World of Warcraft VS Final Fantasy XIV (My Experience As A Casual Player)

Some visual spoilers are present in the video, so stuff like cutscene excerpts or cool endgame bosses. This is mainly a concern if you’re not at endgame yet yourself and care about not having a boss spoiled for you, so keep that in mind!

I’ve been playing both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV for quite a while now, and after subbing for Dragonflight I thought it’d be cool to compare my experience as a casual player for both games. Even though its not a 1:1 VS match or video, but I think this video will give you a good overview of both games as a player of one of them, or as someone who’s still deciding which MMO to give a shot first maybe.

00:00 – Intro
2:20 – Visuals
3:08 – Character Creation (Race & Class/Job)
7:15 – Class/Job Design & Feel
14:14 – Leveling & New Player Experience
24:19 – Professions
27:28 – Endgame Instanced Content
32:18 – Story & Writing (some WoW spoilers)
38:56 – Endgame Casual & Fun Content
42:02 – Completionism & Running Old Content
44:22 – Conclusion
45:55 – Outro


11 thoughts on “World of Warcraft VS Final Fantasy XIV (My Experience As A Casual Player)”

  1. Few things to note otherwise good video.

    16:20 ish, a new player HAS to go through BFA. They can't choose chromie time. They are also locked out of Dungeons from other expansions and can only choose the BFA ones and they, not gonna lie, are unnecessary complicated and maze like built at times. (not Beginner friendly in the slightest)

    43:15 Latest meaningful update to the transmog system was recently in Dragonflight allowing white and also grey items to be stored in the Transmog system (patch 10.0.5 from 25.01.23)

  2. If I missed you mentioning it, I'm sorry.
    Another reason that many players/groups don't mind new players-Sprouts in their duties is that you can many times get higher rewards for running content with someone who is doing it for the first time & there are bonus rewards for veteran players to run older content so that queue times are great for new players leveling
    Love the FFXIV system so much better.
    FYI I'm a 18+ year WoW veteran and just can't go back to WoWs community.

  3. To be fair, the switch from job quest lines to role quest lines gave us less quantity but it greatly increased the quality.

    Some classes like Dark Knight, Alchemist, Rogue and Warrior have great story lines, while others like Monk and Paladin are really bad (the basic concept even then is solid, it's just badly implemented).

    Also grinding an alt job is a bit easier if you exploit that sweet sweet MSQ exp, much of it being rewarded for watching cutscenes and some not too hard combat.

    And then you use the roulette and House of the Dead to get your main job lvl up.

  4. Very balanced video 🙂

    Something worth mentioning when it comes to leveling alts. It's common to do the following:

    1 – 60 – Palace of the dead deep dungeon is by far the fastest for most people
    1 – 60 Alt – Dungeons with leveling accessories such as specific earrings, rings etc…
    60-70 – Heaven on High deep dungeon
    71- 90 – Bozja & Dungeons (Bozja is faster from an effeciency perspective if you don't have leveling accessories)

  5. Yoshi-P said during one of the live letters that they tried a WoW style glam collection on a test server but it promptly crashed. So while they want to improve the system, it needs a lot more work.


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