Why Did Players Hate This FFXIV Expansion

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#kougaon #ffxiv


47 thoughts on “Why Did Players Hate This FFXIV Expansion”

  1. I remember when the MSQ was transitioning from Heavensward to Stormblood for me while I was playing through it for the first time last year, and I distinctly recall messaging a friend of mine who was further along in it than I was, hitting them with "YOOO IS THAT WHAT STORMBLOOD'S GONNA BE ABOUT, WE'RE FINALLY TAKING THE WAR TO THE GARLEANS??" I was so hyped, I had been waiting to stick it to those invading buttheads again ever since Praetorium. Sure, the Empire showed up in Heavensward but I really wanted to dismantle them through and through. Ghimlyt Dark is one of my favorite dungeons ever between both XIV and WoW, no other dungeon has made me feel like I'm so in the middle of an active warzone more.

  2. What about MY PRIDE, Kou? It was absolutely WRECKED when this nobody checks notes Zano beat me up. TWICE. Fuck that guy. Therapy for YEARS.

    But seriously, imagine getting upset about someone not putting Stormblood, an expansion where nothing emotionally damaging really happened, into a meme talking about the emotional damage incurred by the FF14 storyline.

  3. Stormblood had the most fun version of AST and it had the omega raids. Also the trials were really epic and unique. 11/10 no raid is ever gonna be better than omega.

  4. SB made me quit ff14 for 2 years. I hated the writing of the msq, and the first tier for Omega was lackluster in writing (it just set up the tournament arc but compared to the meat of Alexander it was barebones).

  5. When the dev team took the long break when Heavensward was released, I stepped away from the game, because I wasn't having fun.

    Years later, when I started playing Stormblood, I had some of the best times of the game. City design and environment really went front and center with Kugane, and it's where I fell in love with Red Mage.

    While I think Shadowbringers and Endwlaker are better expansions, Stormblood will always be the reason I returned, and for that, I love it.

  6. Yeah I loved Stormblood and my partner’s favorite Expac was Stormblood, I think personally it was the time in the story where they really pushed the fact that despite the WoL being powerful, everyone around them had important roles to fill to get the job done and that just made the Scions feel like a really well oiled team

  7. As someone who likes lord of the rings, Harry Potter, and dynasty warriors stormblood felt like a fresh breath of air compared to heavensward because you along with friends are trying to find allies to fight against evil. Some people say lyse shouldnt have her position leading ala mihgo but look at frodo leading kingdoms together to destroy the one ring. A hobbit. Lyse is my hobbit.

  8. Stormblood had some of the best and most immersive dungeons that made you feel like you were in the middle of a war. Also Susano… blocking that sword is just chef's kiss

  9. I honestly loved almost all of the characters in Stormblood when compared to ARR and HW where I only felt myself connected to the immediate cast and some of the side characters. This is the expansion that really sold me on Alisae and Lyse. And while I think Lyse could have been handled better, I can appreciate the story actually giving her focus and having her take charge which is more than I can say for most of the scions up until that point. I really enjoyed her bc the story was actually making an effort to show us her struggles and the effect she had on other characters (Conrad, Fordola). And I much prefer that approach than when the story just tells how important and amazing characters are. Also this was the expansion that introduced Zenos and Emet so you got to give it credit on that front. As well as actually making Garlemald threatening again since they kind of took a backseat in HW which I never really liked.

    Though I will say I agree when people say the story could have been structured a WHOLE lot better. Having to bounce back and forth from Doma and Ala mhigo was incredibly awkward.

  10. I think what gets people about Stormblood (and not me) is that Stormblood is very people focused instead of being character focused. What I mean by this is that it concerns itself far more with the plights of regular people and the reality of living in occupied territory. Not everyone really resonates with that.

    I haven't really put my finger on what people hate about Lyse. And that's all I will say about the haters, I do not want to completely invalidate them. I just thought she was fine. She may come across as a bit stupid sometimes, but she was never established as being particularly bright. This was also her first time experiencing the world without Papalymo to support her, and her first time seeing her homeland since she went into exile back when she was much, much younger. And she does learn over the course of her story.

  11. I really wish people didn't overhype Ishikawa so much. I mean I love her work. But it's dangerous to just worship the ground they stand on and completely forget that the entire thing is a team effort.

    Also she just wrote the Azure Steppe bit. Not the entire east half. Which, by the way, is more than just Doma. It's Hingashi, the ruby sea, the aforementioned steppe. Doma is just a small part of it.

  12. Yotsuyus fall rise and fall again absolutely fucked me up personally. I still get emotional as fuck whenever I do Tsukuyomi especially during the add phase. I've also been playing since 1.0 and I've played each expansion as it's life cycle existed. And I liked Stormblood as a whole much more than Heavensward.

  13. My opinion
    Hingan area’s
    Raid tier
    New job abilities
    Were the only enjoyable contents from the game. The actual MSQ was annoying until the ending.

  14. I loved the Othard zones. I was however disappointed with the lack of an actual city state of Ala Mhigo, comparative to the other eorzean cities. Particularly cus I headcanoned my WoL as being from there so I had often wondered what it was like. The Ala Mhigan quarter doesn’t really stack up. Hope the city of Ala Mhigo gets revisited properly at some point.

  15. Coming from a country that has recent history with war, oppression and colonization, the story and characters in Stormblood resonate with me a lot personally. Also the post patch quests of Stormblood are fantastic and no one can convice me otherwise

  16. I like Venat the most.
    Because… when you chose her in trust.. she says.. come…
    Makes me re-click her 50 times each time I do a trust.

  17. I agree with the ranking, I place SB above HW as well! SB had a LOT going on, which is good and bad, and while there may not have been as many sad/emotional moments compared to HW, I was literally always on the edge of my seat for this expac. I always wanted to do the next quest, see what was going to happen. I enjoyed the war & political themes as well and how it wasn't just tied to one location. Sure it means that places felt not so fleshed out and the pacing was not 100% there but I don't think any expac had perfect pacing. There's always places people complain about.

    And Kou, this video was almost perfect. You listed some of the most badass females characters every, but you didn't mention Sadu?! Little sun indeed…….

  18. I personally didn't like the msq in Stormblood, but I loved everything else StB had to offer, the Alliance raids are still my favorite Alliance raids in all of ff14, I loved Eureka, and the entire Omega raids were fun, not to mention Ulitmates being added in the game

  19. I enjoyed the themes of Stormblood, the politics and war. And I am assuming we are just talking about the 4.0 content here because the patch content of the MSQ for Stormblood was great. It just wasn't quite the tearjerker that… all the other expansions were (and even ARR during the patch content!). Lyse was obviously supposed to be the heart of the story, and while I like Lyse (I know a fair amount of people don't), I just don't think I was really sold all that well on her journey.

    Her promotion to leader of the resistance didn't really feel earned in my view – heck, when it happened, she had just got back from months in Othard. I sort of felt like she should have gone through some big loss or sacrifice- of course there was loss at the end of Heavensward, leading into Stormblood, and you could argue Conrad and/or Meffrid fulfill this role, but I don't think that quite works. Those didn't feel pivotal to her character's story (besides Conrad's death making room for her as leader of the resistance). Instead what was supposed to be a story of growth, learning, and developing and discovering herself as a person after having her fake life as Yda brought to end felt like it just repeated itself without her really growing from the experience, then she was just suddenly more mature at the end of it all. I haven't actually sat down and mapped out her story since playing through it, so perhaps if I did so, I would come to another conclusion.

  20. i am probably going to get hate for this but i enjoyed stormblood more then endwalker, the first 3 dungeons have made me physically ill, massive migrains and issues with light flashes in my eyes as well as motionsickness aspecially after the tower of babil’s train ride. luckily the rest of the msq has been alright but the whole timetravel part just infuriates me still. the only reason i didnt stop playing final is because of my friends who wanna raid with me cuz the msq has been hell for me. glad others enjoy it though. but if i compair endwalker to stormblood i enjoyed it so much more, i couldnt figure out the whole story until the end unlike with endwalker where i guessed the entire story before i even left sharlyan. stormbloods characters made me care so much more while i find myself hating some scions more and more going into shb to ew, i loved them all at the end of stormblood. overall stormbloods msq was a slow simmer but it made so much sense even is i hated zenos then and even more now. still think shb is the best expension for me so far, with hw and sb in second and third respectively.

  21. The only memorable thing about stormblood is that my boy, Zenos, showed up and kicked my ass. Lyse is irrelevant, it didn't make me care about Ala Mhigo or Doma (other than the auri), and they took Yotsuyu away from me. But that's my opinion. I don't care if people love or hate stormblood. People need to mind their own business on twitter if they're that offended by different opinions.

  22. You're outta your mind for placing Stormblood above Heavensward. That said, Stormblood gets more hate than it deserves, I think the surge of color it introduces feels like such a breath of fresh air compared to the overwhelming grey of Heavensward. The dungeons, trials and raids are also all great and very fun to play through. My biggest beef with Stormblood is the stuff with Ala Mihgo, but also the fact that the expansion tried to balance both storylines rather than just focus on one, it made it feel disjointed. Regardless, while Stormblood is easily the weakest in terms of writing, expansions are more than just what they offer narratively and from that perspective, Stormblood is damn good.

  23. I have a lot of nostalgia for Stormblood. I started during this expansion and like a derp, I bought a skip. (I came from WoW. I didn't know better.) Stormblood was my introduction to this world, and like you, I loved a lot of the characters and I actually found the political stuff kind of interesting. Also, Yotsuyu. She's my girl. (Sorry, Kougaon.)

    I've since gone back and played through the whole MSQ, and nowadays I do rate the expansion pretty low compared to the rest. But I still think it's solid on its own merits; it's just surrounded by even better content.

  24. I'm one of the 25 people who actually genuinely liked stormblood. I recognise the story and content is generally kinda weak compared to the other expansions, but I still greatly enjoyed it all.

  25. Tbh i started playing rly late, like almost endwalker release late. But for me stormblood will allways have a special place in my heart. Although heavensward was delight beacause of the characters and story, when i reached stormblood i was in weird situation in one way i wanted to enjoy all the content but in another way, do to the little time i had at the time, i wanted to reach shadowbrings, the supposed best expansion at the time (and it was btw, when i got there), as fast as possible.
    So i ended up just doing the msq for stormblood and what can i say i loved it, if heavensward was the expansion that made want to truly play the game, then stormblood was the one that made love it, the new areas, the best waifu race (plz dont hurt me xd), the trials… blew me away.
    To this day the azim steppe msq is one of my favourite questlines in all of gaming, and the post-stromblood msq is in my opinion one of the strongest parts of the ff14 msq.
    For me every time i look back at that part of game, more then the feels and hype of the other expansions, i feel joy, beacause it was such a enjoyable part of my ff14 experience

  26. For me it just really dragged on near the end of the expansion after tsukiyomi. It made me say "id rather be fishing" multiple times, and im not that into the gathering and crafting side of the game

  27. Doma was amazing, Ala Mhigo was boring, so the expansion was a hit and miss in terms of story.

    As for content, stormblood definitely had some of the BEST content FFXIV had up until then.


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