Xeno continues to expose all of @DesolanceHimself ‘s lies and false accusations and dismantles them one by one. Every vile thing this creature said has turned out to be a lie.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
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yeah the guy is pretty nuts but he made some good points
wtf im 3 min in and i dont understand what in the unholy fuck i have heard who tf wright that to a woman?
This video ended like a GOT cliffhanger
Thank you for entertaining me for 2 hours while i was at my JOB. I came to listen because i'm a part of another streamers community that had to deal with this. Crazies need to face consequences.
Imagine paying child support to a grown man 😅
Man, we really need better mental health care in this country. Like this guy causes a person to even go down this path at what point did society, his parent, idk fail him. Can it be prevented? What steps can be taken to make sure this doesn't happen again? I hope we one day find the answers.
As a 35 year old woman who has her shit together idk what the fuck he is talking about. If i wouldn't set a foot near anyone, it would be that dude. Mostly because I don't like toddlers and he sure acts like one.
came here from the tectone video, he brought up smth interesting, have you tried putting these apologies into an AI check? would be funny if they actually were gpt made apologies
Geeeeeezus this was cringey 😬😬😬
i feel so bad for all the women involved in this. xeems did nothing wrong, obviously, but it really sucks that men like lionel start beef with other men because of their horrific feelings towards women. it truly is classic incel behavior. i've met men like this before, maybe less unhinged but with similar attitudes; i feel like most women who play games have come across similar creeps. also i genuinely believe this guy is dangerous…it's easy to say he's just a basement-dwelling coward but a lot of these terminally online criminals begin that way, especially when they harbor such violent and dehumanizing feelings about women. he fears men but doesn't see women as people. he honestly belongs under the jail.
anyway, stay safe xeems (and everyone else involved with this psycho's bullshit). glad youre making him suffer even a fraction of what he deserves.
Absolutely wild that this creature started ALL of this unhinged shit because of problems with ladies.
Xeems: Makes a flirty joke
Girl: Laughs, reciprocates, clearly enjoying the interaction.
Random incel who wasn't even there: THIS IS SO PATHETIC OMG LOOK HOW PREDATORY HE IS
from the amount of times he played that very short clip I'm gonna assume that if he was to ever be in a relationship he would definetly be a cuck.
I'm sorry all of you had to go through all this shit. I just want to send you love, to Amber, Naomi, LlamaTodd, his wife and everyone he involve in this <3 Happy you won your lawsuit and hope this guy will never do it again. No one deserve that. Take care 🙂
That's wild. Wow.
That Desolance dude is like the Alex Jones of not getting pussy.
this is the worst leafy clone ive ever seen
What the fuck am I hearing. Hate that I can relate to what these women are dealing with. So sorry this unhinged weirdo is pestering you, glad he lost the lawsuit and im glad Xeno is going after him as hard as he is. Actions have consequences, this is 100% deserved.
Damn. This Drama makes the Ratsu Saga look PG. lmfao.
on a serious note, shitty buzz you and your friends had to deal with that psycho. Get that bag from that swine, King!
As a female, I can say 99.9% of us will always choose the bear over this dude.
Is no one gonna mention that at 42:25 it sounds like the guy is listening to adult content while filming his video? Am I crazy? WTF
This is what goes through the head of a sad, pathetic narcissist with an extremely fragile ego. You can tell by how hes like "im your father, stfu bitch you learned your lesson, I shit on you" he is so desperate for a W that he tells himself this because that's all that matters to him in his pathetic life and he doesnt wanna change. I feel like shti knowing that other good human beings had to deal with this clowns BS.
also the fact that xeems made a site called wheresmyfuckingmoney is fucked BASED LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL