast and have no reason to do anything else after. Like take Savage, once you get BiS what real reason do you have to raid anymore other than getting a mount? PvP in 14 just feels bad to me i know some people like it, but it just feels bad to play. You have no reason to go into the open world other than for FATES and Beast tribes which just end up being fetch quests. I've also kinda noticed atleast in Endwalker the community for me has started getting kinda antisocial even in FCs its like no one talks anymore.

  24. Preach. I'll play 7.0 for the story, but beyond that I just can't be arsed. I let my sub run out again because I have zero desire to farm anything in the game anymore, and nothing they're adding in this patch has me wanting to re-up my sub til the expansion.

  25. I find it quite funny how the FF14 community bashed Bozja when it came out as well as Eureka. Nowadays they realized these contents were not bad at all and it gave both casual and hardcore players something to grind for.

    It's completely lame Delubrum Savage was made by just a few people in the first weeks and it died. I know there are discords for that, but still the success rate is lenghty and slow.

  26. Yeah I have to agree with you on the 8 man check mechanics that are non recoverable. Basically it's nothing but that, Ultimate level mechs in savage for the past couple tiers now. I'm tired of it aswell. I never completed the previous Criterion that was released. Now look at PF – it's more dead than Guildhests, there are no parties for it, it's a joke. I want to complete it someday, but ofc I have to rely on 3rd party apps like Discord and such to find grps to do it, and even then nobody wants to do it. Dead content, dead game, dead hobby. Watch them make Criterion fucking hard af again and Savage just the same shit but you can't die even once. Shit design, pepegas in Square dev and management teams.

  27. Abyssos was my first tier, so I can't make a comparison with the other raid tiers from previous expansions. But I have to agree that it sucks reaching the later part of the fights like harrowing or letter, and only to wipe because one person accidentally messes up. The whole design really tests people's patience, and it also makes the person who fucks up feel horrible as well. I still love the raid tier tho.

  28. Square sticks to their formula's so god damn hard that its infuriating. I love this game, and using dungeons as an example I love dungeons, but every dungeon since Shadowbringers feels like the same straight line with the same 2 packs of mobs between each of the 3 bosses and its so annoying once you realise it. They even ruined some older dungeons by changing their layouts to be straight lines and I think they even removed a boss in one 4 boss dungeon to make it 3 bosses. Say what you will about WoW, at least not all of its dungeons are exactly the same.

  29. It's a good day to be part of the roleplay community. The power to endlessly make our own content and never get bored during these droughts. But as someone who's already done all the ults and bored/burnt out of PVE after TOP, I really wish there was another bozja or something this expansion. I loved the CE's so fucking much.

  30. As much as I love raiding and the story, I most enjoy the Eureka and Bozja style of content, I would argue content like Island Sanctuary isn’t just casual, it’s niche. Criterion is very fun but there’s no reason to run it, it feels like people who want to put tons of hours in the game are being told to either raid or take a break. Idk, I love this game but this kind of content is just not it to me, reminds me of destiny 2 content


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