In this video Xeno checks his healer rotation on xivanalysis in order to see what mistakes he made and how he can improve and become a better White Mage player. Xivanalysis is a great website that lets you import your fflogs parse and shows you exactly the major and minor mistakes you’ve made and gives you tips that will help you improve.
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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
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Ah ah ah so funny ! (especially as a whm main XD)
But Xeno… Glare go brrrrrr
yeah, xivanalysis is helpful if you don't have your rotation entirely down IE: you press oGCDs out of order, or don't get full use of abilities but after a certain point it doesn't help.
The Overhealing and Defensive Cooldowns section for WHM are scuffed. Lilies are DPS neutral, MP positive, movement tools and you can line Misery up with raid buffs to be a huge boost to raid DPS. You shouldn't overcap on them if possible just for the MP value and movement utility alone. If you need to double weave Thin Air and Swiftcast for a rez, even better.
Defensive Cooldown usage is situational, since you shouldn't be using Wings, Aquaveil or Plenary on CD anyway. Scuffed.
that gf missed from NM only happens if u use xivalexander kek xD
4:10 the reason why this is wrong is because xivanalysis isnt perfect, sometimes if you weave no mercy too late before gnashing, xivanalysis will get confused and not count it. this happens if you're using noclippy or xivalexander, and sometimes it's right, but more often than not xivanalysis is wrong here. you'd have to check in fflogs if no mercy actually applied to the gnashing fang
Me, watching the first 3 minutes of the video- who the fuck is this pussy and what happened to xeno?
Xeno only a green? But healing EZ!
Jokes aside that analysis isn't awful at all, like another commentator mentioned the defensive CDs shouldn't be used on cooldown. Instead they should be used for dealing with specific chunky raidwides/mechs. The only thing I've consider using on CD is divine benison. An overheal on WHM is unavoidable due to burning assize and lilies for damage.
I managed a 90 on P5S, on a non DH build too so suboptimal melds DPS wise, and analysis still screams at me that I only had 96% GCD uptime and 91% Dia uptime. It's a harsh mistress. Particularly for a healing parse I'd treat the analysis more as a 'guide' than scripture. Always consider kill time, the performance of your co-healer and your party's mit usage when looking at this stuff.
I'd say the areas of this analysis to focus on:
– More GCD, don't be scared to use lily for movement to build extra miseries. Even a misery outside of buff windows can be a gain if you're lucky and get a crit! No combat footage here so if you aren't used to slide-casting it's a must to learn on a healer for maximum damage.
– Dia is a big one here. On tanks it's much harder to forget your DoT due to you having it inbuilt into an actual DPS rotation. On healer you need to 'stay awake' so to speak and watch for it.
– Obviously shouldn't drop that PoM. You might lose one usage depending on kill time but 2 is a lot.
– More liberal use of Divine Benison. It's handy and might as well use all those weave windows!
As for double weaving raises. It's what I do. I'm not gonna drift my Dia or just use a lily to create a double weave for a raise. Rather eat the clip. I mostly PF so I like to keep my lilies around. Without overcapping on them of course.
Yea – IDK much about FF14 – just got into raiding but pushed / theory crafted Druid tank healing (Leaving your tank form and going healer form and busting out some insane heals since tanks had the highest self sustain in the game) HOWEVER WoWAnalysis would tell me NOT to leave bear form and that im a baddie for taking extra stacks even though im doing something that is top 50 skill range. It cant calculate theory crafting either. Just an example from the other MMO that uses analysis on how easy it is to break in a top end group like xenos is. (Treubear – Mal'ganis if you want to see what i mean first hand; find my Castle nathria logs from mythic healing and analyze them and see how much it yells at me about leaving bear form lol)
Bruh, sometimes you need to hold Bell and Wings, understandable. On Tree you can use it on cooldown, and it will help your team in the right moments, up until it's time for purgation where I've found it is best to hold it for that 2nd AoE plus the Bleed AoE follow up. Same goes for Bell, it's obviously best used on the Bleed AoEs.
Overhealing with Lilies, pfft, ya gotta use em dood, can't overcap unless you will absolutely need the insta cast burst heals, or ya trying to be safe with a mech (Purgation again) Analysis is wrong here, fuck em.
And sometimes… When someone fucks up … Ya kinda gotta AAAAAAAH-quadraweave your team to victory.
Your teammates gonna test your reflexes, and you cant get caught with your pants down casting an extra glare, cuz your whole team will die, and then it'll be YOUR fault… Unless the teammate dying causes deaths on followup mechanics, if so, it's 100% their fault, fuck em. But sometimes you can save that mech even without Swiftcast.
Slow casting ress, that awesome feeling you get saving the run after those 7s of panic, praying to god that the dead teammate gets back up in time.
Presence of Mind for healing tho?!?
XIV what?! Concern strummer
Xivanalysis asked me why I’m using a 605 weapon in p7s.
XIVanalysis is one of those things people mention and I've been too embarrassed to mention that I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Now I know, and nobody is the wiser.
Definitely need to use this since I'm awful at putting abilities into burst windows. Counting is hard.
No one noticed 22/21 Danger Zone?
xivanalysis is good but it doesn't take in to consideration the actual fights in most cases. Sometimes, you will hold off using a No Mercy because the boss is going to become untargettable but xivanalysis will think you used it wrong. If you were to use it when xivanalysis says to, you would have lost most of the GCD's in the window which would have been much worse.
Xeno learns black mage arc when? I need that in my life.
The classic Healer/Tank "Panic Kitchen Sink" Quad Weave is always hilarious to see when you use that site.
Don't worry about XIVAnalysis showing super scuffed overheal%, lilies and assize are going to overheal on their own, not taking into account anything medica2 overheals, or if asylum ticks on full hp.
For example, let's say that a raidwide goes out, and both you and your cohealer slaps out some juicy heals with yours being medi2, you're just fucked, nothing you can do about that overheal and no way to cancel it, the MT will have a nice time of it, but all 7 of the rest of you are gonna keep ticking that overheal.
2:26 "Presence of mind" in my head Points to bald cap xdding
When I did Eden savage for the first time (with echo), I was scolded by my purple parsing friend for terrible weaving as a SCH
(we are good friends btw so no offense taken).
It is then I know about xivanalysis. While I'm mostly casual and don't intend on doing high end raiding past EX, this site has been very useful in guiding me on parts I could improve. I'm not aiming to be purple but at least I'm not grey.
The issue with these two Gnashing fangs not being in No Mercy can be due to No Mercy‘s application time. If you weave it too late you can hit the GCD without it being buffed by Gnashing Fang because No Mercy takes too long to come out. Because as you can see, you did weave it before Gnashing fang as right after that GCD you double weaved two oGCD‘s. If you would‘ve used No Mercy after Gnashing Fang, it would‘ve said you triple weaved but it didn‘t. It‘s the same stupid shit as Blood Weapon only being 9.9s long in SHB, Brotherhood being about 14.7s long, Trick and Mug being about 0.4s longer than the toolbox says and all that stuff. Good Game.
My favorite on XIVanalysis is for UCOB where it tells you to die less from the required death :>
those gnash missings are server tick I think? maybe could be minimize by set the time god plugin settings to sync your fps with your gcd timing
happened to me even tho I pressed No Mercy at 2/3 of gcd but it seems the buff sometimes didn't come up during the time you press the next gcd which happened to be gnash sadge.
"Glare, something happened, and then AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
This is completely relatable to anyone who's ever played healer in a raid
i feel even i getting better kepping my dots and some buff up but as schoolar is imposible for me to practice getting out of green/gray parse cause i cant stop healing in pf i must overheal at bit, the only way to do beyond green is to forget almost 70% of my skillset and let my co healer do all the healing and only use some mit here and there, i really dont like too much being ruin sch (btw i really dont care about parse tho)
quad weave
Xivanalysis gets you 90% of the way to playing a job pretty well
As WHM overhealing is kind of ignored isn’t it? You use lilies for movement even if people are full HP so overwhelming is unavoidable.
xivanalysis is a good tool to see where you screwed up in your rotations or if you are clipping and try to improve of that. It's always nice go see the number of errors go lower and lower as you get better at the job.
Considering PC players have access to this it'd be nice if the devs put in an option for PS players. This seems like a great tool for gaining competency on a new job.
XIVanalysis: "you need to do less overhealing, but also you should be using everything on cooldown."
0:10 the gremlin recoils as it calls healing easy.
I also don't heal because I always have a panic healer heart attack and overhead so much.