WTF? Maybe FFXIV Isn't So Bad After All! – (Reacting to Captain Grim)

Captain Grim returns with another AMAZING machinima video. This time showing us that Final Fantasy Online isn’t such a bad game after all! With a strong community, developers who actively listen to their playerbase, excellent gameplay and a large variety of content to consume, FFXIV might just be the MMO of the future. With World of Warcraft being in the state that it currently is in, it’s no surprise that so many have migrated over to this new MMO. Have you?

In this video, Nixxiom reacts to Captain Grim’s “WoW Players Experience FFXIV” and shares his thoughts on Final Fantasy, his experiences having played the game and whether or not he may check it out again in the future!

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27 thoughts on “WTF? Maybe FFXIV Isn't So Bad After All! – (Reacting to Captain Grim)”

  1. I own a ps4 but I’m not in the mood to get PlayStation plus, the complete ff14 edition and prepaid game time. And if I owned a pc I’d get ff14 for it but I’m a Mac user

  2. WoW used to be my main game, but FF is now instead. I love the story and having a lot of extra, optional content. If you like pushing for better gear all of the time via groups in Mythic+ or all the tiers of each new raid without any care in the world for alternatives, stay on WoW. You won’t enjoy FF. Same goes for talents and other power-level play.

    I’m a roleplayer. I just want to run a raid that isn’t current more than some arbitrary weekly cap for a tmog piece. I want housing, dying, and ways for me to express myself. The lore beats WoW on consistency & understandability if nothing else. There’s lore on 2 dozen Xaela tribe cultures. I don’t have a CLUE from all the books I’ve read and material I’ve absorbed what the culture is like for Void Elves, Nightborne, Vulpera, Kul Tirans. Aside from face level “we like void/arcane/boats” you have to speculate, which caused large disagreements in the RP community. FF simply doesn’t have this as bad, the way magics work actually make sense, and you get exposed to the broader world much better after ARR.

    Nixxiom, you don’t RP seriously anymore to my understanding, right? You like the constant gear progression and leveling up. You’re always doing leveling challenges, private servers, or alts. I know I was told the same thing once and I love FF now, but I seriously don’t think you will like it bc of what you enjoy in particular in wow. As you said, you didn’t give a shit about the story and want to gear to PvP. Just don’t bother unless having a different experience from how wow operates on the side interests you.

  3. I made the switch to FFXIV. Had a couple friends try it out with me. And they skipped story cut scenes while I didn’t. They eventually quit, but I didn’t and I think it’s because the leveling process is honestly really boring if you skip through the story.

    I freaking love the game and the community. In my opinion the story is good but not necessarily amazing, however it is a big reason why I kept playing.

  4. The copium the strong with this one.
    "World of Warcraft is not a furry game"
    Worgen, Tauren, Pandas, Foxes. How many Druid forms again? That's full on beastial, You skipped furries.
    And unless you want to argue with a lot of streamers. How they are willing to die on the hill saying that cat girls and Bunny girls and dragon girls are not furries in Final Fantasy 14. They're just girls with cosplay (I forgot who said that but one guy did on stream)
    Got the Hrothgar, which is probably most legitimate furry in the game. So that is 1 versus how many again? Including the druid forms, 9 or 10?
    (And before anyone jumps down my throat about me about this I'm throwing myself under the bus here. I play both a Worgen in wow and Hrothgar in FF14.)

  5. Hate to break it but as a furry all the way back to furcadia WoW is hands down one of the biggest furry games that exists we been thristy for them cow ladies and dragon ladies (onixiya) since day one. And technically Since were all humans lusting after any race aside human would fall into a similar category as most if not all player races are in fact mammel or mammel like which is a type of animal. 😀

  6. Im not an mmo player. I only liked wow. And osrs. Ive tried other mmos and i get fuckin bored of them. I am a rp'er so i was tempted by ff14 for the rp. But the moment i remembered its an mmo and i would be forced to do all of the bullshit quests that every mmo makes you do all over again. Not to mention idc about the story. And i already got shit from people because i asked if i could skip the leveling so i could just rp. I realized i will never play this game. I did watch some streamers play it so i get some of the jokes and memes. But still

  7. Also when it comes to skipping cutscenes and walls of text.
    Yes it's really annoying when people do that. But what really sets people off is when they do that and then they have the f***ing balls to complain about the story.
    That's like as if I watched the first 30 minutes of Lord of the rings and I stopped watching the movies and I said the entire trilogy sucks.
    It's the most brain dead thing you can do when you're criticizing a story, is not actually participating with the story.

  8. I'm not longer a sprout a year of ff14 now a savage raider enjoying the story I didn't know you can slow down the wall of text so made a viera read out loud enjoy the non voice scene so happy

  9. I think the biggest takeaway when it comes to any complaints about Final Fantasy 14 is to look at it like this.
    When Yoshi P took over the project of Final Fantasy 14 his homework for him and his team was to play World of Warcraft and take any good idea they got from it.
    Also talking about the frog suits and batmobiles. What about the stupid fairy costumes and yeti outfits that people like to wear in wow? And you're going to say that the batmobile is immersion breaking, have you seen like 40% of the vehicles that are in wow? The gnomes are the blame for half of that, the goblins take the other half.
    Valid critique is valid, however when it's not. It's just being a little hyperbolic about some of the issues that you have personally with the game.
    Which I get It's not a game for everyone it took me years to get into Final Fantasy.
    Funny enough I actually started with Final Fantasy 14 first I quit, then I went to World of Warcraft. I just didn't have the right mindset for at the time. Though nowadays I happily jump between both games.

  10. I really don't get why people get bent out of shape about the batmobiles and things, when in WoW you have people defending the purity of a supposedly gritty war setting when the creative leads had a midlife crisis ' American Choppers' event and stuck the motorcycles into the game right along side it all.


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