WoW Veteran checks out JoCat's FFXIV Crap Guides (all 3 roles)

Check out @JoCat ‘s Original video(s) here:

So I finally got around to watching JoCat’s FFXIV crap guides are being recommended them so many times! Today we look at the role guides, and next time the DPS guides!

I’ve started my first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV over on Twitch. I hope some of you will join me on this adventure!

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26 thoughts on “WoW Veteran checks out JoCat's FFXIV Crap Guides (all 3 roles)”

  1. Gunbreaker's by far my favorite of the tanks. They have a bit of everything- good mits, decent heals, good party utility. And a lot of buttons to keep me awake. They're flexible enough for whatever they need to do.

    Also, in Endwalker, their 30s mitigation (Heart of Corundum) is better than DRK's (The Blackest Night) and that is a hill I will die on.

    Warrior feels like tanking on easy mode to me. So many heals, simple rotation. It's good, but it's not my thing- except in PvP. Warrior is ridiculously good in PvP.

  2. Hate to break it to you but by FAR the hardest part of Ultimate is actually having a group for it that doesn't give up and sticks with it long enough to clear. even having a group to do the savage tier is becoming next to impossible. nobody has time anymore. people are too busy working quadruple overtime to survive.

    Maybe one day, if/when the economy improves, and people have time once more, it will change. I hope so I miss raiding.

  3. JoCat's "How It Took Me 300 Hours To Like FFXIV" was my favorite video. As someone who never played this game before, i really wanted to like it since most of my friends played it too. 😄

  4. The healer section had me evilly smiling the whole time.. Russ.. oh Russ..

    You know not what monsters we healers become in FFXIV. Your blood will make fitting tribute for the BLOOD LILY!

  5. In higher end raids, there are mechanics such as "tank Swapping" where an attack that hits the same tank twice will do massive damage, so you 'swap' out to split the double-attack up (its one reason why the skill "Shirk" exists). There are also some Raid bosses that will target whoever is 2nd in the "aggro list" with a wide-area attack that is similar to a tank-buster, so the 'off tank' will have to toggle their Stance on and off to ensure they are number 2 in the aggro list above the DPS whose on their game while still being 'behind' the main tank. 🙂

  6. Your approach to getting better at the game is pretty much exactly how I do it. I've always been a top performer in raids, even with underpowered classes, specs, whatever. Simply because I know what I'm doing.
    Now, I don't necessarily enjoy smashing my face against a target dummy, so I usually just queue up for some easy dungeon and treat the mobs as target dummies. If I really feel like "I have no clue what the fuck I am doing" then I'll pull out the secret ninja tech, the target dummy, but that's reserved for real desperate times.

  7. "Dark Knight has a really good storyline or something…"

    The person who wrote the Dark Knight storyline, had such high reviews from the playerbase FOR that storyline, that Yoshi-P tapped her to write the entirety of Feelsbringers, and she later went on to write Endwalker….. if that gives you any indication of the Dark Knight job story ;-;

  8. I think it's funny. I have cleared ultimate fights and I have never looked up a rotation guide. I have only read my tool tips and spent hours on statue dummies. Honestly, it's really all you need. That and learning mechanics

  9. I never get why people also include WoW Veteran does [this] for the first time of Wow Refugee stops playing experience [this game].. like is that some kind of weight you hang for each video? I just don’t get it. 😂

  10. 8:38 Not gonna lie… I've had tanks that ACTUALLY had this attitude and were being twats to the whole party. As the healer, I informed him he needed to play nice or we would be completing the dungeon without him. He called my bluff, so I let him die and left him on the floor. He rezzed back to the start of the dungeon, but refused to leave just so we couldn't get another tank (this was back before the 'boot' system was implemented). Yes, I had to work twice as hard to heal the DPS and keep them alive through tankbusters, but was it worth it? Yes. Especially after the tank cussed me out and rage quit the dungeon when he realized we were succeeding. 🤣

  11. 25:00 if you want to practice just your opener you can skip the waiting for cooldowns to come back up when poking training dummies by pulling up duty finder, setting an unrestricted party and going into any instanced encounter and immediately leaving again, it resets your cooldowns for you and cuts out the downtime.

    Edit to add: you can also reset the dummy's enmity (read: get it to stop "targeting" you) by right-clicking it's name in your HUD (not the flying text overtop of the dummy itself) and clicking Reset Striking Dummy Enmity in the context menu that pops up

  12. Toggling stances when doing tank swaps isn't always necessary, unless there's a big disparity in gear/skill between tanks. Generally, as offtank you may want to start off the pull without your stance until after the opener to let the main tank establish their lead and then turn it on. After that it's generally fine for both tanks to have their stances on, since as long as the MT has the lead, and they're generating aggro as fast as the OT, then they'll keep the lead. Additionally, the combination of provoke+shirk is more than enough to give the other tank a similarly comfortable lead when swaps do happen.

    The only time it's really an "issue" that needs to be managed is if a boss has a buster/mechanic that affects top-2 in aggro right at the start of the fight, then it may take a little extra consideration to ensure that the OT is second without them overtaking the MT.

    And then for things like alliance raids or other less organized situations with more than 1 tank….it doesn't really matter. Fight with eachother over aggro, turn your stance off and just let the other guy have it, whatever. As long as at least 1 tank has their stance on (and they have at least some idea of what they're doing) and it'll be fine.


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