Blizzard’s Dragonflight expansion has released, this Final Fantasy XIV weeb has started their first playthrough, reactions and impressions of World of Warcraft, and it turns out WOW is JUST AS DEGEN AS FFXIV. From catgirl degenerate to complete furry, I have learned to love orc pussy. FF14 elezens to blood elves, bunny boys to pandarens, its Rule 34 time. From Character Creation to the main story, my innocent video gamer brain is never safe from simping or sexy Tauren udders. Perhaps our communities are not so different after all. It is time to put aside our tribalist Andy ways and embrace the filthy furry weebs we have become. Follow the stream for voice acting, highlights, clips funny moments and best fails & wins.
I’m a Voice Actor who streams FFXIV (and more) on Twitch. Feel free to join the party!
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#WorldOfWarcraft #FFXIV #Dragonflight
Perhaps these games aren’t so different after all
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My 1sec of fame 🤩
Sebby is the underappreciated genius of our time.
"Tribalism" is not a word in the universal language of
lovedegeneracy. ❤️The degeneracy thickens 🤣
That "IT'S GOBBIE TIME" made me crack up loudly 😀
Edit: Also, I think you deserve much more attention with your channel, Sebby.
Oh god this is worse than ffxiv
A man of culture
Have you visited Ardenweald, i wonder what you think about their citizens 😄😄
Also, everyone likes the Nelfs and Draenei, but Orc Females are "nice" too xD
"I'm starting to consider it." – dies 😂
DAMMIT you can't get away
Sebby finally sees the truth. Degen culture has existed long before FF14! 😀