Easy Guide to Play Pictomancer | FFXIV Dawntrail

Pictomancer is a Disciple of Magic job in Final Fantasy XIV. It is available as part of the Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail expansion, and unlocks upon acquiring the expansion, having a disciple of war or magic at level 80 and clearing its initial Job quest in Gridania. The job begins at level 80 and has no associated class.

0:00 – Intro
0:19 – The Three Canvases
0:23 – How To Moogle Blast
0:58 – How To Bonk
1:11 – Starry Sky
1:39 – Recap
1:48 – More Buttons!
2:33 – Pictomancer Rotation/Opener
3:13 – My Thoughts

Where to unlock Pictomancer in FFXIV

Pictomancer unlocks via a quest in Old Gridania. Before you head there, you’ll want to make sure you have met the following prerequisites:

You have one combat job at level 80 or higher.
You own the Dawntrail expansion.

Once you meet those two requirements, head over to Old Gridania and talk to the Cheerless Hearer NPC at the location below to accept the quest “The Joy of Pictomancy.”


9 thoughts on “Easy Guide to Play Pictomancer | FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. They gave us a caster with flexible combos and not just a 5000 string stagnant combo like RDM that they just keep adding a final button to. I approve. Oh and it has an omnidirectional dash/gap closer. that's pretty sick.

  2. I posted this elsewhere, so I'll share it here.
    Playing with Picto at first, I couldn't really figure out how to structure the rotation at first relative to how other jobs are played…

    But then I finally managed to simplify it after getting used to the long cast times. There's plenty more "structure" to it than at first glance.
    The "Moogle buttons" are oGCD charges that hit hard – so keep it from capping, and try to otherwise save it for raid buffs.
    The "Hammer button" is your odd-minute burst. Use it on cooldown.
    The "shooting stars" button is obviously your 2-minute. Use it on cooldown, line up with party/raid buffs.
    All 3 buttons come with the caveat of needing to be prepared in advance by "painting" – don't wait to get the canvas painted or else your cooldowns drift. So "painting" is as much filler as your basic 1-2-3. You don't ever want to realize "Oh crap I need to paint the canvas" during the raid buff window.

    White Paint shouldn't be spammed, but it also hits for less than the CMYK buttons. Save it for when movement is needed or when you're about to overcap, but otherwise save it for turning into Black Paint (to use during raid buffs)
    CMYK combo (Anybody else notice the Y and M are BACKWARDS in the combo?!) shouldn't be spammed, but you also don't want to cap it. Only use it if it's about to cap or you're in raid buff window.

  3. What I love about this job is how simple yet fun it is. No crazy rotations. See something off cooldown? Use it. See your gauge is above 50? Use it? Otherwise mash one button until it is. Don't forget your Swiftcast


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