WotV – FF14 Raid – Lv 80 Solo Auto

Not 100% succeess in my case, anyway:
Skill used:
Lynx: Hien
Gaff: Abyssal Blade, Crushing Blow, Cecil TMR
Vinera: Seize AP, Marauder Blade, Armor Cleaver
Kain: Blade Bash, Taunting, Bell
Turn off LB & Esper & other skills

Lynx & Gaff kills archers
Lynx got VoL VC to be attacked once and must survive
Kain Taunting to be the next tanker
Put lot of Slash resistance in Kain & Lynx

Kain agi must be above 80. Better to make their agi similar to each other for chain purpose


2 thoughts on “WotV – FF14 Raid – Lv 80 Solo Auto”

  1. Hello long time no see ur channel! I was your AE content viewer. Actually i want to try this game. Do you recommend to play this game for now? Or do you have some other game like AE in mind? Anyway always keep healthy and wish you the best everyday!.


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