Why NOW is the BEST time to Start FFXIV

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20 thoughts on “Why NOW is the BEST time to Start FFXIV”

  1. I tried FFXIV way back maybe a year after it first released. I couldn't get into it. Now that WoW has become so boring to me, I jumped into the FFXIV free trial with an open mind. It hooked me this time 🙂 I'm going to defend my allies with my beefy rogue-a-din gladiator. :O

  2. She’s so right about massive amount of players coming to the game and this is my take on that reason I made an alt to lvl from scratch and I’m Doing all the beginning expansions mini dungeons without skipping and holy crap the We have so many 🌱 players and I mean A TON!! Of players joining FFXIV I said it for a long time and I stand by what I say FFXIV has officially best mmo WoW killed WoW idc what anyone says lol

  3. So I have a very stupid question.
    I started the free trial and am really loving it, but how do I just buy the game? Do I buy it from square Enix? Do I just buy the latest expansion, and will it give it everything? Or do I have to buy the base game and the latest expansion? Help. T_T

  4. I really tried to enjoy the game but if you're not a weeb/RP'er, it's kind of impossible to enjoy. All its selling points like housing, story, etc. are completely irrelevant to me :/

  5. I mained a BLM till I got to the red mage but I still maxed them both out along with some others. This was before shadowbringers I havent gotten to play shadowbringers and had to restart due to the loss of my old account

  6. Super random comment but Zepla reminds me so much of JesseKazam (Tarkov Streamer) in her mannerisms and voice inflections. They could be brother/sister.

  7. Great time to start, none of the european worlds on both server center allowed me to make a new character tonight, seems you advertising everyone to join the game broke the servers, at least in europe

  8. I came over from WoW 2 weeks ago and love the game! I wish I tried it sooner. There's so much to do and try and everyone has been so friendly and positive! The MT in one of the L50 raids saw some new sprouts and asked us what we thought and offered advice while tanking! I can't wait to start into Heavensward and experience the next chapter! 😄

  9. Kind of ass that you don't get shadowbringers and stormblood right away after pre ordering. Maybe there should be a pre order tier that's just the expansion alone then.


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