WoW Made You Not Like Final Fantasy 14

You have tried Final Fantasy 14 and you didn’t like it, the fault lies with how you have been conditioned to play MMO’s!

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34 thoughts on “WoW Made You Not Like Final Fantasy 14”

  1. I think Jesse Cox put it best saying World of Warcraft is an MMORPG whereas Final Fantasy XIV is an RPGMMO.
    The content in an MMORPG is at the destination (endgame), where the journey (leveling) is a buffer before you get there.
    The content in an RPGMMO is during the journey (leveling), where the destination (endgame) is what you make of it.
    The key difference: World of Warcraft pressures players to treat the game as a second job, instilling a fear of falling behind while Final Fantasy XIV encourages players to take their time.

  2. I think you are kinda wrong… The reason you wanna plow trough level 1-60 is cause you know everything that situation is gonna happen with any game maybe you've just "tryed" so hard to keep playing but this is gonna happen to FF too at some point. The game as what it is right now has not been like that for a long time and you haven't played it for a year that's basic psychology tbh you just like new things and old things you do to much gets dull. This is not a bad thing but you need to be aware of that before you start comparing one to the other if you wanna sound objectivly.

  3. The only people I know who aren't a fan of FFXIV or FF in general as a franchise in some capacity are those that have never played any of their stand alone titles, and people who outside of WoW, do not play any other major Fantasy based games/believe WoW is the ONLY BLUEPRINT for MMO structure. People don't like change. People don't like reinvestment. MMO's are huge undertakings that not everyone wants to spend time on. What pisses me off is people using mundane excuses when what I've just said is 80% of people's reasons. It's okay not to want to play something or join the FotM or enjoy a game that's design is not for you (for me thats ESO, I wasn't a fan of Skyrim or how it played either, its okay not to like things). But trying to say things like "the graphics are worse than WoW" just makes you look ridiculous to anyone with a pair of eyes. WoW has a specific art style that I also enjoy myself, but objectively speaking, FFXIV graphics are better. It's less old than WoW. It's just truth. You can not like the STYLE but you can't say they are graphically worse. As in life, tribalism is at the core of it all and identity being attached to MMO's for a lot of people. In their minds they are a WoW Player, and that is slowly getting eroded through Blizzards failings and community telling them to stick it where the sun don't shine. It's not that fans WANT to be hating on blizzard and WoW, it's that they have been pushed into this corner like a rabid dog and it's the only thing they have left after years of trying to convince the people making the damn game they are going in the wrong direction. Those who don't see the issues cus they aren't interested in the lore or have only been playing in the last 4 years WILL NOT see the game in the same way as someone who played from 10+ years ago. They just don't see the issues veterans do, causing even more internal community strife as the people arguing are primarily WoW vets vs WoW Stans at this point. It's just sad, across so many avenues. And the Stans for both games have role reversed this year, and now WoW fans are on the back foot trying to fight their corner of what they enjoy. Just like us FF fans were for the last 8+ years. It's not fun, is it?

  4. I hated it at first because I had the WoW mindset of boost to Max lvl and skip the story, then I went back and leveled a character and loved it. WoW taught me to play a game you have to skip 90% of it.

  5. WOW teaches you the wrong way to play these games. "You're conditioned that the game STARTS at max level" <– NAILED IT. The journey IS the game. The game is who you become, the people you encounter, the defeats as well as the victories. It's much richer than anything I experienced in playing WOW for nearly 15 years. When you've done max level, there's more. And more. And more in FFXIV. I feel sorry for those who skip it to get to max level only to find out that they've missed the best parts.

  6. "I'll be honest with you" – I dont like anime either XD
    5:45 — Amen. Though WoW's conditioning didnt really work on me: I always read quests in WoW and continued doing that in FF14, so the transition was smooth. Maybe also because I had some beef with WoW from the start: I hated the open world PvP and avoided it where ever possible, I didnt like the faction system and the art style was cancer to my eyes even though I loved the concept art (Samwise is a bloody genius o.O ). I got into WoW because of lore and history, I read the books because at the beginning at least they gave me more insight into the world and its past. Later those books became lore-fillers since the game couldnt be bothered to tell us any story ingame… But I didnt mind at that moment because I like books, I like reading and I liked the story overall. Except some points: in every expansion big bad guy shows up, H and A work together to defeat it, some random bs happens and H and A hate each other again. Rinse and repead. It got really stale after several years. But I had fun… until I had not. I quit in 8.3.

  7. Personally as a 15 year wow player who played all the other FF games besides XIV because wow brain said only one mmo existed. After finally playing XIV 6 months ago with the mindset of it’s a FF game.. not a wow mmo game.. it completely freed me from the chains of wow brain.. it even made me fall in love even more with the FF games I enjoyed for years while in downtime of wows shit fiesta. And even the next step is that XIV is literally saving the company right now. I look at FFXIV like FFVII or FFVIII each expansion is a respective disc of the whole story.. you can’t start on disc 1 and get to disc 3 and still say you enjoy the game. Right? No, I don’t think so.

  8. I know what you mean about the rush…..I'm lucky enough that I never got stuck in that mindset. It took me till 30mins before legion dropped, for me to have a single character that was Max level just before an expansion dropped 😆
    It might be that for years I had what I call 'lvl20 itch'. By around level 20 to 25, I would feel like I was stuck, and would make yet another new character. Now, its kind of moved up to about lvl40 lol.
    Having said that, I can now do that for free on a trial account, since I can't post or guild stash items, it sort of frees me from that nagging sensation that I have to save everything lol.
    As for ffonline….well I tried it for free just after they made it 'realm reborn' and….well it was fun, but I hated that I had to drop my party member every time I went to hand in my quests (and as a crafting fanatic, that meant I was dropping him every ten bloody mins.) Yes, I KNOW I can just create/join on of those special group chat things…but its not the same as being in a party.
    And the fact I'm a keyboard turner and clicker is hard when you get to the first random dungeon. And I don't use chat, can't use it. So I'm typing to everyone that I don't use it, so to bear with me, I'm listening and trying but give me some leaway as I can't respond if I'm healing yer arses.
    (I was healer lol. It wasn't a train wreck but it wasn't easiest ether)
    I felt slightly devalued as everyone else was crafting (craftings my thing, I love doing stuff for people, but everyone else was doing it XD so it feels like living in PrepperTown with self sufficient nuts lol.) Then again, I feel like that in every mmo that has crafting because everyone crafts to make money….I want a game where crafting doesn't make money, doing quests and selling gathered items does! And only the dedicated nutters like me craft for the love of it, and for helping their guild (make a uniform) and where crafted gear is basic simple looking so not as popular lol. (I'm dreaming, I know)
    The main reason I didn't stick with it was that primarily, I couldn't do subscriptions. I still don't, if I can't pay for a month here or there, I'm not going to pay for time I'm not going to get my moneys worth of. I'm on a tight budget, so an mmo is a treat for me rather than a regular thing.
    If they had a special deal where you pay for hours played (like they do in Asia) rather than per month, I'd be willing to pay for 50hrs at a time and just play that way.
    The other reason was, I only had one person I played with, and he got so far ahead of me it wasn't worth me trying to catch up, especially when he rerolled on an american server to hang out with some friends over there. Sure, I'm a solo player most of the time, so ffonline is kinda great for that, but I only jumped in to play with him….being left behind sux lol.

  9. Another thing I believe most forget is that A Realm Reborn is NOT an expansion. It's a rebuilding of what use to be the base game, 1.0. So A Realm Reborn is basically Vanilla WoW, Heavensward is Burning Crusade, etc. So yea, it'll feel slow and such at first much like combat was in the beginning of Vanilla. Luckily, however, I'm glad see more people learn to debug their brains of the whole "Endgame is where the game starts!" mentality and just progress at their own pace.

  10. Most people who use the word weeb to describe the game, in an almost ironic fashion as they are ignorant of how the game really is, don't know what weeb actually means.
    They throw it around like a slur because it's easy to dismiss it like that.

  11. I am still perplexed by the people that call it a weeb game? Like sure it’s from a Japanese developer but the art style doesn’t strike me as THAT anime. Yeah, cat girls and lalafels are there, but it’s not like Genshin impact style Big Eye Small Mouth cell shading.

  12. Anime and Korean drama can have unique and memorable storytelling that Hollywood envies.
    FF7 and FF7:crisis core was the first game to make me cry.
    In Anime: Attack on titans, Wolf rain, The original Dragons ball,Gunslinger girls and Cowboy bebop are one of the best Animes I ever watch in my opinion.

  13. I think it's absolutely hilarious when people talk about things like weebs, The absolute same thing used to happen when it came down to people playing video games oh man I'm not into any of that nerd shit lol anything that's legitimately good will shine through no matter what

  14. The other thing wow does is it conditions us to expect expansions to erase all the previous expansions shit. Everyone only ever plays in the latest hub. In ff14 every city has people, every hub is full of people. All of the content is all there you can do it later or not, nothing is made obsolete by an expansion.

    It is all additive.

  15. i was wondering for long time now.. why you delete the chat window in those videos? is anoying to hear you all the time talkin with chat but i cannot see their response.. is kind of jebait to your twitch technique ?


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