Xeno on Boosting in Final Fantasy 14 – Should People Buy Story and Level Skips?

Xeno talks about boosting in Final Fantasy XIV, who should and who shouldn’t boost and what he thinks about people who buy story and level skips. He also gives his opinion on people’s comments on Twitter and the Quin69 situation.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo 9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat

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48 thoughts on “Xeno on Boosting in Final Fantasy 14 – Should People Buy Story and Level Skips?”

  1. The thing is. you can go through the whole story and msq and still not know fuck all of how to play this game. you can boost and put in the time and be a god at the game. how you get to endgame doesn't matter. its IF you want to learn to be good at the game or you don't. shitty people who don't care will get to endgame even without boosts. boosts arent the problem.

  2. The thing is.. if you boost and you are a first time FF14 player, or worse, a first time MMO player – you have to sit your ass down and learn – a lot. Like looking up class guides online and learning. There is no way you learn to play your boosted class on a sufficient level by leveling from 70 to 80 and jumping into endgame. If you don't sit your ass down and read all skills in detail and practice your class rotation, you'll be a terrible player and the reason people don't like boosters. But that's basically studying and no fun, so who does that? I do think that by doing the lvl 50/60/70 content that people learn a lot about the game, how encounters work and how their simpler low level rotations work. Those get added on naturally. Yeah, for the perfect opener and to maximize your DPS you still might need a guide, but you still have a much better grasp at the game as a new player who gets basically thrown into the cold water.

    That being said, people who are just in the game for high end raiding or similar things can absolutely boost. I'd expect them to learn the game and their class on a high level as part of the process. It's absolutely fine in that case. Everyone can get out of the game what they want.

  3. Don't mind boosting, though I do get tired of explaining basics to lv70+ like retainers and when mounts can fly to ppl when the information is given to you in the story. They can Google that shit lol.

  4. The main thing I have for boosters is that I will still outright say is that the game just is worse off if you boost if you’re doing the game for fun, and I’m learning as more people come in from other MMOs that people legit don’t get that a good worthwhile story can exist in an MMO, and just how mentally fucked people get because of the other games. Like, yeah, you might think you only will enjoy endgame, but that’s just the poison from everywhere else talking. But that’s more of a warning than a “FUCK YOU, GUY WHO SPENT HIS MONEY A WAY I DON’T LIKE!!!!!!”

    The only thing I’ll say with Limit is that I saw that Mogtalk with him basically just going “how can I get anti-boosters to shut the fuck up”, which the answer should’ve been “not like that.”

  5. The bike goes at max speed but via leveling and riding maps you unlock that speed for every mount anyway – you just get there fast sooner.
    Personally, nope, anti boost. And I'm well aware that SE is to blame for that. Its lazzy. If its for an alt on another datacenter, fine, but anything else? Lazzy. You pay the company to get less of the game. What an investment.

  6. its when they boost and then don't know how to play the game. I'm fine with people boosting but at least know what your class does or how to use it effectively before doing so, or even once you've boosted (practice on dummies or mobs). Don't boost and go straight into content when you know nothing about your class or how they function.

  7. This reminds me of when that movie critic that only watched episode 1 and then skipped to episode 4 of the witcher and then called the whole show trash, if you wanna boost go ahead but dont complain about the story or the game if you didn't even experience it.

  8. "Undoubtedly going to talk like they are the best in the game"
    Quote from Limit_Maximum: "We are such trash!" (seriously, he said this so often It seemed like a mantra, lol)

  9. I don't pick on the meme that Quin has become because he boosted, I pick on him because he willingly made an ass of himself in a way that anybody who's played an MMO for a week would know better than to do.
    And it's funny.

  10. Boosting isn't ethically wrong. Doesn't matter if you dislike the booster or the service in general if it hurts the game experience. Here's my expectations, when someone boosts their first character they are going to suck at the game 9 times out of 10. When I get a sprout in full exarchic I expect them to be terrible until I see them doing the little things right and realize they are someone's alt. Boosting an alt =/= boosting a main, thats not even close to an honest argument. I would strongly discourage anyone who is not boosting their alt from boosting at all.

  11. ff14 is not toxic …. LMAO, the double talk from the ff14 community is insane,, they tell you not to boost to play the story that its good and old content is still good…. WHILE at the same time telling you that leveling is a pain, and dose not good till after level 60 … LMAO

  12. I feel like leveling a class from 1-80 (or from whatever level it starts) gives you all of the knowledge you need to play your class correctly. Some folks don’t like story and that’s okay

  13. I’m brand new to the game and I want to be overwhelmed by the DK Tank class and get into it fast learning everything and my rotations while I’m still new. I won’t boost the story cause I see that as idiotic if I can get all content from there. I’m the guy that does all quests I see. I don’t understand why people want to boost the story. This game is a journey not a destination. However I can understand that some people that maybe have grinded out one class and quickly want to get into a new roll for the fun of it want to boost a class. That’s why I’m not anti boost but I don’t see it as something. I probably wouldn’t have boosted if I wasn’t as tempted to get to play on a higher level. Though I will sit through the story in an out. I just wonder if boosting the DK while being level 20 in RR will work. Will I be able to access everything?

  14. SE selling boosting services is the smartest thing they could do. People are gonna pay for it anyway and find ways to do it outside the legal means so might as well save people the trouble and make some money doing it.

  15. I boosted a dragoon… still top damage in everything I do so… the whole "You learn your class while leveling" argument is Bullshit… this is a video game… it's complex at times sure but it aint fucking rocket science. There's plenty of ppl with all jobs at 80 that are trash… A person with a shit mentality is going to be shit at the game 30000 or 3 hours in. A person new to the game will grasp the basics of their class mechanics within a few dungeon runs and begin to optimize….
    I mean the community at large thinks Extreme Trials are super hard… and that's kinda funny honestly.

  16. To me it's not a matter of boosting is bad, it's a matter of them missing out. I'm all for people boosting but I feel bad they missed out on the experience the game provides ya. Dungeons teach you basics, story creates a purpose to play the game, learning your class as you get skills vs given a ton of skills may be more overwhelming. In the end, it doesn't hurt me just hate seeing lol 70 people struggling at easy content or looking lost as fuck lol. it's hard to explain stuff they may not get because it wasn't delivered to them in a meaningful way. For instance, we have an fc mate who felt lost because they skipped heavensward and stormblood. When we tell them where they need to go they are like… what?! that's a place or that's a thing. yea… sucks but let em do what they want. we can try to patch the holes they may miss.

  17. Played MSQ through EW on DRG.

    And have boosted every character since. Cause why the fuck would I want to grind another character from 1 to 80? That's stupidity.

    Oh no, I missed some class storyline? Watched it on YouTube.

    "But you don't learn how to play your class!"…. You're right, I never learned how to utilize shitty minimal rotations and skills that will eventually be replaced and changed anyways.

  18. tbh I think boosts should come with a disclaimer for you to have measured expectations. If you story boost, don't expect to enjoy story that you missed the vast majority of, I wouldn't expect someone to like the game of thrones books, if they just started reading the last book without reading the other one first, and certainly don't have the audacity to weigh in on the quality of a story you did not experience, if you do it retroactively then great! but until then your opinion on the story without experiencing it first will be rightly dismissed. Also if you level boost do not expect to know how to play perfectly right away, or blame the game for you not taking the time to learn how to play your job since you skipped all the time most people learn. If you boost and you don't weigh in on the story and you actually take the time to learn your job, then fantastic, I've seen boosting success stories. Like it's really not that hard to just not share an opinion on something you haven't done or to learn how to play the damn game before complaining about it.

  19. Boosting thru story? Didn't do it..However I did boosted a few jobs tho (I have to work and put food on the table too ya know? I don't have so much free time So pls don't judge) but only after making sure I caught up to the present MSQs and then followed by heading to my estate's training to dummy to familiarize with the job..If you boost jobs please please please set aside some time to familiarize your kit at a dummy..It'll be good for everone

  20. If you new in this anime dragon age, and want boost pls boost dps not a tank or heal cause max problem you make is tank floor. Cause if you new in this game and boost for example drk and go in alpha and omega, im pull you from arena or pull you into aoe with my fk rescue skill(yeah im specialy take heall class for it).

  21. I’m boosting because the story is a slog. Might be easier to follow along if it was voiced like ESO and I could kinda drift off but shit the fact I have to pay attention turns me off lmao

  22. My personal opinion on boosting is it’s a good way to save time leveling alternate jobs or characters. If you’re not a fan of the story, and want to boost, then that’s also fine. People who think you don’t “earn” a raid clear after boosting are idiots. You still prog that raid and work to clear it. The only time when someone doesn’t earn a raid clear is if they buy the clear itself.


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