WoW Dragonflight Controller Support Vs Final Fantasy XIV's Controller Support | Work To Game

WoW Dragonflight Controller Support Vs Final Fantasy XIV’s Controller Support | Work To Game
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13 thoughts on “WoW Dragonflight Controller Support Vs Final Fantasy XIV's Controller Support | Work To Game”

  1. wow had their shot with me.. I really do not trust the company to make a good changes.. I have been disappointed way to many times.. I hope its what all of you think it will be.. GL

  2. I don't think FF would ever do anything like that, to vastly change any existing zones. I think they want the experience of going through the story to be always be there, as is. And they definitely wouldn't want some big current story event being thrust upon players still going through wherever they are in their story progression.

  3. I tried making WoW work with a controller years ago to…mixed success…using a controller button assigner program. I also did it with EVE Online. Ironically, the controller worked better on EVE, figure THAT ONE out. XD

    It's one of the reasons (not at all the only) that I prefer FFXIV over WoW since FFXIV was not only designed around controller support due to being planned for console release from day 1, but also just came up with some amazingly intuitive things that "just work". Like there are very few things I actually have to "think" about how to do on controller. It just works. Hitting A to target, hitting B to cancel target, left and right on the D-pad to cycle targets, up and down for party members, pressing start to open the menu, X to open the item/thing interaction menu (including assigning abilities to a hotbar), it's just slick and does the job without me thinking about it. They did some great testing and have polished it up to add stuff over the years to really make it shine.

    FFXIV is a masterclass, imo, that other MMOs should look at to design games with controller support – and I'm personally of the opinion that every game should have controller support. We're in the 2020s, people use controllers on PCs and PC companies like having the option to port their stuff to consoles, so at this point, controller support should just be a given. WoW gets a pass since it was made in 2004, but it is time to get with the times.

    Granted, I have OTHER problems with WoW – from the heavy grind to the borrowed power EVERY. SINGLE. EXPANSION. NOW… – though more than that, I have issues with Blizzard/Activision-Blizzard as a company, and they ran off or fired most of the old talent that actually knew how to make fun games and cared about the players and the games, so I don't see myself going back other than if a bunch of friends want to play a free trial weekend or if my whole old MMO friends group all started playing again (which is unlikely since most have moved on, have families, and when we game, it's more stuff like Factorio or 7 Days to Die or Remnant or something than MMOs) – I "never say never" – but those things collectively I do have issue with.

    But seeing controller support as a thing that might actually work is, at the very least, a welcome change.


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