WoW Vet turned FFXIV player reacts to Asmongold's opinion on Endwalker Trailer

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Reacting to Asmongold’s opinion on the FFXIV Endwalker Trailer
What do you all think about Asmongold’s opinion on the game trailer?


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42 thoughts on “WoW Vet turned FFXIV player reacts to Asmongold's opinion on Endwalker Trailer”

  1. Asmongold is paid to kiss blizzards ass so of course he’s gonna shit on ffxiv. Ffxiv has better graphics, better story, better options , better music and above all… way better community

  2. I undestand the want for more buff dudes in ffxiv but you're masculinity has got to be real fuckin fragile if you want every male character in a game to be buff as all shit. (not about you op.)

  3. My friend was like Asmon in a way. He was getting very upset with WoW and when I would suggest 14 (I didn't play 1.x but I played the ARR betas and kept going) and he always said "I don't like the aesthetics" "It just doesn't look that appealing" "I don't like the cat-girls" and it was just whatever. So I gave him the meme about the trial and he took it! Now he is hooked DEEP into this game and was apologizing up and down and is saying how much he likes the game so much and wish he actually gave it a chance. Asmon might be worried about turning as well.

  4. Its just the use of the genre that doesn't fit with the trailer, rarely pure rock is never used in these type of fantasy games because it doesn't give the same kick as pure orchestra music when grand stuff are shown. Just take a look at the trailer for the Dragon age origin when it came out, the music was horrible which was a total contrast to the ingame music. Also even though the lyrics fits or tells the story of the game (barely anyone can notice what are being sung by all the noises going around) doesn't mean it works. Thats like putting up an screamer music over a children theme game (unless you are doing it for a comedic purpose), also many people don't care for lyrics in songs.

  5. after watching this i think its pretty reasonable and understandable you like what you like and everyone has their own opinion. but i honestly think he would love end game raids and ultimates if he ever got into it.

  6. In regards to Asmongold's opinions….. I honestly like his opinions, even on things or views that may be different than mine. For starters, all opinions are biased… That's why they're opinions.. not facts or theories. But he's very forward and open and honest about them. On top of that, he's still understanding why other people can view things differently, and that type of view is rare on the internet now days.

  7. So you have to know FF14 lore and more to appreciate things you see in the trailer? In my case, I played FF14 a bit a few years back but I can't get into it as much as I would like to because I'm not into anime at all. That type of music is not my type either. It's just preferences. I herd so many good things about the game, but it's probably the fact that I'm not the kind of person this game is made for. Maybe 1 day I'll get over these preference issues I'm having. Maybe.

  8. Man, I love FFXIV so much but I feel like it need more of neckbeareds and manly type players who would play manly/macho type character, it's my only beef with this game, like if you're a man why would you play a female lala as a tank, that's just so imersion breaking to me. I'm tired of female character everywhere, i just can't relate with that, I've no issue with the female migote and lala races per-se, it's knowing that most of them are male irl that just feel really wrong to me for some reason. Like why are you self hating your gender bro, male hating culture has permeated them to the core.

  9. Imo they/we want characters to be more rough and badass instead of cute. All the characters in the trailer are flawless, it looks as if they never been in a epic battle. That's why it feels off to many male RPG players.
    But then again Asmon plays Alliance instead of the Horde, so this argument could be used against him as well.
    – Pretty much what he says in the male Viera trailer.
    – The male Au Ra Xaela (the blue one) looks the most badass male character in this game, the Orc and Werewolf variants look kinda goofy.

  10. One thing I find interesting about Asmon's chat is that they probably have the greatest amount of disdain for FF14/ anything weeb. I don't really understand the reason behind it. Also, did anyone notice Asmon said that the first scene of the WoL was the so anime and not liking it, but at the end of the trailer, he said that the WoL is cool? lol

    Before anyone jumps in and assumes anything…I like Asmon and find that he is a smart guy and a lot of his opinion are really well thought out, esp when he is himself and not as Asmon.

  11. What’s really annoying to me is that his viewers don’t play wow, yet they cry “weeb shit” whenever he watches a FF vid. His chat needs to grow the fuck up. I bet half of them have never tried the game. Asmon should just jump in! If he lost viewers who only like wow he would gain double back who like FF. besides half his chat are about 15 yrs old so wtf do they know.

  12. Saying he doesn't appreciate the music in the trailer, which is supposed to be for existing AND new players, so that's why he doesn't like it.. bad take. He just doesn't feel the music fit the aesthetic. He's not arguing story significance, you were.

  13. Asmon sub for 3+ years. Recently started playing FF XIV and really enjoying it.
    It is crazy though how often folks repeat the line "his chat is toxic". My guess is most of the people saying that haven't been in his chat. 40k+ viewers you're bound to have some crazies but jeez man the majority of the regulars are pretty cool. ✌

  14. I'll admit I play 14 and skipped cut scenes so i have no idea whats going on with the story. But all the bgm's in FF14 are still lit when having no idea whats going on story wise

  15. The first shot with the protagonist walking on the moon, was probably the least weeby thing in my opinion. Dudes wearing realistic western plate, and some robes to obscure it. Yet somehow he’s a weeby nazghul lol.

  16. They can keep saying whatever they want, doesn't change anything in the slightest. They can have fun re-buying a game expansion that they already bought and played, like 10 years ago and a new retail expansion that really has no content. (Their own words, not mine) Almost every WoW-related channel is lamenting the state of WoW and its developers, but have the time to bad mouth another community who are quite happy with their game, so really, that tells you everything you need to know about those people. Do FFXIV players really want that to come to FFXIV and bring their toxicity with them? Just saying.

  17. As a bun myself. And a friend being a huge FF nerd. This is also really big with the male buns. They've only ever been mentioned or hinted at in regards with Fran. And the fact that their included now! Which will mean hopefully more Bun lore really has me excited!

  18. The Music sucks?! Its an mix of all addons so far! Its an masterpiece, created in less than a week!
    And yeah the moon, in ffxiv the moon is like a prison for the most badass enemy in this story.

  19. the thing with the male viera is you can dislike them all you want, but you should look at what they stand for, the community asked since the initial viera release for a male version and the dev's eventhough they didnt want to do another race or implement them, listened and made them.

  20. i can relate to the aesthetic things he talked about^^
    i mean FF14 is the first Final Fantasy i rly tried because i hated the aesthetic^^
    the races, the design and so on… i just like classic fantasy art style way more then this anime type of stuff 😀
    so i can rly understand his point at this.. i played 50 hours of FF14 now and i rly like the game but the aesthetics are still absolutly not mine

  21. A lot of this I think is that he can't actually say everything looks cool because his stream viewers are watching. He hesitates on some things and then says "nah nah this sucks". And for me each time I hear that music I get chills and emotions from everything I have gone through in the game MSQ wise.

  22. I think the big thing is that you have to understand the whole lore to really get how epic the trailer is. I showed my friends that never even played either WoW or any FF games and they thought it was great. I guess it's just up to how people think.

  23. the thing is asmon is so fucking one dimentional… the thing about mmo for me is more diversity of choice is best!!! You want to look bad ass you can if you to look sexy or cute thats your fucking choice…

  24. 14:30 I could say the same about the new diablo you could not know if it was a man or a woman at first because the women were so fucking masculine…I guess it depends on what you prefer…

  25. The music is so upper middle class white teenager sjw weeb music that it's annoying and cringe. It doesn't fit at all to a dragon comming from hell. An epic dark souls music would be great. Or ff7 music. Hell even Botw hyrule castle theme is better than this and more fitting.


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