Will FFXIV 7.0 Level Cap Go To 99 Or 100?
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Honesty I kinda hope they do level like GW2 tbh
I think itâll go to 99 then thereâs a level squish at 100th level which sets the world to your true level. So anyone who hasnât reached the 100th level sees you as level 99 but people who have see you as your new level squished level and you see everyone for their level. It seems confusing and probably is but I think it would be interesting. Alternatively, just go to 99 then we get squished in 8.0
Also paired with a new player MSQ and new starting point with the old MSQ being NG+
Lol level 120! The mainline series brought in level120 caps with FF15, so maybe the cap can continue well into 8.0??
Or I guess horizontal-progression makes more realistic senseâŠđ
99 lvl cap IS Final Fantasy
They already broke the 100 level with a item Levels. Character levels will remain at 99. If not then the game STOPS being Final Fantasy.
Decided to try out GW2 since it's horizontal progression gets pushed as great from so many people but the combat mechanics in it were just so bad and frustrating and the fact that what would be free patch content in other MMO's is paid DLC made me drop it.
How about lvl squish and set cap to 69
A potential third way is that they make it so new players start at the 7.0 content – the leveling curve is reset (whether the new max is 50, or 99, doesn't really matter), and if players want to go play the previous saga they can use NG+. Resetting the leveling to 1 means existing job quests can still be done as-is. Maybe existing players will get set to level 15 or something and can start the new story immediately, while new players start at level one, do an updated tutorial experience, then enter into the 7.0 content at that point.
I hate lvl squish. If FF14 decides to cap at 99 and then add new leveling systems afterwards (masteries, etc) I'm all for it. What I NEVER want to see is a dumbass system like WoW's. WoW's leveling system was fucky even BEFORE they did the level squish. The first sign of WoW messing with their own game designs came with the Cata and MoP expansions, where each of those expansions only raised the level cap by a measly 5 levels each (Cata to 85/ MoP to 90). Then they completely nuked their entire playing experience by not only cutting their level cap in half, but also making all of their previous expansion content optional. No longer did you have to progress your character from Vanilla to BC to WotLK and so on. Now you can level up pretty much anywhere besides the latest expansion content. I can see this being OK for an alt, but at least make it so that at least your first character has to hit cap the old fashioned way. Of course the problem with that is that you really can't because again, they squished the level cap making everything before Shadowlands completely irrelevant.
I want a chrono trigger tribute, cap level is * *
99. As it should be.
They need to implement some kind of alternate advancement system. Willingly walking into number bloat would be a mistake.
I hope they go to level 100, will feel weird if they do 99. I think there should be some kind of change after that though, maybe a level squish. I don't think they're going to dramatically change how it works though, doing so risks driving some players away. we'll still be using tomestones to get our gear. I really dislike the idea of horizontal progression, if i'm progressign sideways it means i'm not actually getting better, why would I bother in that case?
I hope for 99 đ
I genuinely hope they cap us at 99 and then expand the ability roster outwards from within, like an umbrella
But at the same time I wouldnât be surprised if we cap at 100 and continue higher as one would expect an mmo to go
But 99 just is final fantasy
Not a fan of the Guild Wars way of everything being at level 80. I have all the expansions and play the game, but I don't get a feeling of progression that's any way satisfying, comparatively. I would rather have numbers keep rising for levels and abilities for FF.
I say just go to 100+ or if they cap at 99 from their just use the item level as a leveling system so 99/itemlvl
I feel like the creation of 90 roul with 60-80 roul being a thing makes me think they at least weren't planning on doing 99 but I hope they do.
Thumbnail be like
:O :/ đ
Tbh I kinda hope it keeps going up to 100 and beyond, but I can see how it can become overwhelming for new players