Why Tenacity is a TERRIBLE stat in FFXIV!

I explain why Tenacity is considered a really bad stat investment, which does include comparison to other stats, but also more practical reasons!

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FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Introduction
00:29 What does Tenacity do?
01:43 The Opportunity Cost Weakness of Tenacity
04:15 The Other Stats Scale Better with EACH OTHER
05:58 The Insurance Policy of Tenacity
06:51 Why Some Players Choose to Stack Tenacity Anyway
07:28 Is Tank Damage Output Worth Prioritizing?
08:29 In a Dungeon Context, is Stacking Tenacity Worth it?
09:58 In a Raid Context, is Stacking Tenacity Worth it?
10:49 Comparison to Healers Choosing Direct Hit
11:53 Summary
12:52 Fun Fact


21 thoughts on “Why Tenacity is a TERRIBLE stat in FFXIV!”

  1. As a Paladin main: How dare you insult me with the truth. 😭
    I want tenacity (and piety) to be good, so badly. I love the idea of doubling down on your role and being extra good at tanking, or extra good at healing, but I can see how that would be difficult for the devs to balance. In the end, everything is just a dps check. 😞

  2. I just got into the game thanks to my fiancé and your guides have been invaluable in helping me get to a point where I can play with her and understand the roles and mechanics. Thank you so very much. Genuinely.

  3. blah blah blah.
    ten and skill speed is good because it's cheap for advance melding.
    you'll throw the gear away later anyway.
    blah blah blah.
    tanks should meld direct hit anyway.

  4. There was a short time where tenacity was sometimes considered for warrior exactly. Since they have a fairly high uptime of guaranteed direct crits, direct hit as a stat would lose value quite a bit. Crit you would want to maximize of course, then determination, but sometimes you would have both maxed on a piece of gear (especially during early progression), and since you only meld skill speed up to the specific gcd, you would then put tenacity in remaining slots for the higher value over direct hit.
    This was, as far as i remember, very niche and mostly only done in specifically crafted gear for week 1, since anything past that wouldnt have the space, but i do think it was neat

  5. Thank you for the detailed mathematical explaination.
    But I feel like there is a missing bonus at tenacity (corect me if I'm mistaken) : HP increase
    Hp increase witch should't be added to the mitigation capability without the drawback of the standard -0.1% damage taken : if your HP rise by 1% you can take 1% more damage AFTER damage reduction.
    It shake a bit for later explenation but I now have a better picture ^^

  6. damage mit is proportionally equivalent to an inverse increase to max hp and healing received, and viewing it this way is pretty helpful for analyzing health mechanics, specifically because tenacity is an infinite duration.
    for example, having -50% mit would be as if you had x2 health and x2 healing received. with 1000 health normally, taking 1000 damage with either effect on would only deal 50% of your max hp as damage, then receiving a 500 hp heal would heal you 50%, right up to full.

    looking at it this way, it means tenacity can be observed as +1% damage, +1% healing dealt, ~+1.01% healing received, and ~+1.01% health boost per 10 tiers. under this lens, self-healing increase is quadratic for flat cure potencies (h. dealt x h. received), and CUBIC for lifesteal effects (d. dealt x h. dealt x h. received), with healing received already increasing exponentially as tenacity increases (being an inverse of a flat % decrease), and health boost adding a great deal of general health economy with the same exponential scaling.

    though it does, technically, decrease the efficiency of other mitigations, you will always end up with more total mit with tenacity than without it. and as for it being redundant, yes it entirely is, you can get by any and all content without tenacity with good cooldown management.
    i see it as being great for leveling roulette (which i use to grind for materia clusters often with tank), where you can just drop your whole rotation to check your phone or something with it really not mattering. tenacity acts as a cushion for when people dont really care to put in effort into gameplay, or if you get like stone vigil and a sprout healer or smth

  7. Importantly, doing more damage is, in itself, mitigation.

    If you kill the thing faster, it gets to attack you less, which means you get hit by less attacks, or have less chances of someone making a mistake and wiping the group.

    So you can mitigate with more risk, or just get crit and mitigate by reducing that mistake risk.

  8. Tenacity isn't remotely as bad as people make it out to be, as long as you're not prioritizing it over everything, primarily Crit.

    E.g. taking a current BiS set for PLD and swapping anything that isn't a Crit meld for Tenacity results in losing just under 1% DPS in exchange for a gain of 3.1% mit and healing received.

    Is it the best thing if you're maximizing DPS? Definitely not, but if you aren't then it's worth playing around with, but I'd recommend messing around with a gear planner to actually see the difference in stats.

  9. Honestly, I hope for 7.0 they retire tenacity and merge skill/spell speed. Even though most healers I know avoid piety like the plague, it still has a use in prog.

  10. It's bittersweet, actually. This stat is supposed to grant us tanks a "Buy one, get three!" bonus.
    But the % bonus seems so low, even lower after the downscaling, it's… yeah, 7.0 should actually rework this attribute.
    I actually wanted to make an alt that has Tenacity focus, to see how things would really work out from start to end.

    About the DH thing on Tanks: It's outrageous that running content synced basically destroys DH melds.
    Whenever I get matched into something lower than 90, I'm back to base DH. đŸ€ą

  11. Piety and Tenacity seem like they really need a fucking rework in 7.0 so their materia aren't just booby prizes.

    Frankly, a reexamination of the melding system might be in order at some point. I kinda feel like whenever I actually start melding for a job it's pretty much always "meld as much crit as you can manage and then fill any gaps with direct hit/determination as needed." Max skill/spell speed is for meme builds, and max tenacity or piety can't even be used to meme. I want the tank-specific materia to be one that tanks WANT! @_@

  12. Increasing damage of tank busters should'nt force to use more defensive stats ? I'm not 90 yet, but they rarely make the health bar falls below 50% hp, even without any defensive cooldown or shield.


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