Why I quit FFXIV

In this live stream I explain what lead me to quitting FFXIV and how I think its a great game but a very poor MMORPG, missing key elements that MMOS and RPGS need to have. Bring on the salt.


17 thoughts on “Why I quit FFXIV”

  1. Your general sentiment is right, but your phrasing is off. There are different types of progress in a game. XIV does have a very, very basic semblance of progression with getting bigger numbers the more you play. So it does have progression, it doesn't have deep or meaningful progression however and it most certainly does not have build progression.

  2. When i quit xiv i feel the story is done, your right there is no experimentation in build and your server ping determines what stats you use. The game became boring when my exp roulette just became me shitting on healers as a warrior. I knew i was done when i soloed the last boss of the dungeon from 3/4 hp to 0.

  3. progression is only good up until you reach the end of what you can progress with. When there are no more powerful items, or character unlocks, etc, progress is over. Pretty sure FF14 aims to provide continuous gameplay that isnt reliant on progression to counter this.

  4. Unfortunately FFXIV is too focused on content for DPS-optimized builds and doesn't allow for anything else. People laugh at tanks who meld Tenacity. Fights have no variation or randomization, they're too predictable and linear. They're fun to do, but only once. No point in doing any fight more than once because whatever gear you get is gonna be outclassed by the next tier's crafted gear.

    Even story-wise it feels like they lied when they said 6.1 onwards would be a "fresh new story". Last cutscene shows Zenos' voidsent reaper persona (with his own voice) and at some point Y'shtola gets obssessed with travelling the void and mentions Unukalhai and the 3.x normal raid questline.
    Where the fuck is the fresh new story?

  5. I actually stop playing most content . The story is done for me. Now I play pvp matches that are 5 minutes and collect tomes to keep the house I have ( since it was so hard to get)

  6. I've been in a couple guilds over the years in 14 and the only people thriving and no lifeing in this game are fashion collectors and traders. All the other just want to do most of the fights once and that's about it.

    In all honesty, games should have a start and an end, and the only way for you to no life them would be because you want to play a different build and push it to the max.

  7. I had to quit FFXIV because I didn't have creativity in my builds. I have over 3K hours logged into my account and honestly I don't regret any thing, but after Endwalker I got incredibly bored of just learning "rotations." I am trying other MMOs such as Final Fantasy 11, Guild Wars 2 and also some other action RPGs like modded skyrim and Path of Exile (among other ARPGs) to get a fix on character building. I'm not bashing FF14, but it is extremely limited in what you can do, and the game is mostly about fashion collecting and trading (nothing wrong with that!).

  8. hahaha locked in a room with weebs, damn thats how i feel so much while playing this game, so much spot on.

    I really disliked the story in FFXIV, but i watched it all. SB was cool and the end of ARR, that was it for me.
    The gear,rotation,progress all SUPER boring in this game.

    The "personal attacks" point, i love it. I see this ALL the time, its funny but insanely cringy

  9. I felt the Endwalker chapter was a pretty big letdown to close a decade of story. Some great moments but they really jumped the shark. The game has always felt like it lacked that certain something other MMOs have. Best way I can put it, it doesn't have a soul. The overall story was worth playing through, but that always stood as the primary reason I would return. Just no depth beyond that.

  10. I think the game is too balanced. Also, no real open world content. I think those are my only complaints. I hope you find enjoyment in the game again, but if not, I feel that too.

  11. In terms of grinding a bit of player power every day I feel like that will never happen again in a good way in modern mmos because it will be monetized either by pay money for power directly or itll be timegated by dalies and weeklies that you HAVE to do or you're massively behind. ff14 was viewed as the casual boomer escape pod from the infinite grind in wow. The only point I resonate a lot with is the lack of character builds however I feel even that has been compromised in 2022 gaming by parsing and having to go certain specs or you don't get invited to groups etc which is always extremely obnoxious… It's like why would you ever pick the s-h1tty path? If there's character builds there has to be a s-h1tty path. Unfortunate reality of games these days.

  12. MMo is about progression too. you grind and grind to get better gears to do the next dungeon and whatever. and then you grind and grind. rinse repeat.

  13. Thanks for posting this. I don’t have the perspective you have from playing other mmos but I’ve decided to move on at least for a couple patch cycles with FFXIV. I have had some similar thoughts on the game but was unable to articulate why I no longer am having fun.


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