Endwalker Melee Changes | Thoughts – Endwalker Media Tour FFXIV

All changes are coming from the media tour and are subject to change.

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11 thoughts on “Endwalker Melee Changes | Thoughts – Endwalker Media Tour FFXIV”

  1. I love what they’ve done to monk’s mobility. They should do that to more jobs.

    Mobility skills should be for mobility. Feeling like you’re not playing optimally by using them for mobility sucks, so remove or heavily nerf the potency of mobility skills. I get some people like it, but it just seems dumb to me.

  2. Sorry if I missed this, but I don't think you mentioned that Kasha and Gekko grant the Fuka and Fugetsu buffs when used under Meikyo Shisui, so prepull Meikyo is a thing now because you don't need 5 GCDs just to get your buffs up

  3. Biggest concerns about MNK imo is having a long pull timer just to have Phantom Rush within buff windows (not too big of a deal) and my other issue was the new Brotherhood change where you are guaranteed to get Chakra from everyone in the party which leads to overflowing everytime when you press Brotherhood. But yeah I am just as excited for MNK.

  4. You mention that in Shiva Savage your Huton falls off, but you could keep your Huton in Shiva if you timed it perfectly at the end of adds, going into Crush into Trick (modified) reopener afterwards. I always used the buff? Debuff? Whatever you got during adds phase as a timer on when to refresh Huton before adds ended, since it meant getting it correct every time just before you lost control.

    But yeah, definitely wacky.

    I'm going to be playing Monk for the first time this tier, which is exciting. Always wanted to in the past but my previous group had one locked in, so it never came to be. Having raided on (pre Shadowbringers) Summoner, I'm a bit weary of making my group wait before a pull outside of prog, but hopefully they'll introduce some minor tweaks to what we've seen so far. When I saw Phantom Rush during the initial job skills trailer I thought it looked sick, so I'm looking forward to getting to play with it.

    My thoughts on all this stuff basically mirror yours, and I'm looking forward to playing melee for the foreseeable future this expansion.

  5. My problem with monk is I felt the core rotation needed some actual update considering it's literally unchanged from 1.0, and instead what we got is yet more spender resource mechanics while several skills like Tornado Kick were cannibalized to bridge this new spender mechanic into lower levels instead of actually doing something to integrate tornado kick and six sided star into this really stale core rotation we've been pressing since ARR.

    Then Celestial Revolution is made into a meme skill because any serious player will not be using this skill as a result. You have to pretty intentionally sabotage yourself to even be able to use the skill. It's really bad design.

    Monk needed new toys to spice up the boring core rotation, but now what you get is even more backloaded damage design.

  6. are you not concerned with the rigidity of raiju? fitting in 4-6 gap closers in trick that we have to use immediately and can’t use any gcds between raiton>forked>fleeting sounds like a nightmare during any mechanic that requires max melee spacing or movement. Imagine trying to do e12s shiva or titan with that. IMO this makes ninja lose a lot of uptime flexibility which i feel is a core trait and strength of ninja

  7. its truly a shame they didnt give ogi namaikiri a 2min cd instead of increasing ikishoten cd from 60->120, this just make SAM be a burst machine every 2min then jut do combo and midare in between


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