WoW Vet defends FFXIV from the MOST CONFUSING take ever?

After watching this video live on twitch, I could not simply … NOT post it on youtube. This has to be the most controversial take I’ve seen in my life and it’s not because it says FFXIV is bad or anything. Opinions are subjective, but this is … this is just odd.

You should check out my Honest Review of the game here:–F6zwh4Lw

as well as my take on THE BEST EXPANSION EVER, Stormblood:

If you want more of my SHINY HEAD, you can find me at: , I’d love to have you be a member of the SHINY ARMY!

If you want random moments as well as cat / kitten videos you can find me on tiktok: @kingshiny_66 or on Instagram: kingshiny66. Ima be honest, tiktok and insta are occasional. I wanna upload more but … yah.
My twitter is where I will post some updates regarding what I feel: @KingShiny_66


Intro: 0:00
The Premise! 03:06
The Final Verdict: 01:12:06
Outro: 01:21:07


13 thoughts on “WoW Vet defends FFXIV from the MOST CONFUSING take ever?”

  1. The more you talk about ARR, the more I agree with you but the fact is, if you are not a streamer and if you don't have HL friends in the game, you just CAN'T do the Coals of Bahamut that is one of the best raid serie in the game.
    Sadly, nobody does it because it's still a pretty hard content for new players or even average player in PF, and nobody really need to do it. I'm sure most of the new players don't even remember that CoB even exist (and that is a shame, I really miss that type of raid).

    The only way for normal player to do CoB is :
    1 – Get a HL character, but you'll have to play through the expansions
    2 – Kidnap a friend that can carry you through the raids, IF you have a friend in this game.

  2. I think the guy already came into ff14 with specific ideas on how this will play out instead of coming in with an open mind. I think he already had his mindset a certain way from playing WoW. Although he says, he won't compare anything to WoW, he actually is based on the commentary although he's not 'saying' anything about WoW. From what I've heard in other vids, he was playing FF14 like how he would WoW and was expecting them (both being MMORPGs) to behave similarly (but they don't…) XD And until he realizes this, his mind won't be blown with all the freedom FF14 gives you.

  3. He is a wow shill. One of the worst. This review was so insane and some of it not true. The spoiler part is just as bad. You are free to not like things and have your own opinion but be honest. I am looking at Dragonflight and I am hopeful but not preordering.

  4. How I always say it early ARR is very average that slowly gets better and better then peaks right before heavensward starts

    early ARR is slow but once you get the first set of dungeons and trials is when it really starts getting good

  5. This is part of the WoW mindset that soured hus experience. He did everything by following efficiency guides. Imo, they're useful, but most of that stuff can be done casually, or just ignored entirely. Crafting for example, is extremely convenient, but wholy unnecessary. You can make lots of gil without crafting.

  6. There was more to the Endwalker launch than just the addition people. They also couldn't get the extra temporary servers that they usually do because of the rare material shortage. But you also had the story players who were only around for a few weeks after launch.

  7. Alright. As someone who played thru Endwalker as a paladin, he clearly didn't grasp what the new abilities added. They're a ranged magic combo. In other words, if you were playing right, for the first time a pally could maintain dps while dodging.

  8. Tell him to play final fantasy 11, I'm not even a fan of fantasy 14 and this guy doesn't even know what his talking about. Sounds like someone who just started streaming playing mmorpg. His not mmorpg gamers otherwise he understand the concept of what ff14. I don't like ff14 playing style it's not for me, I play because it's relaxing and I can socialize with friends.

  9. "maybe do some crafting, maybe do some gathering… (maybe go hang out at the Gold Saucer)"
    yep, straight-lining the MSQ does cause a burn out, also you don't get to absorb all the sights/sounds/npc flavor text
    like you said, take it slow and enjoy it at your pace… "it's the journey, not the destination"

    >nobody gives a F*** about your rotation
    only in end game, and that's because you want to squeeze out that extra 3%-5% damage to get that awesome monster boss kill for the mounts/glamour stuff

  10. I joined FFXIV from a WoW player around a year ago. Finished EW and loved it all. Storyline was epic and makes WoW storytelling look like an amateur. It's incredibly emotional in EW. I think all of FFXIV is great compared to WoW.
    The endgame that I'm currently doing is really good too. Raids, dungeons, islands, crafting and gathering and levelling other jobs is so much fun. I've been doing savage and I love it.
    I'm also going back doing all the side quests while levelling other jobs.
    I was tempted to rejoin wow as it's been my addiction most of my adult life but when I played it I left after a few hours and joined FFXIV knowing that my time isn't wasted.

    Great video. Love it! Going to sub.


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