Xeno Asks Yoshi-P To Add Beards in Final Fantasy 14

Xeno kept his promise! At the FFXIV Fan Fest in Europe Xeno met Yoshi-P once again and asked him to add more beard options …


20 thoughts on “Xeno Asks Yoshi-P To Add Beards in Final Fantasy 14”

  1. It's not just beards that we need, we need more face options and facial features in general (eye shapes, tattoos, scars, etc), and also a 2nd facepaint slot. More colors for for face paints and lip makeup.

  2. "I say that to you guys, because you guys are shitlords. I'm not gonna say that to The Savior."
    I just can't catch a clip of this dude without laughing my ass off.

  3. Oh, more beards for all races is 100% needed. I do the best I can with my Elezen but the pickings are slim. I got to say, male Elezen? Facial hair helps balance the neck out, a longer beard would work so much better too.

  4. When I first started playing FF14 it was after several years subscribed to WoW in which I played a dwarf with a big awesome braided beard. My first character in the game ended up being a Lalafell with the intent to see if I could make one look anywhere closed to my WoW character. Upon seeing the "beard" options for them I named my character Ugly Dwarf.

  5. EU generally dislike americans. it is all how american media portray's american's and how amiercan military controls the world. like african blacks dislike american blacks, because what they watch in the american media. because xenosys has that red beared, he is natural born irish. his bloodline goes back to the phoenicians.

  6. We also need eyebrows, idk why this game has a vendetta against eyebrows. Either they're pencil thin or not there at all, only like 5 faces total have thickish to thick eyebrows. Which is weird to me cause eyebrows are a major part of what frames the face. And after the graphics update I'm pretty sure my highlander will look cursed, cause I'm certain the eyebrow face paint will look extremely fake 💀. At least right now it works with black.

  7. As someone who has helped organize MANY events over the years, the reason you can't take your bracelet off and keep it in your pocket is because then you can just hand it to someone else who can use it to get in. You paid for access, and that access is non-transferrable; this is to avoid scalping and double dipping. It is not allowed, for example, for you to access the event, then leave to go get lunch and see a show while you hand your bracelet to a buddy who gets in for free, and then do it again the next day. It is also not allowed for you to access the event and then sell your wristband to someone else. It also makes it far too easy for you to, for example, get in, take your bracelet off, hand it to a friend who takes it outside and gives it to a third friend who gets in for free. This is also why they're such a pain to take off, as they're supposed to be one-time-use only. If your wristband is too tight, the proper thing to do is to go to event services or the info desk or registration or some other equivalent resource and have THEM cut it off and put on a new one at a more comfortable sizing. This SHOULD have been both in your attendee materials and explained to you when you got your wristband the first time, but Japanese companies seem to be particularly bad at running events like this (though tbf so are a lot of US and EU companies) and I wouldn't be surprised it just… wasn't. I also wouldn't be surprised if the wristbands were particularly shitty (again, these companies man lol) they shouldn't be able to tighten on their own like that, it's a health hazard lol


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