Xeno Defeats Shiva | Futures Rewritten Ultimate Phase 2 Clear FFXIV (DRK PoV)

Futures Rewritten (Ultimate), also known as Eden Ultimate or FRU is the latest released Ultimate Raid in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Patch 7.11. This is Xeno’s very first clear of the Second Phase of the Ultimate Raid.

► Xeno’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xenosysvex
► Xeno’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/xenosysvex
► Xeno’s Clip Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfes1ItlC0DEh5XDJCvBPZg
► Xeno’s Discord: https://discord.gg/xenosysvex
► Xeno’s Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XenosysVex/
► Xeno’s VOD Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVHFO7bSOc6jFJm-oxZIrQ
► Xeno’s fflogs: https://www.fflogs.com/character/id/27629

Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe to Xeno’s YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date with the best Xeno Highlights, Xeno Reacts, Xeno Guides and the funniest Xeno moments from Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and other games played on stream!

#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

If you own the copyright of content showed in this video and would like it to be removed please contact:
► leocoman3@gmail.com


6 thoughts on “Xeno Defeats Shiva | Futures Rewritten Ultimate Phase 2 Clear FFXIV (DRK PoV)”

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